Shura Birthday: 2020, Interesting Facts, Biography, Personal Life


Among the countless number of pop performers, "poured" at the end of the last century on the Patriotic Pastrad, he highlighted his bright rapidly singer Schura. Such a scenic pseudonym chose a native of Novosibirsk Alexander Medvedev, on May 20, 2020 celebrated his 45th birthday. Although his glory peak has already passed, he still continues to appear on TV channels and surprise fans on their page in "Instagram".

The editorial office 24cmi was specially for the anniversary of the artist prepared a selection of interesting facts from the creative biography and the personal life of the celebrity, whose songs of the song "Create Good", "Summer rains" and "You don't believe in tears" remain popular now, because for many Russians they are not related to school years and the period of growing up.

About parents

The childhood of the future singer Shura was not easy. At 9 years old, the mother gave a child in the orphanage - 2 years later, a grandmother took Sasha. And about the fact that the person he believed his father actually comes from him stepfather, the guy found out only when he received a passport - the mother asked to record another patronymic. As Alexander later found out, the real dad dwells in the neighborhood and knew perfectly well where his former beloved with his siblings lives. But the desire to establish with your own son's contact never showed.

About the sown duty

With the mother, the attorney did not work out. Before passing the child in the orphanage, she disappeared his discontent with a poor life on an unwanted son. Rugala, Bila, poded on the fights with the younger brother - during one of these brawls Alexander and lost his teeth. Despite the not too pleasant memories of the past, having achieved recognition and popularity, the singer continued to support the mother materially, although due to conflicts, money often had to be transferred through relatives.

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About education, start career and outfits

The singer Schura in childhood was distinguished by a problematic character and nonsense. Because instead of a certificate about the end of the school, the artist has only a certificate of incomplete secondary education - due to behavior and absenteeism (once passed a week, getting the necessary forms of the necessary forms) a teenager was expelled from school in the 7th grade. The performer does not have musical education, because of the problems with breathing and the lack of teeth in his youth, I decided to abandon mentors.

However, it did not prevent a singer's career - from 13 years old, the future artist began to perform in the Novosibirsk restaurant "Rus". There I worked faith Mikhailovna - Grandma Alexander. Because of a peculiar bright concert, the young man received a nickname from visitors a yellow suitcase. Over time, the suits of the artist have become not causing, but stylish. And a smile, by 8 million rubles, no longer abounds with defects, once that were an integral part of the stage image. But the tendency to the shock still sometimes hesitates in the behavior and actions of the stars - this is in his nature, according to the singer himself.

About needlework and colors

Grandmother taught Alexander Embroidery and Macrame. In the youth, the future pop performer was led by handicrafts in Novosibirsk, who were popular with women of all ages. Subsequently, because of this, he decided to master the profession of florist. Even becoming a star, Alexander did not break up with his beloved hobby - Shura loves to be free from rehearsals, concerts and studio records time to draw bouquets from flowers presented by fans.

About orientation and children

Given the bright image, the abundance of cosmetics and specific outfits, did not become surprising that in the late 90s and the beginning of zero, rumors were spreading about the unconventional sexual orientation of the singer Shura. Which should be noted implicitly supported by the Contractor himself. Subsequently, it turned out that the man in this way was a pion, attracting the attention of fans unusual in those years.

For a long time for Shura for a long time, it became known in 2010 - the singer presented to the public Elizabeth Tuffun. With her, a man even was going to play a wedding. However, more about the Matrimonional Star Plans has not been received since then. But some time ago, at the next current show, the artist said that he would dream of becoming a father. Even the nursery designed in a country cottage where he now lives. True, due to the operations transferred due to cancer, this artist sees only with the help of surrogate motherhood.

About peers

The Contractor admits that in his youth did not like to contact with peers - they seemed stupid, there were no general topics. That is why he stretched to adults. Because of this, working in the restaurant, felt in its place. But it was in such a backward side - communicating with the visitors to the institution, the guy early began to fool and drink, although Vera Mikhailovna tried to follow the grandson.

About cancer

The hardest test in the biography of the singer Shura became cancer, not only the resulting significant spending and moral experiences, but also forced the celebrity for a long time with the pop. According to the artist, not relatives helped to cope at that time and dig up, and close friends and dog. Alexander recalls that first of all sought to survive the sake of Chihuahua named Matilda, which he started on the recommendation of clairvoyant. After the painful getting rid of the tumor, the star had to face another problem - due to the chemotherapy, the Shura spared up to 140 kg with a height of 175 cm. It was necessary to get rid of excess weight using liposuction.

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