Tanya Grotter (Character) - Photo, Dmitry Emets, Quotes, Author, Cycle, Heroes, Harry Potter


Character History

Tanya Grotter - a character of a series of books in the genre of fabulous fantasy created by the writer Dmitry Emets from 2002 to 2012. The heroine, a young wizard, finds the magic of faithful friends at school, turns out to be involved in various adventures where bright and dark forces are fighting. The work, according to the author, was created as a parody of the cycle of Tales Joan Rowling about Harry Potter, however, the court in Holland recognized the writings of the Enta plagate.

History of character creation

Tanya is the main heroine of the story, in the name of the girl it is easily guessed by allusion in the name of a young wizard from Hogwarts. Grotter refers to the positive heroes, therefore, in the description of the student's image, such characteristics as courage, determination, the ability to keep friendship are manifested. In the books of Dmitry Semz, the names of the heroes are invented with references to the Russian fabulous folklore, as well as the realities of Russian reality. Books go in direct chronology, except for the latter, which is intercoal.

Image and biography Tanya Grotter

The biography of the heroine is described in detail in fairy tales. Readers find out that the girl was born in a taiga, in the family of archaeologists Leopold and Sofia Grotter. Tanya's father invented the mascot of the four elements, followed by the witch of Plague-del Cake. The evil magician killed the parents of the heroine, but she failed to destroy the child. Dark magic, torn in the direction of Tanya, returned to the sorcerer. From this time, the fate of the heroin turned out to be related, reflected the bright and dark sides of each other.

The director of the school of Magic Tibidokhs, Academician Sardanapal, having learned about this story, sent a girl to her relatives to herdnev, placing in the case from double bass. Uncle Herman, a well-known deputy, and his wife Ninel decided to take a child, reinforcing the reputation of Herman as the "best deputy himself." In reality, young grotter had to join the lodgia of the apartment of relatives. The heroine performed hard work at home, while suffering the coarse attitude of uncle and aunt, as well as their daughters of Pipa (Penelope).

When Tanya turned 9, the Messenger from Tibidokhs, Bab Yagun arrived to her. He brought the girl with a ring of Leopold Grotter, as well as a textbook "Directory of the White Maga", according to which the orphan began to learn the first magic spells. Soon Grotter was taken to the Tibidokhs school. But here, Tanya will wait for dangers - the witch of the plague-del-cake does not lose attempts to get the cherished talisman. There is a serious fight between the evil magician and the young student. As a result of the battle, the school partially destroys and becomes unsuitable for accommodation and training.

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While rehabilitation works are underway here, students travel around the houses. In the New Year, the king of ghosts arrives to Tanya, which hints danger on a threatening girl. Soon, students are returned to Tibidokhs, which is not yet fully completed. At school, there is a rumor about the strange disappearing floor, and it also becomes known that someone helps the returned chum-del cake. Tanya is looking for this assistant.

The heroine learns about the prophecy of the wizard of the ancient: if the rope of 17 of the Handers breaks in the double bass, the Evil will settle at the magic school. During the dragonball championship, the prophecy comes true. The witch takes the post of Director of Tibidokhs, Tanya turns out to be a favorite student of the sorcerer, and Sardanapala is put in prison as a murder of Leopold and Sofia Grotter. The young heroine copes with the situation, crushing the gold leech.

The school in the meantime is covered by new alarms - the staff of the ancient gods kidnap the staff. Perun, Veles and Triglav demand to return the magic artifact, otherwise the magic world will destroy. In the case, it turns out to be mixed and young heroine - by negligence Tanya through the mirror there is a passage between the worlds. Tibidokhsov, decides to punish the student in the Dark Office. Soon, the next draconball tournament should take place at school, in which the team of magicians of the present and the national team of eternity will fight, which includes Leopold Grotter.

Love hobbies appear in the heroine life. Behind the heart of the student are fighting Vanka Valyalkin and Guri Pupper. There is a duel between rivals. It seems to everyone that, as a result of the struggle for Tanya, Guri dies. Vanka are going to send to prison with Dubodam as a killer. The girl organizes a rescue operation, as it knows that the Pupper does not die. To liberate a friend, the heroine pronounces a spell with the help of Magic Pensne Noah.

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In the new school year, three new necromaga appear at school - Gleb Beibars, Lena Beckolt and Jeanne Abbatikova. Gleb, along with Vanka and Gurius, is fond of young grotter. To arrange everything in its place, the girl uses the magic artifact - the curl of the goddess Aphrodite. And the satellite on the graduation ball for the student becomes Valyalkin. However, Gleb is not going to give up and suits a duel with a vanka. But Ivan again comes out the winner.

After graduating from school, the heroine continues to study in Magsprinture. Tanya is considered one of the talented and promising magicians. However, the plans of the girl are changing. The graduate student throws his studies and leaves with his beloved Valyalka to Western Siberia. Here the couple are born two sons. Phrases from the dialogues of the heroes became popular quotes.


For rent to me, everything will be fine with us if we both learn to trust each other and do not create problems where they are not. Don't go there not go there - you don't go anywhere to go. I have a poor girl who is bad with arithmetic! Above two for me, the highest mathematics starts!


  • 2002 - Tanya Grotter and Magic Double Bass »
  • 2002 - Tanya Grotter and Disappearing Floor »
  • 2003 - "Tanya Grotter and Golden Leech"
  • 2003 - Tanya Grotter and Throne Ancient
  • 2003 - "Tanya Grotter and the Staff of Muck"
  • 2003 - Tanya Grotter and Perun's Hammer »
  • 2003 - "Tanya Grotter and Pensne Nov"
  • 2004 - "Tanya Grotter and Saver Boots"
  • 2004 - Tanya Grotter and Poseidon Well
  • 2005 - Tanya Grotter and Lokon Aphrodite »
  • 2006 - Tanya Grotter and Pearl Runs »
  • 2007 - Tanya Grotter and Necromagus Curse »
  • 2008 - Tanya Grotter and Cattle Sphinx »
  • 2012 - Tanya Grotter and Titanan Bird

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