Stanislav Kontsevich - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, News, Films 2021



In 2019, several Russian print publications once set out to introduce readers with people for the scenes, namely, those who voiced the legendary Hollywood actors in favorite film. For example, Sergey Burunov did not regret the voice for Leonardo Di Caprio, Olga Zubkov - for Angelina Jolie, Galina Chiginskaya - for Meryl Streep. But all of them surpassed, of course, Stanislav Kontsevich, "Having assumed" and Tom Hanks, and Will Smith, and George Clooney, and others.

Childhood and youth

At the end of the first summer month of 2019, June 24, Stanislav Vladimirovich took congratulations on the anniversary - 55 years ago a recognized master of dubbage and the actor appeared in Leningrad. Unfortunately, there are no comprehensive details about his parents and an early biography, except that the boy since childhood was interested in the theater, dreaming to become an artist.

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Therefore, it is not surprising that at the end of the electromechanical technical school in 1983, the guy filed documents in the current RGISI. In the university, the student came to one course with Dmitry Shevchenko, starred in a variety of Russian films, and Alexey Petrov, who found himself in sports journalism, and was under the wing of Efim Padve. At one time, the director also headed the theater of the regional drama of the city on the Neva (now MDT - the theater of Europe), and the youth theater on the fountain.

In 1990, having received a cherished diploma on higher education, Kontsevich remained teaching in his native lity, in parallel making the first, but confident steps in cinema. As for the temples of Melpomen, he was listed in the troupes "InterTeeter", "Experiment", "youths", as a result in 2010, settled in the BDT named after Georgy Tovstonogov.

Personal life

Personal life Master Dublja prefers to keep secret: Judging by the ring on the nameless finger of his right hand, a man is married, but information and news about children and grandchildren are not provided.

In addition to the sounding of books, Kontesech tried and write them himself: his peru belongs to, for example, "The Gena of Langushkin and Bird Dodo. Fairy tale for adults. "


Kontsevich stood on the acting path in 1989, debuting in the role of the violinist of the Basilsky in the "twenty minutes with an angel." In the future, the artist's filmography grew a year from year to year and replenished with the "steps of the emperor", the "streets of broken lanterns", "Banditsky Petersburg", "Road Patrol", "Grigory R.", "Great", etc.

Jumping out the man began to engage a little earlier: in 1982, the Knight of the Roads (Davon Miles, Carr) was released, then the endless "Santa Barbara" (Sisi Capwell), "Their own league", where Tom Hanks spoke his voice, "Fugitive "Where did Harrison Ford dubbing? Subsequently, they were joined by "air prison", "Titanic", "one at home - 3", "reach heaven", "Desperate Housewives" and many other favorite movie cornocartins.

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In the "Nights in the Museum - 3" Stanislav Vladimirovich was lucky to "cooperate" with Hugh Jackman, in Terminator-3 - with Arnold Schwarzenegger, in the "Galaxy Guards. Part 2 "- with Kurt Russell, in the" Resurrect Dead "- with Nicholas Cage.

"Nicholas Cage was good in the early films that I did not duplicate. And then his game became some kind of very same, so I'm trying to do it multiformed. Harrison Ford is Mr. Organizer, a simple guy who saves everyone and the whole knight without fear and reproach. And it is always fresh, "he shared in an interview.

Lovers listen to literary works, and not read them, are obliged by Petersburger recording audiobook "Dr. Zhivago", "Tale of Belkin. Dubrovsky, "" The girl who is stuck in a web "and" a girl with a dragon tattoo. "

Stanislav Kontsevich now

In 2019, Kontsevich reincarnated in Vadim Sinyavsky in the sports drama "Lev Yashin. The goalkeeper of my dreams ", who did not forget to mention in his account in" Instagram "under the photo collapse of the Russian national football team, and was transformed into Sergius of Radonezh in documentary" Rurikovichi ". It is also known that the actor starred in the detective series "Spy No. 1" and voiced the animation "Toy history - 4" with Kim's Five-S-Plus.



  • 1989 - "Twenty minutes with angel"
  • 1991 - "Emperor's Steps"
  • 1992 - "Comedy of a strict regime"
  • 1998, 2001, 2006 - "Streets of broken lamps"
  • 2002 - "Niro Wolfe and Archie Goodwin"
  • 2005 - "Gangster Petersburg - 7"
  • 2006 - "Sonya Golden Handle"
  • 2008, 2010, 2011 - "Foundry"
  • 2013 - "Scouts"
  • 2014 - "Grigory R."
  • 2015 - "Great"
  • 2017 - "Wings of the Empire"
  • 2018 - "Melnik"
  • 2019 - "Lev Yashin. Goalkeeper of my dreams "
  • 2019 - Rurikovichi

Dubli Actor

  • 1992-2002- Santa Barbara
  • 1993 - "Fugitive"
  • 1997 - "Titanic"
  • 1997 - "Reaching out to heaven"
  • 1999 - "Resecting the Dead"
  • 2003 - "Terminator - 3: Rebells of Machines"
  • 2004-2012 - "Desperate Housewives"
  • 2011-2019 - "Game of Thrones"
  • 2014 - "Night in the Museum - 3"
  • 2017 - "Murder in Eastern Express
  • 2017 - "Secret Dossier"
  • 2018 - "Running in Maze: Medicine from death"
  • 2018 - "Avengers: the war of infinity"
  • 2018 - "Christopher Robin"
  • 2019 - Kim Five-S-Plus

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