Edward Jenner - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, Cause of Death, Sharp Vaccine



Hundreds of years ago, thousands of lives took the epidemics, and it seemed to fight with them a person could not be born. The natural smallpox virus sounded as a sentence, leaving a little chance of a false chance: if a person survived, then before the end of the days remained a disheveled scar. This chance gave Humanity Edward Jenner - an English doctor who first developed a vaccine against smallpox and made the first step to the fact that the disease eventually finally rushed into the past.

Childhood and youth

Edward was born in 1749 in the English town of Berkeley, Gloucestershire, in the Sefan family and Sarah Jenner, who brought up nine children. Due to the fact that the father of the family belonged to the priestly rank, the boy was opened the opportunity to receive good education. He took advantage of it in full, already by 12 years deciding with the vocation: Jenner decided to become a doctor. At first, he fastened the basics of surgical skill at the local doctor, and then moved to live in London.

Since 1770, the young man began to work at the Hospital of St. George, where he continued to learn from the famous surgeon and an experimentator John Hunter, who instilled a love student for analysis and research. There was a friendship between them, which they retained for life. He received a medical degree from Edward in 1772 at St. Andrews University, where he defended his work on the study of folk remedies.

After graduating, the young man returned to his native land, where he became a practitioner. He later discovered the practice in London and Cheltenham, but remained a resident of Berkeley until the end of days.

Personal life

At one time, Jenner with buddies was fond of experiments with balloons. These experiments helped the doctor to arrange a personal life. One flight ended in the park belonging to Anthony Kingscot. His daughter Catherine became his wife Edward in 1788. The spouse was weak health and died in 1815 from tuberculosis, leaving her husband three children.

On Edward's Son, a man drove himself to conduct an experiment with the vaccination of the Shasphe virus. Believing in the infallibility of his method, the scientist was not afraid to risk the life of his own child, and was right. This fact of the biography in 1873 was immortalized in the sculpture Italian Julio Monteverd.

The medicine

As a child, Gennera was vaccinated aspan, and the boy was long and hardly recovered from the consequences of manipulation, which at that time was called variolation. The vaccination of natural smallpox was practiced while the immunological preventive measure, but often led to infectious disease in severe.

Edward went to another way. The Englishman noticed that people pick up the cow of the OSPU, but tolerate it is much easier: it does not lead to a fever, painful rash and even more so for death, only leaving small specks on the skin. The supervisory doctor found that he almost never picked up with a cow's inspiration. Jenner pushed Jenner to the bold experiment: he introduced a cow's cow virus to rural boys James Fipps. Having won a month and a half, the doctor instilled a black OSPU and enthusiasmned: the body of the experiment has developed persistent immunity to illness and subsequent attempts to infect James proved that vaccination is working.

The results of experiments, the scientist outlined in the work "Study of the impact and effects of vaccine from smallpox", published in 1798. The book produced a stunning effect. The religious community of Yaro was opposed to the fact that the material of the "lower beings" is introduced into the human body. And progressive science admitted that the opening of Jenner is a revolution in the fight against PCOS and an invaluable contribution to medicine and microbiology.

Edward put every effort to ensure that knowledge of vaccination spread as wide as possible. In a matter of years, the vaccination of the cow's cow has become applied in England and far beyond its limits, leading ultimately to the fact that the disease has practically disappeared from the face of the Earth. The last fact of infection was recorded in 1977, and since then the virus is officially considered defeated.


The last years of life scientist accompanied the glory and honor. The word "vaccination" itself is obliged to the advent of Jenner, since it comes from the Latin Vacca, which means "cow". On the front portrait of the doctor in the corner, the book is placed with the image of this animal.

Edward became an honorary member of the UK Scientific Societies and other European countries. He received scientific degrees, awards from the government and even founded in the 1803rd Institute for Occuping, which was led by the end of days. The scientist died in 1823, the cause of death was stroke. Gratitude to the doctor keeps all humanity, no wonder his memory is immortalized not only in numerous statues standing in different parts of the planet, but also in the form of a crater on the moon, which is his name.


  • 1798 - An Inquiry Into The Causes and Effects of the Variolæ Vaccinæ
  • 1799 - Further Observations on the Variolæ Vaccinæ, OR COW-POX
  • 1801 - The Origin of the Vaccine Inoculation

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