Coronavirus in Kemerovo 2020: the latest news, diseased, situation


So far, China's authorities only approved the clinical trials of three vaccines from coronavirus, and in the National Research Center of Epidemiology and Microbiology named after N.F. Gamalei in Russia ended the first stage of such studies, the world is still struggling with a dangerous mistreel's own. The Russian regions reign intense atmosphere, nevertheless local authorities put considerable efforts to combat COVID-19. What is the trend of the proliferation of coronavirus in Kemerovo and the region, and the latest news - in the material 24cm.

Cases of Coronavirus in Kemerovo

On March 13, on the work page in Instagram, Governor Kuzbass Sergey Tsivilov said that preliminary analyzes for the presence of SARS-COV-2 virus in two people were positive. The next day the information was confirmed. Infeited placed in the regional clinical infectious hospital of the city of Kemerovo. After 11 days in the region they revealed another patient.

Coronavirus: Symptoms and Treatment

Coronavirus: Symptoms and Treatment

On March 24, the Governor of the Kemerovo Region reported that one patient recovered, and by April 9, he cured two more.

Increasing the number of sick coronavirus in Kemerovo and the region began to cause anxiety in April: in the period from 6 to 19, 30 cases of infection registered.

April 15 in the Kemerovo region due to Coronavirus a man died. The patient was treated with pneumonia in the Belov district hospital (p. Insk), the primary test results were negative. A posthumous autopsy showed that the man was sick with COVID-19.

As of fourteen May 2020 In the Kemerovo region revealed 282 infected coronavirus. 92. The man was recovered and discharged from medical institutions. 7. Patients could not be saved.

Situation in Kemerovo

On March 31, Sergey Tsivilin signed a decree on the introduction of the "Increased readiness" regime, the provisions of which are called to respect the regime of self-insulation. The official noted that when improving the epidemiological situation, restrictions will be filmed gradually. However, the deadlines for the end of the forced voluntary quarantine while "floating": at first the media wrote about April 12, later the governor extended the term up to the 19th day. According to the latest news, the region will begin to return to the old life on April 26. On May 12, a decree appeared, which implies the extension of the regime until May 17, 2020.

From April 6 to April 30, the schools, technical schools and universities Kemerov and the region have passed on distance learning. If earlier the local authorities allowed free visits to kindergartens, then there are on duty teams who visit the children of citizens employed on continuously operating enterprises.

At the end of March, planned dispensarization and hospitalization, doctors and inspections were suspended. The administration of the Kuzbass government reported that the online receptions are doctors of the Miner's Health Center.

In the region there are 5 laboratories in which testing to coronavirus are held:

  1. Laboratory of Miners Health Center (Leninsk-Kuznetsky).
  2. Center for the Prevention and Control of AIDS (Kemerovo).
  3. Center for the Prevention and Control of AIDS (Novokuznetsk).
  4. Regional clinical skin-venereologic dispensary (Kemerovo).
  5. Novokuznetsk city clinical hospital number 1.

Sergey Tsivilo noted in the video in the video, industrial, coal enterprises, construction and housing and communal organizations, as well as the agricultural sectors will not suspend work due to coronavirus to provide a region of less painful exit from the crisis.

For physicians engaged in treating patients with coronavirus infection in the city of Kemerovo and the region, the Kuzbass government has provided awards:

  • Doctors: 100,000 rubles;
  • Middle Medical Personnel: 70,000 rubles;
  • Other doctors: 35 000 rubles.

Latest news

On May 12, Sergey Tsivilov said that the mode of increased readiness was descended until the 17th of the current month.

On May 4, the Governor of the Kemerovo Region again published an appeal in which he reported to extend the self-insulation regime to the 11th. The pass system also acts in test mode. For a special document, residents of Kuzbass need to fill out a questionnaire on the website of the region administration.

On April 25, Sergei Tsivilev rebelled again with the appeal to citizens, the essence of which briefly outlined on the page in Instagram, noting: "Began work on the system of electronic passages to control the mandatory self-insulation regime. It will be introduced in stages from the fifth of May. Schools and universities will work in distance learning until the end of the school year. "

On April 14, Sergey Tsivil announced that Kemerovo and the area were closed due to coronavirus. To travel beyond the limits of Kuzbass is allowed only in emergency cases, for emergency medical care. All those arriving in Kuzbass are obliged to comply with 14-day quarantines and report arrival at the hot line on a coronavirus situation on multichannel numbers:

  • 115 - for citizens having a landline phone;
  • 555-115 - for the residents of Kemerov (call from the mobile device);
  • 8 (3842) 555-115 - for the citizens of the remaining territories of Kuzbass.

Also, the governor noted that it is forbidden to visit parks, squares, to attend mass religious events (temples continue to work). Juvenile children can not be on the street without adults.

The 14th information appeared on the fact that the Pharmaceutical Factory Kuzbass increased the production of chlorhexidine, 6% of hydrogen peroxide and medical alcohol 2 times, due to which the deficient goods (antiseptics) appear in pharmacies. Sergey Tsivil noted that such a volume of products is enough to help St. Petersburg and Moscow, with the authorities of which agreements have already been concluded.

On April 12, 2020, Sergey Tsivilov informed the subscribers that the employees of the Kemerovo Mechanical Plant were able to produce a sample of the resuscitation console in one night, which is needed to connect the IVL devices to the oxygen supply system. The official noted that in Russia only the Ekaterinburg Factory of the Electromedical Equipment produces such items. Their cost varies from 40 to 90 thousand rubles.

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