Film "Eternal" (2020): Release date, actors, roles, trailer


Marvel Studios continues to experiment, displaying the screens of little-known comic characters. So, in 2021 the film "Eternal" is expected, the narrative of the committed by the Cellians of the perfect and powerful people. The editorial office of 24cmi prepared material about the plot of paintings, actors and roles, as well as interesting facts about the upcoming kinonovink.


The epic end of the film "Avengers: Final" (2019) in postitir scenes did not spoke about the continuation that expects the viewer in the 25th film of the film marvel. According to the idea of ​​the authors, instead of earthlings with devians will fight eternal.

Representatives of this kind saw the light thanks to the experiments of Kemetals more than 5 million years ago. Superlyudi secretly live on Earth and, having exceptional abilities, seek to protect ordinary people from monstrous devians. Learning about the latest actions of Tanos, the eternal go out of the shadows.

Actors and roles

The main roles in the film "Eternal" performed the whole Pleiad of Hollywood stars:

1. Angelina Jolie is a powerful, hardy tan, capable of manipulating cosmic energy to form light, heat or shock wave. For Angelina Jolie "Eternal" - Debut work in Marvel Studios. The actress played a major role in the cash family fantasy films "Malefistent" (2014) and "Malefistent: Lady of Darkness" (2019);

2. Richard Madden - Ikaris, an ally of the Ten. In 2019, 2 films were published with the participation of the Scottish actor of theater and movies: "Rocketman" and "1917";

3. Salma Hayek - Adjak, the leader of the eternal. Several movies are being prepared at the exit with the participation of the actress: "Glamorous bosses", "inadvertible roads", "Killer's bodyguard";

4. Keith Harington - Dane Witman, who has fencing and riding skills (it is also called a black knight). Spectators know the actor on the role of John Snow, the main character of the American fantasy series "Game of Thrones" (2011-2019);

5. Gemma Chan - Sersi, in the ability of which the creation of illusions, magic, laser rays out of the eyes. The English actress Jemma Chan is most famous for the roles in the films "Transformers: the last knight" (2017), "London Fields" (2018), "Captain Marvel" (2019).

The secondary roles played in the film "Eternal" played the actors:

  • Kumel Nanjiani - Kingo;
  • Barry Keogan - Druger;
  • Lauren Ridloff - Maccarei;
  • Brian Tyri Henry - Fastos;
  • Lia Macxew - sprite;
  • John Lee is Gilgamesh.

Interesting Facts

1. Because of the coronavirus infection, the release date of the film "Eternal", scheduled for November 2020, postponed on February 12, 2021. About when Russian fans of the film Marvel will see a novelty, is still unknown.

2. Tanos, like the Ten, belongs to the third generation of eternal, but the superhero has developed a deviant gene, as a result of which he fights on the side of evil.

3. User twitter @eternalsnews On January 22, 2020, published frames from the filming, on which Richard Madden was captured in the levishing status. Among the superconductors who possess eternal: creating illusions, control and change of consciousness, regeneration, invulnerability, teleportation.

4. Kevin Faigi retains intrigue and does not disclose the plot of the upcoming film, and the official trailer "Eternal" has not yet appeared on the network, although the concept art is ready.

5. November 5, 2019, during filming on the Canary Islands there was an evacuation due to the detected non-corrosion projectile of the Second World War.

6. In the spring of 2019, Keith Harington hit the PRIVE-SWISS clinic with a nervous breakdown associated with the end of the filming of the final episode of the cult "Game of Thrones" and, as a result, alcohol abuse.

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