Pelamen Grenville Woodhouse - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, Death Cause, Books



The English writer Pelamen Grenville Woodhouse became famous primarily as the Creator of Jeeves and Worcester, but the Bibliography of the author is not exhausted by books about the Nevite Aristocrat and his ingenious valet. He wrote still dozens of works, which approved the glory of the master of the humorous genre. Woodhouse enjoyed popular in life and still remains popular with the reader, which appreciates wit and light syllable.

Childhood and youth

The writer was born in 1881 in the city of Gilford, which is in the south-east of England. The boy was cried with the name of Pelamen, which the writer did not like and always ridicule. However, all the children of Ernst and Eleonor Woodhouse received intricate names: there was a place for the army and even Lancelot. It is possible that the latter was called taking into account the knight's roots of the head of the family.

Despite the aristocratic origin and the noble rank, the Father was not in idle, but he worked as a judge in Hong Kong. Because of this, children infirmly seen parents who left 2-year-old Pelam and his older brothers in England. Boys lived with professional babysitters, relatives and in schools-pensions.

Woodhouse received an excellent formation, but the child rose closed and modest. The main friend and authority was for him the elder brother, who instilled a love for art and literature.

From 13 years old, Woodhouse began to study at Dalvic College, where he revealed a lot of talents. And if he discovered a passion for writing in early childhood, then sport gifts became a surprise for himself. He was successful in boxing, height jumps, creek and rugby. I found the guy time and literary writings, so that soon headed the student magazine The Alleynian. Subsequently, he recalled the time spent in Dalvica as "6 years of bliss."

Despite the fact that Woodhouse studied well and dreamed of Oxford, the parents did not find money for the payment of education: all savings went to teach her older brother. Then the future writer moved to London, where he was staged to the bank. The work clearly did not pull on the call, and all his free time the guy dedicted his work.

Personal life

Woodhouse heard a man quiet and modest, but it did not prevent him from arrange a personal life. The chosen was the exact opposite: bold, brisk and assertive. Ethel Newton was a widow and could charm the writer that he married her after a month and a half after the acquaintance. The wife had a daughter Leonor from the first marriage, which she took the pangs as a native and even officially adopted.

Despite the fact that the woman needed noisy companies and admiration for fans, and her husband preferred a secluded lifestyle, they lived in peace and harmony for six decades. On joint photos, the spouses look satisfied and happy. And this despite the fact that they moved from the continent to the continent, survived the horrors of the fascist occupation during World War II when Woodhouse even was in the camp.

From there, at the request of the Germans, he led to broadcasts for America, where with humor told about life in conclusion. For these speeches, he was severely condemned in his homeland, and the writer himself, in his simplicity, it seems, did not even understand why he was considered a traitor and a collaborationist. However, the consequences were deeply and worried about and for a long time, and after the war, Woodhouse moved to live in the United States and received American citizenship.


Since 1900, Woodhouse took up journalism and began to publish first stories in magazines. Then he wrote a series of so-called school novels. The real glory brought the author of the cycles about Jeeves and Worcester, over which he began to work in 1915.

These books enjoyed readership, and it was possible to read them without observance of chronology, simply opening from any page. Fascinating and funny adventures of ridiculous and eccentric heroes immediately captured attention, and their jokes were dispersed to quotes.

These books later formed the basis of the famous film release, where the main roles were fulfilled Stephen Fry and Hugh Laurie. On account of the British almost a hundred works as part of the series and separately published. He wrote novels, stories, articles, plays and songs. Pelamen wrote about his life in autobiography.


In 1970s, the writer experienced a new wave of popularity. His works were in demand and would be eagerly shielded. The British softened the attitude towards her "unavual" compatriot and officially removed the accusations of cooperation with the fascists. In 1975, Woodhouse was even presented to the Order of the British Empire, to the Knights-Commmors. In the same year, he died in a hospital at the age of 93, when she had no reason to speak about the causes of death.


  • "The smaller you crave to see the guest, the more punctual."
  • "Perhaps she had a golden heart, but the first thing that rushed into the eyes is golden teeth."
  • "For some reason, water is much wet if you dive into clothes; Why - I do not know, but you can believe me. "
  • "A person, in whose pockets lie fifty million dollars, no need to pretend."


  • 1904 - "Golden Bit"
  • 1921 - "Unstable Archie"
  • 1923 - "This inimitable Jeeves"
  • 1925 - "Forward, Jeeves"
  • 1930 - "To keep, Jeeves"
  • 1931 - "Big Money"
  • 1934 - "Jeeves, you are a genius!"
  • 1939 - "Uncle Fred in Spring Time"
  • 1949 - "Fat season"
  • 1960 - "Jeeves on vacation"
  • 1971 - "Thousand Thanks, Jeeves"

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