Lambert (Character) - Photo, Author, Angey Sapkovsky, Appearance, Description


Character History

Lambert is a secondary character of the literary series "Witcher", created by the writer Andrhehey Sapkovsky. Also appears in several computer games. Like the protagonist of the works of the cycle, Heralt from Rivia, Lambert is a hired hunter on mystical monsters. A man is endowed with a difficult character, constantly lets ulcer jokes about the events around him and characters. Heads hero and over friends, but those tend to quietly take the witch's mockery.

History of character creation

For the first time, the image is found on the pages of the Blood Elf, which has become the third in the Sapkovsky series. The exact age is unknown, but the author mentions that the hero is the youngest of the Witcher inhabiting in Caer. The writer does not give a detailed description of the appearance of Lambert - it is known only that the tall, thin, fried. Also a distinctive feature of the character is repulsive grin.

A more carefully external appearance of the hero "registered" in computer games. Here a man appears with dark, short-sided hair, in which he managed to appear. On the face - a beard-bristle. A distinctive feature, like other witches, becomes yellow eyes with a vertical, "animal" pupil. In the clothes, Lambert prefers a leather jacket having short sleeves, dark pants and boots with challenges. The main weapon of the hero is the Witch Steel Sword.

Fate and image Lambert

About the early years in the biography of the hero, the book of Angeya Sapkovsky does not report. However, in the third part of the game the Witcher tells about how his childhood passed - this story explains why the character hates the whole world why a man is so cynical and full of black irony. Father Lambert was addicted to alcohol and often beat a little son and his wife. The mother of the future murderer of monsters, as he himself, wanted Tyrant as soon as possible to go to another world.
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Once, Father Lambert is surrounded by worsters, monsters, attackers on lonely travelers. By happy for a man of chance to help, Muslimir comes to the rescue. To thank the Savior, the Father gives a little son - Elemere promises to teach the child to the skill of hunting monsters. This action himself, the boy himself considered great injustice, since his own life exchanges a parent, whom the character despises. After studying Lambert returns home and kills his father.

The character of the hero, formed in difficult conditions, became unanswered for others. The Witcher does not hide contempt for other people, gives them sharp, ulcer. A man is always ready for a sharp doggy, scabing curses. The hero is prone to pessimism, loves to turn. Lambert does not trust almost anyone, criticizes - do not become an exception to the events offended by him.

The character is poorly laid with Temmere teacher, and Heralt and Excel, raising in a conversation unpleasant for the hunter for the monsters of the themes, can receive physical "suggestion." For Lambert, people of noble origin are hated, as well as magicians. To his craft, the hero applies consumer. For him, the murder of mystical monsters is, first of all, the source of income. A man does not see in the destruction of the extinct of a high idea, does not think that thereby he saves someone.

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With all the coldness and calculating the Witcher is ready to sacrifice himself if you need help. It is characterized by courage and intelligence. Events in the book describing Lambert's life belong to the period of 1263, when Geralt returns to Caer Morhin and brings cursions with him. The hero, together with other Witches - Eskel, Velsem - teaches young heroine to the wischants of the witch mastery, as well as fencing.

When Lambert trains cursions, the Witcher in a characteristic manner criticizes the student, it is irritated over the girl, expresses discontent. Soon the hero succeeds in seeing the moment of cursions into trance when she predicts heratht death "from teeth". When TRISS Merigold appears in the fortress in the fortress, the hero begins the evil to fade and over this wizard.

For several decades, the main events set forth in Sapkovsky's Sagkovsky, Lambert is associated with the conflict between the sorceress of Sabrina Gerusseig and Prince Deudy Admene. Sabrina, suspecting dangerous mutations in the girl's body, wants to kill her and explore the body of the princes. There is also a dispute between the witches: some take the side of the wizard, others - Deidres. Lambert in the current situation believes that Adhereine cannot be given to Sabrina, although Princess and does not cause a sympathy at the hero.

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Together with hero in the story of the third computer game, the hero is looking for Bertram Tauler. According to the Witcher, a man is involved in the death of Lambert's friend, Aiden. Soon, the characters manage to find the "suspect." Now he faced criminal activities, replaced the name and place of residence. Having learned why he was looking for him, Tauler talks about the death of Iidena the following.

It turns out, in the past and a friend of Lambert, and Bertram were witches. Once, Aiden accepted the order - to argue the daughter of the Duke. However, I did not cope with the task and ran away with the paid fee. Mercenaries were sad for him, at the moment of the fight one of them, Wienna, shot in a friend's watcher from the crossbow. But Lambert does not believe this story and asks Geralhal to make a decision - whether the hero can kill Tauler.

In the character's biography, many interesting facts. For example, it is reported that the Witcher carries weapon on the back without a belt - swords as if "hang in the air." Lambert does not like cold - in one winter, the hunter behind the monsters was sitting by the fireplace, wrapped in a few blankets. In one of the quests, when players change clothes, it turns out that the upper part of the hero's body is devoid of scars. It is believed that this is not separated by the creators of the game.

Lambert in films

In 2019, the fans of the Sapkovsky series removed the film "On half a century of poetry later." The role of Lambert in the picture was performed by the Polish actor Marius Drajek. The picture includes quotes from a literary source.


- You became touching than yen.- Look, do not fall in love.

- You have Osin's waist!

"And you yourself aspen!" Do not teach the grandfather to cough.


  • 1994 - "Blood Elf"


  • 2019 - "On half a century poetry later"

Computer games

  • 2007 - "Witcher"
  • 2010 - "Witcher 2: Kings Killers"
  • 2015 - "Witcher 3: Wild Hunt"

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