Frigil Vigo (Character) - Photo, Author, Angey Sapkovsky, Actress, Mimi Divine


Character History

Frigil Vigo is a secondary character of the Sagaist of the Polish writer Angeja Sapkovsky "Witcher". In addition to the book, it also appears in the computer game "Witcher 3: Wild Hunting".

History of character creation

The first appearance of Frigili occurs in the Baptism of Fire Book. The name of the heroine is formed from the Latin Fringilla - "Finch". And in the cinema, and in the book she is one of the strongest women's images, along with TRISS Merigold, Yennipher and Cirins. Once at once, Friglyl shows the hardness of character and fearlessness, as well as the ability to thoroughly spoil the life of someone who does not use sympathy from her side.

Fate and the image of Frigil Vigo

According to the author's description, the girl comes from Tusten and falls by the local princess of a secondary sister. She grew up in a secured family, where she was the fifth child. For the older sisters, Frigili, parents organized favorable marriages, but the younger girl turned out to be weak health - from birth to her problems with vision. To cure frothing from illness, parents agreed to give her sorcerers. Over the years, the heroine itself demonstrated the ability in the field of illusory and therapeutic magic, but the battle was not its strength. Without magic, the girl is not able to stand up for himself and maybe it is enough for a sturdy slaughter with a new slaughter.

An important stage of her biography becomes hit in the lodge of challenging. The place in her Frigil received thanks to the girlfriend Assire, Var Anagid. Before joining other sorcerers, she participated in the famous battle under Prodden. It was from the hands of Frigili then Yennipher from Vengoberg suffered (then Geralle's beloved lost sight).

To join the Frigil's bed decided after Emperor Emgyre demanded that the enclosures of unquestioned subordination. Violated demand risked to get into the dungeon. The girl's dream was to end the tyranny of emperors and kings, but this ambitious desire to come true was not destined.

As a sorceress, Frigil "specializes" on creating illusions, for example, it creates a new medallion for Gerasta after the previously loss of them. Another interesting fact is another heroine, cereals, it falls a fresh relative (a four-humid aunt).

For the first time, Frigilly became acquainted with the head of Anna-Henrietta in the header. When Geralt arrived in Tussten, the sorceress seduced him on behalf of the lodge. The witcher, indeed, became interested in beauty, although his feelings for Yennipher were not yet faded. Frigil is trying to delay it in the city and pull out the information about where Wilgefort is hidden, but Heralt depletely nobody and deliberately introduces false mistress, passing her false information.

Apparently, in the final of this scam, the sorceress was arrested and placed in Nilfgaga prison. Frigill threatened the execution for state treason, but Yennipher managed to negotiate with Emgir about its release.

Frigil Vigo in films

Frigil's books described as a black-haired beauty with emerald green eyes. It carries a short haircut and fragrant with aromas of amber and roses. In the new series from Netlix, released in 2019, it plays a black actress of the campaign.

When the film director voiced the decision to invite an actress born in Zimbabwe to this role, Sagi fans responded with a rapid indignation: according to fans, it was a blatant retreat from the canon in favor of political correctness.

There are objections that the color of the skin of Frigili in the books is not specified, but in fact there is a quotation that at the meeting of the lodge heroine was "pale, like death." In addition, Geralt confuses her with his beloved Yennipher, which speaks about possessing similar appearance.

The most familiar for the fans of Vigo's appearance is the one in which it appears in the 3rd part of the computer game based on the "Witcher": a dark-haired girl in the dress-mantle, which shows runes. The heroine appears on the Quest of Veni Vidi Vigo. Frigil is in custody on the imperial ship, from where it is not able to get a battle or teleport. Heralt helps her to free himself, convincing Emperor Emgyra with the help of a letter from Yennipher, for which the magician tells him the information necessary for further passage.


Love laughs at reason. And in this its attractive force and the charm. Incidentally, and the time of all things under the sky. Time to be silent and time to talk, time to cry and time laugh, time to implant and take time, sorry, to collect planted, time to joke and time to think ... with love everything is the same as with kidney colic. While it does not grab, you can not even imagine what it is. And when they tell about it - you do not believe.


  • 1996 - "Baptism of Fire"
  • 1997 - "Hour of contempt"
  • 1997 - "Swallow Tower"
  • 1998 - "Lady Lady"


  • 2019 - "Witcher"

Computer games

  • 2015 - "Witcher 3: Wild Hunt"

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