Stars who have never undressed in public: in the clips, Russian, Hollywood, 2020


Celebrities often have to leave the comfort zone. They are asked to perform with creeps in clips and filmed in candid photo shoots. And also many popular people love to appear in public nagi. But there are celebrities with their solid moral principles. The editorial office of 24cmi prepared material about Hollywood and Russian stars, which never undressed in public.

Julia Roberts

The famous Hollywood actress played in the 90s in the Melodrame "Beauty", but, despite this frank character, she refused naked scenes. The actress was even against the moment where her heroine would not sleep in the bath, and her body was covered with foam. Julia Roberts replaced Dublersh Shelly Michel, whom she rubbed with her own hands. The actress confessed in an interview, to play clothes for her - this is an art, and nude body - for documentaries.

Elmira Abdrazakov

In 2013, this Elmira Abdrazakov won the title "Miss Russia". The model has repeatedly stated that it will never be filmed in naked photo shoots. Unlike other celebrities, she has moral principles that they prove her photos in "Instagram". Elmira constrains the promise, and there is no hint on her page.

Sarah Jessica Parker

The actress, who played in the frank series of the 90s, does not like to undress on the camera. Even in the contract "Sex in the Big City" is spelled out that sexual scenes with Sarah will not be in the film. Producers were given on the actress so that she really shared with tears for one scene, but her agent intervened. She holds all his careers to this principle. Jessica Parker, Sarah Jessica Parker admitted that she is modest and not proud of its external data.

Nonna Grishaeva

Another star, which never undressed in public, is a popular artist, TV presenter and singer Nonna Grishaeva. The actress never chasing cheap popularity. Nona Grishaeva told himself in an interview that for her Mother's image, two children were not suitable. She also claimed that he hates vulgarity in different manifestations.

Megan Fox

The actress, known according to the main roles in the "transformers" and "Ninja Turtles", is also susceptible to modesty and insecurity. It often enters the tops of the sexiest stars of the world, but it is not removed nude. Megan Fox admitted to journalists that she did not want to see himself in such scenes, because it could cause her aversion to sex. It represents itself in such frames with a hypopotam.

Hilary Duff

The star of adolescent films keeps the status of philanthropes and moms of two children and never undresses in public. In an interview, Hilary told that he did not like the idea itself, which allows actresses to undress on the screen. But in her instagram account there are some candid photos. For example, during pregnancy, Hilary Duff shared with fans a piquant photo of his body, whose signature declared how hard her position was. There she complained that she could not look at her terrible body.

Jessica Alba

The actress is also a star that never undressed. Jessica explains that naked she feels defenseless. The star told in an interview that she did not want the frank scenes to see her family or three children. She also claims that nude moments do not improve the quality of the film. The famous scene in the shower from the film "Machete", in which Jessica Alba appeared in a naked form, was made using computer graphics.

Kristina Hendrix

The girl who has not yet headed the list of the most beautiful women of the planet Esquire. All men of the world are waiting for her candid photo shoots and scenes in films, but Christina Hendrix is ​​not removed naked. Once she admitted that he considers his figure imperfect. A celebrity is offended by fans for evaluating her bright appearance, and not acting skills.

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