The most dangerous products in the world: composition, additives, for children, health


Despite the fact that over the last century, all sorts of spiritual teachings appeared in the world, convincing followers that only winds, rain and sunlight are sufficient for life, the harsh reality is such that the human body without a complete nutrition and a complex of trace elements and vitamins is not capable of exist. However, it also happens that the food used not only supplies the necessary substances, but also presents a serious threat to a person. The most dangerous foods and dishes that people continue to eat, despite the probability present at the same time, in the material of our edition.

Unknown analysts

It is necessary only to turn on the TV, as they can immediately stumble upon the next show, telling the audience, which products for one or another are dangerous to health. Unknown analysts are confidently intimidated by the fact that food-produced by millions of people foods not only do not meet the quality requirements, but also contain hazardous chemicals in their own composition.

In addition to the serious risk of "absorb" with a piece of sausage or a mug of milk, almost the entire table of Mendeleev, there is a potential opportunity to pick up something from the extensive list of intestinal infections, especially dangerous for children and the elderly.

Such programs are enormous. The mass of people believe them and begin to believe that the most dangerous products are located on the nearest store shelf. However, the number of cases of real poisoning and infection is negligible.

If you stop talking about poor-quality food as the only source of threat and contact a really dangerous, then it is likely to go about exotic dishes. Which even in countries of origin eat not every day.

Fu of death

The conversation about especially dangerous dishes is reasonably started to begin with a kushan, belonging to the list of the most famous and even popular dishes with "threatening" properties. Of course, it's about fish Fugu, National Japanese delicacy, the only error in the preparation of which is able to entail a tragic finale for consumer.

Tetrodotoxin is the so-called poison contained in the internal organs and needles of the fish ball, as they sometimes refer to the fug. This chemically hazardous substance is characterized by increased absorption rate into blood and negative impact on the nervous system. Under his influence, the latter loses the ability to transmit pulses on fibers. This leads to the rapid paralysis of the respiratory system and, as a result, death from choking.

Toxin is postponed mainly in the skin of the fish, the tissues of its liver, the ovaries and the bustling bubble. The complexity of preparation is that the elements imagining the health elements representing for human health, without applying the poison to the sections of safe fillet, quite difficult. Even licensed chefs specializing in the preparation of a fugue are not able to completely eliminate the risk of poisoning, therefore dozens of lovers of "extreme cuisine" die every year.

It has been established that the substance representing the danger is not produced by the internal organs of the fish itself, but accumulates in tissues from eaten marine animals. Consequently, when growing in artificial conditions, it is not difficult to achieve the complete absence of tetrodotoxin by regulating the diet. However, no one seriously concerned about this issue - qualified chefs are not burning the desire to lose a solid income that brings Japanese delicacy that can kill. So those who will still risk trying a fugue, it is worth being ready for unpleasant turns of the plot, because there is no antidote from toxin.


The fact that in the countries of Scandinavia lives those more lovers of non-traditional cuisine, not heard only lazy. It is worth even remembering the Swedish Sursreming, from one smell of which will not be easy to go to the forefathers or, at least, easily clean the stomach from the content. However, this folk delicacy, although it is distinguished by a specific smell, is an existence for a person quite harmless. But in Iceland with antiquity, Haukarl is potentially dangerous.

The mentioned dish is dried by the local recipe meat of the Greenland polar shark. A distinctive feature of this maritime creation that lives in cold waters is an abundance of blood and tissues with urea ammonia and trimetylamininoxide. They help normally proceed with exchange processes in the aclamic body, preventing the formation of ice crystals. Actually, these substances, thanks to which Sculugsuck survives in the Ice Sea (so called the Polar Greenland Akul Eskimos), and are dangerous for a person.

Of course, the dish of the ancestors of the Icelanders was used in food, there are techniques proven by centuries, allowing to remove dangerous components from the carcass. However, it is difficult to completely get rid of toxins in shark meat in reality. Yes, and taste qualities remain far from perfect - no accident, Haukarl is called a dish with the most disgusting taste in the world. Confirms the latter and the fact that the Icelanders themselves culinary heritage of the ancient Vikings are not respected too, preferring to eat less dangerous products. But for foreign tourists, this poisonous delicacy is sold with pleasure.


The list of the most dangerous products in the world continues the domestic product. In Chukotka, the time of centuries prepare a specific dish with a characteristic repulsive odor and taste capable of literally to drive an unprepared person in the grave.

Copalchen is the traditional delicacy of the nationalities of the Far North. It is made of deer meat, whale, a walrus or seal, which is immersed after killing in a swamp. Or wrapping into the skin, buried under the gift on the surf line, giving to fault for 3-4 months. Due to this method of preparation, the local exotic eats is not only distinguished by a remarkable aroma and specific taste. It also represents a danger to a person due to the accumulation of botulinum generated by bacteriums and the increased content of pipe poisons, of which the most toxic neurin.

