Where to relax in summer without coronavirus: 2020, tourist season, vouchers


Even at the beginning of Spring, it became obvious that the tourist season in 2020 would not look like the previous ones - the roaring coronavirus did not leave the country with popular resorts without his attention, strongly limiting travel opportunities. But summer is approaching, shy rainy weekdays are replaced by sunny clear days, and workers' heads begin to attend thoughts about where to go to the period of approaching vacation.

The editorial office of 24cmi decided to simplify the future resting choice and prepared a selection of places where to relax in the summer without coronavirus.


Countries that returned to ordinary life after a pandemic

Countries that returned to ordinary life after a pandemic

Vouchers to Turkish resorts have always been popular with Russians. Fortunately, Turkey gradually weakens antiviral measures and is preparing for the resumption of international air traffic on June. True, first the resorts of Antalya, Kemer and other cities will take guests from the Asian region. Before Europeans, the turn will reach somewhat later.

All those arriving in the country will hold on the border to take a test for COVID-19. No compliance with the social distance, including restaurants and hotels. Also for the ban will fall and many favorite buffet.


A selection of places where to relax in the summer without Coronavirus, continues Croatia, which since the beginning of May began to let aliens. True, the entrance is still allowed only by residents of the European Union: until mid-June, tourists from third countries travel to local resorts is not available - these are the recommendations of Brussels.

However, in the Government of Croatia, they assure that they are already engaged in the preparation of a detailed plan for full restoration of the tourist flow. And already dealt with the decision of the main task - minimize contacts between the local population and foreign guests. So, probably, in the second half of the summer, tours on the local resorts will again be in demand.


Preparing to receive guests to this tourist season and neighboring Montenegro, which is capable of heading the list of countries without Coronavirus in the coming days - four patients remained in the state. From May 18, the hotel, cafes and restaurants are renewed here, and the marine borders are open to foreign yachts and boats. In the first week of June, the checkpoint will open and on land.

The question of the resumption of international air traffic will be raised later, so more or less restoring tourism in the country is counting not before August-September. Although everyone is promised to receive foreign travelers to prepare already by early July.

Among the restrictions are the requirement for the observance of the social distance. Even the number of chaise lounges are going to cut in half to ensure space enough for the "antiviral zone".


In Mexico, quarantine soften - by the end of the spring, they plan to cancel restrictions on internal trips. If the situation does not deteriorate, the Mexican government is going to open the tourist season from June 1 - on this day up to 40% of hotels will open. The rest will be "commissioned" gradually - the resumption of the tourism sector is fully planned until the end of the year.

Of the changes related to coronavirus infection - mandatory checks arriving from the border at airports and compliance with the social distance.


It does not want to stay away from tourist activity in this summer season and Bulgaria. The country has already been allowed the work of hotels and catering enterprises, we removed the checkpoints on entry into the cities. The priority of power is the support of domestic tourism and call on local residents in 2020 to relax in their homeland. However, foreigners from July 1 will have a chance to get to the Bulgarian resorts. True, only after passing the mandatory 2-week quarantine.

Also, foreign guests will oblige to comply with the social distance. Moreover, both on the beaches and in the cafe: the prescribed distance between the tables is 2.5 meters.


The fact that the country during a Pandemic COVID-19 was in terms of the number of victims in the lead, does not stop the Spanish authorities in the desire to support the economy with the infusion of funds coming from tourists. Spain, by the end of June, will be ready to take overseas guests. First of all, we are talking about the Canary and Balearic Islands - the epidemiological situation is more favorable in comparison with the rest of the country.

Also, the Spanish manual does not neglect the security measures. Checking the arrivals, mask mode and compliance with the social distance, no one canceled.


Rada to meet guests and Greece, who has already added Russia to the list of states, for which borders from July 1 will open. Moreover, even if Brussels does not approve a single list of tourism rules for the fight against COVID-19. In such a situation, according to the statements of the Greek authorities, bilateral agreements between countries will act.

However, it is not necessary to reflect on the day without a coronavirus to relax in the summer without coronavirus, only if the COVID-19 test is negative. Moreover, the results must be provided before the departure of the aircraft. On May 21, the Prime Minister of Greece noted that the resort season will begin on June 15.

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