Accelerate hair growth: ways, at home, funds


Short - grow, long - shorten, straight - twist, curly - straighten. Motivator of changes in the image for a woman - its constant discontent with its appearance, and the hair is not an exception. But what if the short hairstyle does not go to the face at all, and I want to quickly return the old length? The editorial office 24cmi amounted to a selection of five ways to accelerate hair growth at home.

Head massage

To wake the "sleeping" follicles, speed up blood circulation in capillaries and improve the power of the curls, it is recommended to regularly massage the skin of the head with hands or massage combing for 10 minutes and combing strands at least two times a day.

The effect of massage at home will be stronger if the oil (repeal, almond, sea buckthorn, argan) is applied to the wet hair. This procedure helps prevent the cross section, dry tips.

Leaving money

The slowdown in the growth of the chapelurs can be associated with incorrect or insufficient care. It is necessary to pick up shampoos and air conditioners in accordance with the type of scalp (dry, oily, sensitive, with dandruff) and strands (dry, painted, thin, thick). It is advisable to wash your head as dirty, alternate neutral and shampoos of deep purification.

Also, modern manufacturers offer means to help hair quickly achieve the desired length: growth activators, ointments, serum, oil, sprays, lotions, tonic, balms.

But none of the above funds will help, if you do not exclude the causes of hair damage: a hairdryer, an iron, the curl negatively affect the structure of the hair, thinning it and leading to an increased fraction. If the elimination of these installation devices is impossible, it is necessary to use thermal protection tools.

Balanced diet

5 ways to accelerate hair growth

The basis of health and beauty is the right, balanced nutrition and consumption of sufficient liquid (30 ml per 1 kg of weight per day). For healthy hair growth (2-3 cm per month), it is advisable to include products rich in proteins (chicken meat, seafood, eggs, cereals, legumes) into the ration. Tangible benefit to the general health of the body will bring the use of polyunsaturated fatty acids and vitamins: vegetables, fruits, nuts.


A full spectrum of vitamins in sufficient quantities cannot be obtained only from food, so it is desirable to discuss with the therapist appointing multivitamine complexes. In order for the hair to grow rapidly, the body requires folic (vitamin B9), hyaluronic, amber, nicotinic (vitamin B3) acid and copper peptides.


Looking the shine will help and masks. The main goals of the leaving funds at home is to accelerate blood circulation and stimulate "sleeping" follicles. Therefore, most of the recipes of masks contain mustard, pepper, ginger. Before applying, you should try the mixture on a small area of ​​the skin so as not to get a burn.

The range of shop masks is aimed at nutrition, moisturizing and restoring damaged hair. The maintenance means mainly include oils and acids, accelerating the process of hair growth. Holding on the hair mask should not be longer than 30 minutes to avoid the possible weighting of strands.

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