Gilbert Chesterton - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, News, Books



Even if Gilbert Keith Chesterton would have wrote only a series of detectives about the father of Brown, this would have enough to gain glory and recognition. But in the creative heritage of the Englishman, the artistic prose is a drop in the sea. He is also known as a philosopher, journalist, playwright, art historian, speaker and the Christian thinker, who left behind the richest heritage.

Childhood and youth

The writer was born in 1874 in London Kensington. The family of Edward and Maria Louise Chesterton owned the prosperous business for the sale of real estate, and Gilbert's childhood was like an idyllic picture of Victorian families. The boy had a sister Beatrice, who died in 1876, and 3 years later, the younger brother Cecil appeared.

Gilbert Chesterton in youth

The child was smart and darisitis, but scattered and deprived of ambition and ambitions. He was loved by friends and teachers of the Saint Paul's school, where he went to learn at the 12th age. It was assumed that the institution prepares for admission to Oxford and Cambridge, but Gilbert did not want to do there, saying his parents, which would become an artist. Long and clumsy boy hardly tolerated sports classes and was fond of poetry. He loved to read and write poems and even earned the Milton Prize for a religious poem.

Chesterton stubbornly refused to receive higher education and from a compromise with his parents, London University visited London as a freelancer, and also fastened the basics of painting at Slade School, but he also did without much hobbies. A great impression was made on a guy travel in France and Italy, after which he wrote talented poems.

Personal life

With the future wife Francis Blog, the writer met in the fall of 1896 and spent all the free minutes only with her, deciding after 2 years to make an offer. The wedding was postponed for a long time, mostly because Chesterton's mother did not really approve this union, considering the girl weird and not exquisite enough. She was close to Bohemia, wrote music, poems and plays and infinitely admired and inspired Gilbert, who became her husband in 1901.

The married couple settled in the modest London district of Butters and lived on income from journalism. Their personal life has developed in the best possible way: the spouse has become a writer in a sensitive and gentle friend and assistant, they loved each other until recent days. Chesterton did not have their children - they launched a girl.

Gilbert knew the majority of outstanding contemporaries well, spending time in conversations and disputes with them. Some, for example, Herbert Wells and Bernard Shaw, were his close friends. With the latter, even the joint photo is preserved.


The first story of Gilbert published in the journal, published by the Slade School of Arts, and the debut of the poems released in 1890. Father gave money to the publication. In 1985, the young man went to work in the publishing house, where he was engaged in the subtraction of manuscripts and review. In the evenings in their free time, critical articles, essays, religious texts, who paid attention to the reading public were written.

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Soon the author began to order Daily News, Speaker, The Illustrated London News, in which he worked for many years by a browser and columnist. Articles of the journalist were popular and even published by individual books. And in 1904, Chesterton presented the first novel Napoleon Nottinghilsky.

The writer worked in different genres: wrote detectives, theological treatises, critical and literary articles, autobiography, philosophical novels, plays and poems. The Bibliography of the Englishman has hundreds of texts that contemporaries disassembled on quotes.


For the first time, Chesterton experienced serious health problems in 40 years. The man did not get up with bed for months, being hardly unconscious. Then he was diagnosed with water and a heart disease, and a gramifier made a writer. In 1936, problems returned. Weakness, drowsiness appeared, and Gilbert run down. In recent days, the wife and daughter did not go away from him, and on June 14, the men did not. The cause of death recognized heart failure.

Farewell to Chesterton became an event: hundreds of people came to him, among whom were writers, public figures, clergymen. All emphasized the role played by a man in each of the regions. Theological works had influenced by the revival of British Catholicism, and even climbed the issue of the Church of the British for the Family of Blessed, however, the church rejected this proposal due to the fact that the author was repeatedly accused of anti-Semitism.


  • "There is no words in the world sadder than" it could be ... ".
  • "All dead floats for the flow, only living can be saved against the flow."
  • "The strangest thing in miracles is what they happen."


  • 1904 - Napoleon Nottinghille
  • 1908 - "The man who was Thursday"
  • 1909 - "Ball and Cross"
  • 1911 - "Father Brown's ignorance"
  • 1914 - "Wisdom of Father Brown"
  • 1922 - "A man who knew too much"
  • 1923 - "Francis Assisi"
  • 1925 - "Eternal Man"
  • 1927 - "Mystery of Father Brown"
  • 1933 - "Saint Thomas Akvinsky"
  • 1935 - "The scandalous incident with the father of Brown"

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