Mariana Titova - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, News, "Voice. Children »2021.



Young Russian Mariaan Titova, who participated in a number of international competitions, came to the show "Voice. Children "in 2020. The members of the professional jury noted that the talent of a beginner singer would bloom with time and will reveal due to stubborn work.

Childhood and youth

Mariaan Titova was born in the northern capital of Russia in the family, where parents worked, and her grandmother brought up children. With the help of a representative of the older generation, the baby at an early age met the songs that for decades fascinated millions of people.

For the established family tradition, a girl with his father and mother went to Sevastopol, the famous city of sailors. There, 2-year-old Mariana began to engage in choreography and became the star of the dance studio in the early 2010s.

Teachers, who were members of the team named after Vadim Elizarov, immediately noticed that the baby had natural talent. Titova was not afraid of the scenes and regularly appeared in public, masterfully performing pyruets on the socks of training pointers.

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In St. Petersburg, where parents were forced to spend most of the time, the girl on the advice of the Crimean mentors was determined in a sports circle. Curly skating classes helped to develop a sense of rhythm and harmoniously developed muscles of the press, torso, arms and legs.

In parallel with the workouts once a week, Mariana visited the musical studio, because with the filing of her grandmother in early childhood love to sing. The teacher asked the ward to draw a variety of melodies, and with time paintings began to appear, for which it was pleasant to watch.

At 5 years of age, Titova came to the troupe at the Institute of Culture and gradually began to acquire the world of theatrical art. Young actress, appearing in dramas, children's performances and comedies, invariably caused the audience to a storm of emotions and warm feelings.

By the time of arrival in St. Petersburg secondary secondary school, Marian decided that the main place in her biography would take vocals. The girl began to appear in all-Russian singing contests and regularly honored the diploma, valuable prizes and judicial praise.


At the 7th age of Titov and Mom visited the countries of near abroad with a solo program, who fascinated hundreds of inephorty people. Each song was accompanied by a dance, harmoniously combined with the content and an expression of performing plans.

Without separation from the receipt of the Academic Education, Mariaan at the Miss Asia competition was represented by an international brand. Defile on the podium of the Japanese capital in the dresses from famous designers helped the St. Petersburg schoolgirl to touch the world legend.

In mid-2018, the girl recognized the best performer at the show organized by the managers of the Russian company Zhara Kids. She was very nice to perform on a huge scene and see more of hundreds of enthusiastic faces in the auditorium.

A few months after the Maryan triumph with a short solo program received the highest award of the festival called "Jazz Carousel". The performer, parents and teachers spent the preparation for this responsible international event spent a dozen weeks.

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In the 2010th, the young singer was a party to a number of projects, where it was necessary to present his city or an immense native country. A girl who has a strong voice, talent and natural charm, seriously referred to each contest, understanding how much stands on the horse.

A bright event in the life of Titov became an international project in Israel, where she spoke on the same stage with a number of professional singers. Journalists from Haifa, who widely illuminated this large-scale event, was told to a small Russian woman a lot of warm words.

With the filing of parents and mentors, Maryan went to the "Children's Eurovision" and with the composition "We are legends" fell into the National Final. The touching song, composed by Constantine Chentsov and Mikhail Devilishchev, justifying the expectations of the performer, put a visual hall on his feet.

The girl shared his impressions on the official page "Vkontakte", and then photographs from the concert were flooded with "Instagram" and Facebook. Titova has become popular in the world of Russian modern music and in a short period of time found hundred friends

Journalists of the thematic publications took an interview with the young singer, and she told about his hobbies and personal life with great pleasure. All readers admired the skill of the student of primary classes, her confidence in their own forces and inexhaustible optimism.

Maryana Titova now

In the 2020th Titov became the participant of the television show "Voice. Children "and, speaking of herself, admitted that she loves to cook and draw. Also, fans of young talents learned about the successes in figure skating, which grandmother, brothers, father and mother were infinitely proud of.

When it was time to demonstrate the abilities on the "blind auditions", the girl convinced the authoritative judges, which was not in vain in the 7th season. Mariana chose the song "Fall in the dirt" of the coin singer, and each person in the auditorium was admired.

Basta and Valery Meladze almost immediately turned to the performer, and Polina Gagarin was doubted until the most recent minutes. Applause and compliments of mentors, as well as the passage in the next stage of steel for a resident of St. Petersburg with a worthy award for invested labor.

Mariana chose the Russian Rapper and Bitmeter coach and is now preparing for a concert on the stage of the popular jazz style. In social networks, which presents audio recordings and singer clips, people who support children's creativity, write encouraging phrases.

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