Stars who were popular in school: Russian, Hollywood


Popularity is what everyone's teenagers want, not one youth film is removed. Some Russian and Hollywood celebrities received it before they became famous. About the stars that were popular in school - in the editorial material 24cm.

Matthew McConahi

The actor was so popular at school Longview that he was given the title "most beautiful." But he took his certificate only in 2019, after 31 years after graduation. Matthew McConaehi studied well, engaged in sports and worked at the father's dressing, and all earned money spent in bars. Before becoming an actor, he was looking for himself in jurisprudence.

Blake Lively

The star of the series "Gossip" during the years of study held the post of president of the class and consisted of a group of cheerleaders. In school, Blake Liveley participated in the choir and tried in acting auditions. Soon, her attempts to get into the cinema was crowned with success, and she received a major role in the jeans-talisman youth drama.

Brad Pitt

Popularity pursues Brad Pitt with a school bench. The actor was engaged in sports, music, activism, debates and enjoyed the success of classmates. Friends nickname him for the vigorious character "Pitt-Boule". Photography Pitt even was concerned on the board of honor, and at the end of the study he received the award of the most stylish guy at school.
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Polina Gagarin

To the stars that were popular in school, and Polina Gagarin belongs. The singer since childhood was a creative child than admired teachers. Polina often participated in amateur and performed at concerts, and was also a star of music school. In the years of study, it was easily given humanitarian objects, and technical caused difficulties.


Nyusha did not shine in school, but was a star of school evenings and even organized their own performances. A lot of stories with fights were also associated with the singer, in which she defended girls. Nyusha, of course, remained the winner in these battles, the classes of martial arts were given themselves to know.

Dima Bilan.

In school, the singer was a rapid child, once Dima Bilan dragged the song at the lesson. Another school story happened in the dining room, where Dima climbed onto the table and performed the "beautiful far" under turbulent ovations. After that there was no doubt that the boy would go to music school. In addition, this case helped Bilan to replenish the list of stars, which were popular at school.

Natasha Koroleva

The singer studied in a secondary school and showed herself as a conflict-free child who could not stand for himself. Natasha had many friends and not only in the classroom, she was also a popular adviser for acquaintances. Fasciating music, Natasha Koroleva loved the speeches at school events.

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