Snusmumurrik (character) - pictures, author, mumi-troll, Tuva Jansson, quotes


Character History

SNUSMUMRIK - a character of the backbone of the MUMI-Trolls of the Finnish artist and writer Tuva Jansson. A stray traveler evolved from a tireless optimist to a sullen philosopher. Having fulfilling the freedom and denial of all worldly, he became an employee for literary researchers.

History of character creation

For the first time, Snusumumrik appears in the "Mumina-Troll and Comet" book, which went into circulation in 1946. Subsequently, the author reworked a fairy tale by making some additions. It is worth noting that the writing time coincided with World War II. Under the impression of the movement of military refugees, Tuva suffered this fear into a fabulous valley. Thus, the inhabitants of the Moomas experienced horror due to the approach of the comet, so they even threw their own homes in trying to hide from the upcoming disaster.

To test the theory of comet, the protagonist, the mumy troll, together with Sniffs go to the observatory located in the lonely mountains. Also meet a traveler who joins the company and becomes a member of incredible adventures.

The admirers of the Creativity of the Finnish writer consider Snusmurric to be the most curious character of the cycle. Over time, he becomes the personification of absolute freedom, which broke contact with the material world according to its own beliefs. The author herself noted that for her great happiness is "to be where you want."

But, nevertheless, the impression of reading the biography of this hero leaves a delicious sense of loneliness. And all because Snusmurric has a real prototype, which introduced the writer of the Minor Note. This is a journalist Athos Victrician. He was going to marry Tuva, but immediately after the engagement, the couple broke up. The theme of loneliness, which fell on the Jansson, is traced in the book. Especially in the moments when the traveler leaves the valley, leaving the best friend to sad.

Also, the appearance of the hero included the distinctive features of Athos Virtanna. This is, above all, a famous hat. Like a literary character, the journalist rarely parted with this usual accessory.

An interesting fact: Once Tuva replaced his beloved hat to the same, but new to see the reaction of the man. Athos was very upset, although the angry statements did not follow. The groom noticed that she changed the form, probably after washing. Later, this situation was beaten in the "Wizard Hat" book, where Snusmurmika is offered a cylinder instead of a dilapidated head. And he refuses, saying that the cylinder for him is "too new."

The description of the biography of the freedom-loving traveler is pretty poorly. It is known that the parents were Mumla Mom and Yustar. So, Snusmumric became a consolidated brother for one more heroes of the book - the baby Mu and Mumli. It is curious that his mother brought up numerous children in the spirit of freedom, emphasizing that they are free to do only what they want.

The image of snusmumurika

Tuva herself considered herself more by the artist than the writer. In the pictures, a single traveler is depicted with big eyes and a round head. The hero invariably wears a green raincoat and a famous hat with a pen.

By character, the character is a few, as well as his father. A distinctive feature is the ability to remain invisible against the background of the surrounding nature. Brought up in the spirit of liberalism, Snusmumrik hates restrictions in movements. For example, it leads to rabies the sign "on the lawns do not go." Loves wildlife and vegetation, so it does not welcome the desire of others to improve the terrain.

As an experienced traveler, he survived not one adventure, knows the secrets of vagrancy and once even hit the grille due to watermelon steal. The ratio of the hero to the property is indicative. This is directly stated in the quotation of a literary character:

Do not strive to have a lot of things.

Therefore, with him there is a unchanging set - a backpack, a tent, a smoking tube and a lifting harmonica. Actually, there is nothing materially valuable.

In the first edition of the book "Mumi-Troll and Comet", the character appears a tireless optimist, writing songs and poems. But after the editor, the image of a stray poet varies. The hero closes more in itself, trying to talk less less with others, prefers sullen loneliness. And only returning to the Mumi Valley to friends, gains peace of mind.

The cycle of mumi-trolls quickly gave the writer world famous. Books are translated into 34 languages. In the USSR, a cartoon based on the story "Mumina-Troll and Comet" was removed in 1978.

This picture is a doll cartoon. And he voiced the role of a stray single Soviet artist Yuri Yakovlev. A little later, in 1980-1983 another film screening was released on the screens - "Wizard Hat". The trilogy "Mumi-Dol" is distinguished by the fact that the drawing of the characters was very different from the original illustrations in the work.

The popularity of books went beyond the limits of the continent. In Japan and Poland, multiplication films based on the Tuva Jansson cycle are published. In 2019, the animated series "Mumina" was released, filmed based on the stories of the Finnish writer. The joint project of Studios Finland and the UK was successful. The first series looked 1.4 million viewers.


It is impossible to be eternally kind and causing. You do not have time, just do not have time. If you admire too much, never becoming a free bird. To be, very lonely to those who are all afraid. Don't want to strive to have a lot of things.


  • 1946 - "Mumi Troll and Comet"
  • 1948 - "Wizard Hat"
  • 1950 - "Memoirs Pope Mumina-Troll"
  • 1954 - "Dangerous Summer"
  • 1957 - "Child-Invisible"
  • 1971 - "At the end of November"


  • 1969-1970 - "Mumi-Trolli" (Japan)
  • 1972 - "New Mumi Trolli" (Japan)
  • 1978 - "Mumi-Troll and others" (USSR)
  • 1978 - Mumina-Troll and Comet (USSR)
  • 1978 - "Mumi-Troll and Comet: a way home" (USSR)
  • 1980 - "Mumi-Dol. Everything is in a hat "(USSR)
  • 1981 - "Mumi-Dol. Summer in mumi-share "(USSR)
  • 1983 - "Mumi-Dol. Autumn "(USSR) comes in Mumina
  • 1990-1991 - "Adventures of Moomin Trolls" (Japan)
  • 2019 - "Mumi" (Finland, United Kingdom)

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