Oleg Alyabin - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, News, Songs, Chanson 2021



In mid-August 2019, the first Odessa festival "Sea Chanson" took place in the Summer Theater "Morvokzal". The 17th for the music mood of the listeners was answered by Garik Krichevsky, who fulfilled both familiar hits ("My number 245", "Kievanka" and "Privokzal") and the premiere single "for Odessa Mom!". The next day, Evgeny Kemerovo, Oleg Alyabin, Valentin Cuba, Olga Sumskaya, Valental Borisyuk and other artists rose to the scene of the concert hall.

Childhood and youth

For 4 days before the International Women's Day of the 1961st, in the family of Alabin, who lived in the city of the Lugansk region, there was a joyful event - a son appeared to the world, which parents awarded the name Oleg.

Since childhood, a future celebrity, fond of collecting brands, badges and photos of your favorite artists surrounded by music. Father, by profession, an artist, masterfully owned the accordion and was considered the "first guy in the village" (a man with his wife moved from the small settlement of the Penza region to Ukraine). Mom, who worked at the factory, possessed good vocal data.

Therefore, it is not surprising that already at 10 years old, the teenager independently mastered the guitar and played for friends in the courtyard, and from the age of 14 he was a soloist of student VIA, speaking at urban events, concerts, weddings and dance sites.

Subsequently, local restaurants were added to the list of jobs, where the young man began to manifest himself as an independent performer, while not having a special education. According to Alabin, pop offices, then neither in schools nor in the schools were not, and his classic did not attract it.

The started solo career interrupted the service in the army. The young man got into Severomorsk, where he served in the song ensemble and dance "Builder" and tried to write compositions. However, the first attempts turned out to be unsuccessful and the response from the listeners were not found. In 1983, the singer went to Abkhazia, and from there in Sochi, where his author's writings noticed and appreciated more experienced colleagues.

Personal life

In the repertoire of the singer, a lot of lyrical tracks, in which the themes of different love were rising - divided and unnecessary, eternal and ended. From his words, in them the fiction is harmoniously intertwined with real facts of biography.

Be that as it may, in the personal life of the artist Chanson, everything is fine. Together with his beloved wife, a man brings up two children. Pictures of relatives and loved ones often flashed in the "Instagram" of the musician.

The eldest son Alexander, celebrating the 20th anniversary in 2019, found himself in photographs, model business and art graffiti. The younger Maxim, which appeared in the 2004th, went in footsteps of the parent and became the soloist of the group "Non-mode" and the artist of the producer center EcoLe Production.

As for the relationship to the work of colleagues, Alexander Rosenbauma, Igor Slutsky, Gregory Leps, Mikhail Shufutinsky, Elena Vaengu and Stas Mikhailova, considers Oleg by high-level professionals.


"For the first time I went to a large scene in 1990, working at prefabricated concerts. Then played in the Roxana Babayan team. Thanks to Igor Slutvsky met Vadim Tsyganov. And we can assume that after this acquaintance, my professional solo career began, "the artist shared in an interview.

As part of the BAC-vocalist group and bass guitarist, brought up on jazz, rock and blues, traveled all of Russia - from Vladivostok to Murmansk. And with the assistance of the husband's wiki Tsyganova, he recorded the debut album "Hooligan's heart", where the image of the latter turned out by no means "thorough", but intelligent.

Discography grew a year from year. "The fate of Zigan", which includes the compositions "White Cherry", "Two Fates", "And the dawns here are quiet," changed full-format plates "the most beautiful", "Red Currant", "I let you go", "My road" and "I I live only by you. " In addition, Oleg's talent was enough for the composition of individual singles and for their colleagues Sasha Lilac, Asker, gray, Svetlana St. Petersburg, Zhurgi and others.

"Over time, I convert the chanson style. Now it is important for me that people want to listen to what they are interested. And I began to rebuild under my listener, leaving the main thing: in every song there is your story. The musical drawing itself has become more lyrical, "the author added.

In 2016, the collection of the "best 50 songs" Alyabina appeared on Yandex.Music, among which there was a place and "Kolyma", and "do not leave us, women", and "Chechnya" and "Mom".

Oleg Alyabin is now

In 2019, Alyabin worked not to twist his hands - released a musical novelty "Other", published a list in the "Instagram", "the list drops", willingly communicated with journalists and acted in concerts.

At solo performances, the artist presented to the court not only the songs of his own essay, but also the powerful classics, for example, at the already mentioned "Chanson Sea" was surprised by the "Chervona Route".


  • 2002 - "Hooligan's Heart"
  • 2003 - "The Fate of Zigan"
  • 2004 - "The most beautiful"
  • 2004 - "Red Currant"
  • 2006 - I let you go
  • 2009 - "My Road"
  • 2014 - "I live only by you"
  • 2016 - "The best 50 songs"

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