Film "Owning (2016): Actors and Roles, Scene, Russia


In May TV channel "Russia-1" showed a Russian detective with elements of melodrama "Owning". The picture, the plot of which to pain is simple - the spouse of an intelligent girl suddenly disappeared, - came out in October 2016 and won the hearts of the audience, since Nastasya Sambursk revealed on the screen in an unexpected role.

For more information about the events that occurred with characters, actors and interesting facts from the filming of the Master Series "Owning" - in material 24cm.


In the family of Yulia and Alexander, love and mutual confidence reign. Julia is a professional in the field of study and criticism of works of art, and Alexander is an auditor. The life of the girl is changing after a trip to his holiday in Crimea - the husband suddenly disappears. The heroine tries to bother with stay alone, experiencing financial needs.

Having decided to take a loan, she learns that 2 days before the disappearance of her spouse removed all the money from the accounts. Not wanting to believe in treason, Julia revises archival videos, which notices a strange girl.


The main roles performed:

  • Marina Petrenko - Julia Verber, art historian who lived with his spouse Alexander 5 happy years and lost her beloved during his holiday in Crimea;
  • Denis Vasilyev - Artem Losev, works in a rescue brigade on the beach. A man Julia appeals for help.

Minor roles played:

  • Olga Might - Polina Turkish;
  • Nastasya Samburskaya - Svetlana Pashinskaya, who has a twin sister Ekaterina Zamytina. The actress plays both girls;
  • Roman Polyansky - Alexander Verber, spouse of Yulia, missing during his holiday in Crimea. Before the disappearance was an auditor;
  • Igor Mirkurbanov - Vadim Viktorovich Soskov, working as an investigator;
  • Denis Shevchenko - Mikhail, Colleague Alexander Verber;
  • Ivan Tovmasyan - Sergey.

Interesting Facts

1. The release date of the four-steria film "Owning" - October 29, 2016. The TV channel "Russia-1" showed the picture again on May 16, 2020.

2. Work on the tape, according to the first mention of "Naveling" Roman Polyansky in Instagram, began in February 2016. Later, in June, it became known that the film crew is working on the "summer" episodes in Simferopol and Yalta. Sunny photos from the beach published in the Microblog Instagram Nastasya Samburskaya.

3. Nastasya Samburskaya was satisfied with the filming and made friends with Denis Vasilyev: "One of the coolest partners in the site! I ended the shooting, but I again want to work with him, because he is a Rzhaka man! "," The girl admired under publication in Instagram.

4. The production of a multi-siene film was engaged in the Studio "Siselb of School", whose staff worked on the thrillers "Chernobyl. The exclusion zone and "reversible reality".

5. Spectators in 2016 were divided into two camps: the first in the reviews claimed that, despite the simplest plot, the intrigue remains over time, and sea landscapes add the abstractness and feeling of the very "vague". The second were confident that the acting game causes dual sensations, and therefore deserves a neutral assessment.

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