Svetlana Svetlana Anniversary: ​​2020, Interesting Facts, Biography, Personal Life


On May 15, 2020, the anniversary of Svetlana Svetlynaya - the Honored Artist of the RSFSR was 80 years old. In the creative piggy bank, the cinema and theater actresses will also have main roles, but first of all, she was remembered by millions of spectators on episodes in many favorite Soviet films, among which such as the "meeting place cannot be changed", "diamond hand" or "new adventures of elusive". On interesting facts from the personal life and the working biography of the famous blonde of Soviet cinema - in material 24cm.

On uncertainty

Become an actress Svetlana Svetlynaya dreamed from childhood, but insecurity in their own strength was stronger - the future star was complex and would rather go to a medical or physical cultural institution than tried herself on stage.

Parents insisted, immediately after receiving a girl attestation to send her to enter VGIK. Seeing the competition in 80 people in place, Sveznaya understood that he would not cope. And from fear laid out on a complete, impreative admission committee. Young talent was credited to the course to the Soviet Material Mikhail Romme.

About the first marriage night

In the youth, the actress lived in a communal with his husband's relatives, actor Vladimir Ivashov. Sleep on the floor in the threesome with a brother of the spouse. The performer was recognized that the conception of the first of two children, Alexei, became possible only thanks to the wedding trip to Svetlana's honeymoon - the newlyweds allocated a separate room, where the long-awaited first marriage night took place.

Svetlana Svetlynaya and Vladimir Ivashov

With the mother-in-law, the relationship with Svetlynnaya did not work out immediately. Despite the numerous her husband's attempts to reconcile two favorite women, everything ended in sad. Young Chet Relatives of the Spouse eventually put out the door with things. The benefit that the artist, then pregnant, with her husband sheltered the neighbors.

About Gorky Glory

Family Svetlana Svetlynova brought the famous episode with a swimsuit from the painting of Leonid Gaidai "Diamond Hand". But the fame of the "Soviet sex symbol" was also the reverse side: the actress dreamed of playing romantic roles in the films of the level of "War and Peace" or "Anna Karenina", but the role of "fatal beauty" actually closed the road to serious work for the artist. In addition, because of an embodied on the screen, the girl's image of light behavior with Svetlana stopped talking his own father.

About the "non-monetary" appearance

Often, the performer did not affirm role due to the bright, "non-counseling" appearance. But due to non-standard beauty, the artist was often sent on business trips abroad - it as part of Soviet delegations was engaged in a presentation of films on all sorts of foreign festivals.

During one of these trips, Lukino Wisconti drew attention to the actress. Wishing to offer a light role in the next picture, the Italian director sent a request to the Ministry of Culture of the USSR - asked to allow the actress to play in foreign movies. However, there they answered that Svetlana was too busy in the filming in the homeland, which, of course, was a lie.

Revenge director

According to the star, beauty not only opened new horizons, but also created problems. Svetlana Svetlynaya "put an eye" famous Soviet actor and film director Sergei Gerasimov. His desire to enjoy the woman was so strong that even the spouse of the artist did not seem to sleep. The refusal of the performer from the novel with an excellent cinematographer was expensive expensive, for 10 years she "left" from the movies. Refused to shoot even in episodes.

About treach

The actress confessed that he was always unnecessarily in love and fond of nature, which could not not affect family life. But Vladimir Ivashov closed his eyes on the treason of his wife.

According to Svetlana Afanasyevna, surrounding him considered a repeater, and he just loved his spouse and knew how to forgive. Because the frequent home quarrels in the pair invariably ended with hugs and kisses. But the Svetlynny himself repeatedly called terribly jealous - one day she even scratched Larisa Laudin, a partner of her husband on the set.

Oh funeral

The actress claimed that on the 40th day after his death came his spouse - he said that he had come to leave his time, said goodbye to the younger son Oleg and the dog, and then disappeared. In 2006, Oleg died. After his departure, Svetlana Svetlynaya remained quite alone - with the senior son Alexei and his granddaughter's attitude from the artist did not work out because of her novel with a young stylist. And so much that any of them did not want to see the actress at your own funeral.

Fortunately, in 2018, relations between relatives recovered.

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