Jennifer Hudson - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, News, Films 2021



Jennifer Hudson - actress, vocalist and model, whose talent is marked by prestigious awards. The artist more than once became the object of media interest due to friendship with Obama's family and an amazing weight loss result, which was achieved in a short time.

Childhood and youth

Jennifer was born on September 12, 1981 in Chicago. Parents of the girl did not have a relationship to show business and led a modest lifestyle. Noticing the creative inclinations of his daughter, love for singing and dancing, they gave it to church choir. From 7 years, Hudson developed vocal data.

Jennifer was a student of High School Dunbar and often became a participant in mass events. Having received a certificate in 1999, the future artist decided to tie a biography with creativity.

Personal life

Attractive and successful, Jennifer Hudson always enjoyed the attention of strong sex. In 2007, she tied life with the rubble with David Resida. A couple of months after the acquaintance, young people began to live together, and in 2008 marriage took place. Jennifer gave birth to her husband of David's son. Other children in the family did not appear, and in 2017 a divorce took place.

2008 brought actress not only joyful impressions of the wedding, but also the most terrifying emotions. Mother, brother and nephew Jennifer shot a relative of the singer William Balof. The man was detained in a short time.

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Hudson's biography is full of impressive events. Such was the disposal of excess weight, which occurred in 2010. Magazines Mold Photo Actresses in a swimsuit to losing weight and comparison with what her figure looks like with the beginning of a new stage in life. After weight loss, the woman got rid of 36 kg and became externally to resemble Jennifer Lopez. Hudson's growth is 175 cm.

The singer manages to maintain physical form and now. She regularly lays out attractive photos from public events to the Instagram account. Celebrity does not forget to share with Follovers and news of personal life.


Continuing vocal classes, in 2004, the girl became a member of the American Idol show. For seven esters, she delighted TV viewers with talents, but could not find a common language with other participants of the transfer. Failure in the competition opened new opportunities. In 2006, Jennifer was invited to participate in the film release of the Broadway musical "Girl of Dreams". The role of the second plan brought Hudson "Oscar", "Golden Globe" and BAFTA. Her creative piggy bank has replenished more than 20 awards for working on a ribbon.

The first success was secured by embodied images in the projects "Sex in the Big City", "Winnie Mandela", "Black Christmas" and others. Career in cinema did not become an obstacle to the implementation of ambitions in the vocal area. Hudson signed a contract with ARISTA RECORDS and released a Jennifer Hudson debut plate, which received the Grammy and the status of the "best R & B-Album of the Year."

A year later, two important tasks have been entrusted. In February 2009, the artist performed the national anthem on the match of the superbul XLIII, and then sang at Michael Jackson's funeral. The second disk of the vocalist was presented in 2011. In 2012, Hudson spoke at the Grammy ceremony, where he performed the composition in memory of Whitney Houston. Jennifer's songs were included in the SMESH series as soundtracks. The artist collaborated with the famous producers like Timballand and Ryan Tedder.

Continuing acting, Hudson replenished the filmography of the Empire series in 2015 and became a member of the film crew of the film "Chirak". Then she was invited to cooperate as part of the production of the "Confirmation" picture. The actress did not forget about the dramatic scene. Her presentation in the musical "Purpura colors" positively appreciated critics and the public.

Jennifer Hudson now

The actress continues vocal and acting, filming perfume advertising. In 2019, the shooting of the "Respect" paintings began with the participation of Jennifer Hudson. In the film, the actress embodied the image of the archer Franklin. In the same year, the vocalist was involved in the Musical "Cats", filmmed by the Broadway production.


  • 2006 - "Girl of Dreams"
  • 2008 - "Sex in the Big City"
  • 2008 - "The Secret Life of Bees"
  • 2009 - "Flight Long Flight"
  • 2011 - "Winnie Mandela"
  • 2012 - "Three Balbes"
  • 2013 - "Inevitable defeat of Mr. and Piet"
  • 2013 - "Black Christmas"
  • 2014 - "Lullaby"
  • 2015 - "Chirak"
  • 2017 - Sandy Wexler
  • 2019 - "Respect"

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