Coronavirus Quarantine Countries: List, Europe, EU


The head of the World Health Organization, Tedros Adhan Greesus in the middle of April, called a number of conditions that must be respected by states when leaving isolation. These requirements are associated with the work of health care: the operational identification of citizens infected with coronavirus, and their timely isolation.

The attention of Russian and foreign scientists has recently been chained to countries that canceled quarantine and beginners restoring the economy mainly this state of the European Union. More about them - in the material 24cm.


Faced with a Pandemic COVID-19 before all, China was the first to come to the list of countries who canceled quarantine and returning to normal life. On March 25, 2020, the Chinese province of Hubei spoke about the ability to restrict the restrictive measures: Airports (serving domestic flights) resumed, post, manufacturing enterprises and transportation systems, distribution centers.

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Coronavirus and consequences: what awaits people

In early April, restaurants, parks, cafes partially opened in Beijing. By mid-May - fitness centers, pools, museums and schools (39% of schoolchildren and students returned to full-time learning).

The authorities strictly follow the observance of anti-epidemiological measures: the mask mode is introduced, careful disinfection is carried out, the temperature measurement at visitors to the institutions is assumed.

The Chinese government makes careful forecasts about raising the economy and suggested that it will be possible to restore the volume of GDP only by next year under favorable conditions.


Belgium joined the list of European countries that have canceled quarantine. Prime Minister of the Kingdom of Sophie Vilmer stated that the recovery process will take about 4 months. The first stage ended on May 11, when all non-food shops opened in Belgium (first of all, trading points implementing materials for sewing masks).

From May 18, it is planned to withdraw restrictions on the work of museums, service sector enterprises. Restaurants and bars are planned to be opened not earlier than June 8, and the holding of festivals and concerts - and at all after August 31. Residents need to be in masks wherever it is impossible to comply with the social distance of 1.5 m.


Austria One of the first to begin to relieve restrictive measures associated with the proliferation of coronavirus. From April 14, the work of stores is renewed, and by the middle of May - restaurants and hotels. Support the economy of tourism sphere will be able in early June.

As the Minister of Tourism said Elizabeth Kestinger, it is planned to receive guests from those countries whose measures to combat coronavirus infection were successful. So, in the list of states with whom it is possible to sign an agreement on the opening of borders, Germany entered.


Prime Minister of Hungary Victor Orban announced the poslement of self-insulation regime in all areas, with the exception of the capital - Budapest. According to innovations, open pools, restaurants, beaches, thermal sources and terraces will begin. Every week the government plans to evaluate the epidemiological situation and make a decision on further stages of removal of quarantine. In Budapest, all open places work until 15:00.


Despite the fact that strict restrictive measures and self-insulation acted in Vietnam from April 1, to the 23rd number it was decided to remove quarantine due to coronavirus, as no new COVID-19 case was revealed during the week.

From April 23, citizens of the country can move in internal flights of local airlines. In addition, open (subject to sanitary security) cafes, restaurants, organizations providing body care services. The full mode of isolation is still valid in the cities of Ho Chi Minh City and Hanoi, Baknin and Hazang provinces.


Meanwhile, Germany began to reimburse the second stage of restrictions, but there is no single schedule due to the federal device of the state. German Chancellor Angela Merkel, according to the Bloomberg agency, stated that the full return to normal life was planned for several months.

While the country is complied with anti-epidemiological requirements: the mandatory wearing masks, compliance with the social distance. From May 4, 2020, small and medium-sized businesses are allowed to work from 4 May 2020: stores (area of ​​no more than 800 square meters. M), hairdressers (manipulations with the face are prohibited), schools, trading facilities where bicycles sell and books.

Czech Republic

On April 24, the Czech Republic abolished the ban on the free movement of citizens, now residents will be able to gather in groups, however, no more than 10 people. The stores have resumed the work of up to 2500 square meters. m, fitness clubs, libraries. From May 11, the work of shopping centers, hairdressers are allowed. From May 25, it is planned to withdraw restrictions on the work of restaurants, hotels and other leisure institutions.

Despite the warning of EU members, the Czech Republic allowed entry into the country of students and those who have a business visa. However, restrictive measures are still valid: for example, we must make a negative test result to coronavirus to get into the country, or stay in isolation within two weeks. Also in the country, mask mode is introduced indefinitely.


France comes out of the self-insulation regime. From May 11, it began to work more than half a million enterprises and trading facilities, which for the country's economy sounds promising. Also relief exhausted and working parents: the reception of children began kindergartens, elementary schools and nursery groups. The French made a relaxation and rhythm of life: now you can meet by companies up to 10 people, as well as travel within a radius of 100 km from the place of residence.

Places of cluster of people (restaurants, bistro, cafes, cinemas) will still remain closed until the next stage of removal of restrictive measures. In public places, it is proposed to take advantage of disinfectants, and wearing masks - a compulsory rule, the violation of which entails fine in € 135. In addition, the bandwidth is partially saved in the country. For example, in public transport during peak hours there may be only those citizens who have evidence from work.


Two months later, ITALY isolation also enters the list of quarantine countries. Prime Minister Giuseppe Conte noted that there is no talk about full removal of restrictive measures. Retail stores will open on May 18, and beauty salons, hairdressers, restaurants and bars - after June 1st.

Nevertheless, the Italians are allowed family walks in the parks, sports outdoors, trade in wholesale sectors has been resumed, production and work on construction sites are allowed. Working organizations are obliged to monitor the implementation of sanitary prescriptions: a distance of at least 1 meter and wearing medical (surgical) masks.


Citizens of Spain felt a sip of fresh air on April 26: then families with children allowed walking in the fresh air. From May 4, as in many countries of the European Union, non-food stores, hairdressers, and bars and restaurants will work "for removal" and delivery will be launched.

Nevertheless, the Balearic and Canary Islands became the first to be canceled by quarantine, restoring the work of museums, terraces and restaurants. In the state, all residents are obliged to carry masks in public transport, and moving freely allowed only within the province of residence.


On May 7, the Serbian government announced the removal of restrictive measures related to the spread of coronavirus, noting the positive trend in the fight against COVID-19. The 12 numbers in the local media appeared information about the opening of borders with the four neighboring Balkan countries: Bosnia and Herzegovina, Albania, Montenegro and Northern Macedonia.

The renewal of air traffic is planning to start from May 18. Alexander Wuchich, President of Serbia, noted that economic recovery will be closely related to Chinese partners. The PRC and Serbia will continue to work on the project "Belt and Ways", as well as promote cooperation in 17 + 1 format.

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