The organism of the northernmost residents, generations of Copalhan (known among local nationalities under different names - from Ignaka to Copalgyna), without difficulty, absorbs the amicing toxic dish. But for a person who is not accustomed to such a diet, even a small piece of meat abundant meat is capable of becoming a trip to the light. So experiments with rotten deer and seals it is better to leave the peoples that such dishes came up with, even if you want to try exotics very much.

Entry Pendel

Speaking about the kushans representing the health of people a threat, you can not forget about the "find" of the chef from the English Lincolnshire. In order to try Karim's cooked sharp sauce called "Atomic kick under the ass", to the institution where it works, hundreds of lovers of extremely sharp food flock.

The composition developed by the cooking chain for the bindi-chicken legs served in the restaurant - includes peppers acute in the world. Among them are the famous gourmets "Caroline Reaper" and "Scorpio Trinidad", as well as a special chili extract. Thanks to the unique recipe, the culinary work of Mohammed Carima on the scale of the Skovylla, used to assess the burning dishes, received 12 million units. While the glorified Tabasco sauce is estimated at the level of only 10 thousand.

The most acute sauce in the world

Tourists who used to eat "hellish kicks" face such side effects as increased sweating, suffocation, convulsive cuts in muscles, paralysis of facial nerve and even internal bleeding. There are often cases when "risky consumers" requires urgent attention from doctors. So the staff of the restaurant selling the burning seasoning, podnatar in the provision of first aid. Yes, what is there to say, if the author of the "masterpiece" himself, when preparing his corona sauce, is forced to wear a gas mask, so that it is not to suffer to the lacaround.

Gold in a bottle

By drawing up a list of the most dangerous products in the world, it is impossible to bypass and such a drink from Switzerland, like Goldschläger Schnaps, whose distinctive feature is particles added to the bottle.

Lovers of strong exotic liquids should be borne in mind that the yellow metal for the body is able to be a "unwanted guest". Once in the stomach, the flakes of gravestone gold cause poisoning. Especially to exclude such risks to patented bottle included special sieve, which will not allow pieces of precious metal to get into a glass. However, in the event that the Schnaps bought "from under the floor", the said filter tool may not be. And how high-quality will be a drink - it is difficult to predict.

By the way, allergicians are also able to refrain from the use of "Golden Schnaps", because it contains a cinnamon that can cause anaphylactic shock from people sensitive to spices.

Revenge of Korean Khulhu

To most Russians, if they are when and firing squid or octopus, these seafood fell on the table as exceptionally dried or canned. But in the Korean National Kitchen there is a popular dish, which is preparing from the living octopus - "San Na Ji". The sea inhabitant of small sizes is simply caught from the aquarium and put on a plate by sprinkling sesame.

The main danger of "San Na Ji" for a person is that with insufficiently careful chewing, the tentacles are able to attach suction cups to the larynx, thereby bumps the air access. Every year, with the use of this delicacy, up to a dozen people die.

By the way, in Japan prepare a dish called "Dancing Octopus" (ODORI-DON). The difference from the Korean version lies in the fact that the animal on the plate falls dead, and the move starts only after it is plenty of soy sauce. The sodium contained in the seasoning chemically reacts with the cells of the bodies of the sea inhabitant.

Fans of extravagant cuisine should be generally careful with Asian seafood dishes. Thus, in Southeast Asia, Evoshoy Cyania is popular, which is a danger to life and health due to the poison contained in it. And the local method of cooking bloody mollusks (Tegillaca Granosa), unlike the Mediterranean, retains the risk for consumer when eating these bivalves to grab the abdominal typhoid, dysentery or even hepatitis A.

Hanging pear ...

Aki, or Bliži, - This brought to Jamaica from West Africa at the end of the 18th century fruit received the status of "national" in the island state. Externally, the fruits remotely resemble the Bulgarian pepper or a pear. Inside - contain phytotoxin hypoglycine, causing convulsions and vomiting.

An unusual vagia makes that the poison contained in her pulp after ripening the fetus ceases to represent a danger to a person. When the fruit is revealed, demonstrating large black seeds, it can be safely used in food. Although the ripe pulp of aki is used to eat and in the raw form, on Jamaica prefer to cook it together with salty fish, and in Africa - fry or add to soup. Also, green fruits are often used as soap.

By the way, in Russia, the plant is also found, which is poisonous to ripening. We are talking about elder - unhealthy berries contain sinyl acid, but its concentration is reduced as ripening. However, even ripe elder is preferably only after preliminary heat treatment.

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