Coronavirus in North Ossetia 2020: Latest News, Ill, Situation, Quarantine


Among the main news has recently continued to maintain the topic of the COVID-19 pandemic theme propagating on the planet: the figures of global statistics on infected dangerous infection are growing, and it remains only to assume how many sick and the dead will replenish the lists next morning.

In this article, we will talk about the situation with Coronavirus in North Ossetia - Alanya: how many patients in the region are being taken by the authorities of the republic, and the locals react to the introduced restrictions - in the material 24cm.

Cases of Coronavirus in North Ossetia

For the first time on cases of infection, coronavirus in North Ossetia announced on April 1 - SARS-COV-2 was confirmed at once in two locals. The republic has become the fifth in the account of the Federation subject in the North Caucasus Federal District, where they revealed an infection. A 7 of the number of regional media reported on the first dead due to the complications caused by the disease - by this time the number of infected already increased to 9 people. In the future, the situation continued to deteriorate.

Famous people who have become coronavirus

Famous people who have become coronavirus

By mid-April, the doctors of the republic revealed 54 infected people, two of whom were died - according to doctors, the cause of death was later the appeal to the hospital institutions. And by the end of the month it was already about 836 infected. Moreover, 19 of them were in serious condition and were connected to the IVL devices.

As of May 13 The number of patients is 1801 people and continues to grow. The most infected coronavirus in North Ossetia in Vladikavkaz, in the suburban, digorsk, Ardon, Alagir and Right-Bank areas, as well as in Mozdok and its surroundings. 386 patients managed to recover, 13 people died.

Situation in North Ossetia

The head of the republic Vyacheslav Bitarov ordered to introduce in the territory of the subject of the Russian Federation the regime of increased readiness, which provided for self-insulation for people returned from abroad and a ban on mass events, before the discovery of the first coronavirus infected in North Ossetia - March 19. And from April 1, 2020, when they reported on the first infected, the requirements for self-insulation spread already on all the inhabitants of the RSO-Alanya - subsequently the restrictive regime was extended. Until May 31, the following measures are operating in the republic aimed at countering the dissemination of COVID-19:
  1. It is forbidden to conduct mass actions and events, including sports, social, cultural and entertainment, regardless of the number of participants.
  2. The shopping and shopping and shopping center are closed, as well as retail points, with the exception of trade-selling products and essential goods, as well as pharmacies, pet stores and objects related to the provision of mobile services.
  3. The work of solariums, baths and saunas, massage rooms, as well as other objects providing medical, cosmetic and household services that require the immediate presence of customers are stopped. The exception is made for beauty salons and hairdressers - the latter is allowed to provide a limited list of services, which includes haircut, laying, manicure and pedicure.
  4. The activities of sports centers, gyms, fitness centers and pools, as well as tourist and physical education sections and clubs were discontinued.
  5. General education, higher and professional educational institutions are translated into remote learning.
  6. Residents of the region prescribed to stay at home without leaving the place of residence without acute necessity, such as need for emergency medical care, the removal of household garbage, walking pets or a hike to the nearest store or pharmacy, or to the place of work - in the event that the enterprise The employer continues to function during the period of action of the restrictive mode. In the latter case, the worker must have a corresponding pass, drawn up in accordance with the requirements of the authorities of the Region by the heads of organizations whose activities have not been suspended.
  7. By law enforcement agencies, control over the execution of the requirements of the restrictive regime is tightened.

The introduction of self-insulation regime due to the spread of coronavirus in North Ossetia. Locals were perceived differently - many actively advocated the abolition of the entered restrictions and launch of stopped enterprises. It turned out to be the fact that the medical facilities where those were infected were kept, unknown persons, pretending to be invited and demanding to show infected. Refusal to admit outsiders to patients was subsequently interpreted in favor of the absence of patients with COVID-19 in the republic.

Also, dissatisfied in the amount of over 2 thousand people organized a rally on April 20 in Vladikavkaz, demanding the cessation of the self-insulation regime and arguing that there is no threat in reality, - allegedly coronavirus infection is an invention of authorities who want to hide economic problems. According to Rospotrebnadzor estimates, it is the organization of an unauthorized action as a result and provoked a rapid increase in the number of ills in the republic.

In May, the residents of RSO-Alany, believe that there is no coronavirus in the region, and the deployment of 5G networks is aimed at subordinate to the consciousness of citizens and subsequently manage them through chips, organized arson of cellular tower.

The authorities noted that the deficit of personal protection funds does not experience the republic, however, residents pay attention to the fact of an excessive rise in price of masks and antiseptics.

Latest news

The latest news from the region is as follows:

  • The journalist of the Ossetia News Edition, which covered the rally in Vladikavkaz on April 20, was infected with coronavirus. Elena Cherenkov's disease tolerates in light shape.
  • In the republic reported on the first death of the infected SARS-COV-2 of the health worker.
  • The regime of self-insulation, which previously acted until May 11, officially extended to the 31st of the last spring month.

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