Ilya Safronov - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, News, Safronov Brothers 2021



Ilya Safronova, from childhood, focused focuses and tricks. Talent for directed, dexterity and acting helped him become a master of illusion, who conquered the public of the former USSR.

Childhood and youth

Ilya Vladimirovich Safronov was born on April 12, 1977 in Moscow. He grew up with the younger brothers Sergei Safronov and Andrey Safronov.

Mom boys dreamed of acting career, but could not shine on the screens. Wanting to give children a better future, she took care of their comprehensive development, drove into circles and sections. While studying at school, Ilya managed to participate in the filming of the cinema in the composition of the extras. In parallel, the young man became interested in the work of David Copperfield, who inspired him to become an illusionist.

The guy came to the circus college, where he mastered the craft of the jongler. Then he decided to learn the skill of the director, for what he entered the Shopkinsky Theater School. When the diploma was at Ilya in his arms, he began working in advertising, but continued to study the secrets of focus and magic tricks, and soon Andrew and Sergey joined him.

The guys began to work together, forming the trio of the Safron's brothers. On the shoulders of the elder, the obligations of the creation of the ideas of the show, and the younger practices were executed.

Personal life

About the personal life of a man knows little. He met with Marina Danilova, but since 2015, in the celebrity profile, a photo with a girl appeared in the celebrity profile, which forced fans to concern the status of relationships.

Ilya is rarely seen without a hat, which has become an integral attribute of the image of the illusionist. In an interview for the "republic", the presenter admitted that he began to wear it because of naughty hair, but over time the hat became his talisman.


The screen debut of the illusionist took place in 2002, when his, Sergey and Andrei were invited to speak on the transfer "What? Where? When?". The guys demonstrated the entertainment number "burning alive", which struck the audience in the hall. Stars called working on the first channel, where the transmission was released with their participation.

The brothers were not limited to the Russian public. In the same year, they went to New York to join the club magicians of the international level. Then he visited Switzerland, where they completed the trick with the movement of a person from one city to another, the show was broadcast by local TV.

After the appearance in the "Evanims" program, where young people showed focuses by chance passers-by on the streets of Moscow, proposals for joint work fell on illusionists. They acquired their own heading on the M1 TV channel, where they trained the audience with simple tricks.

Safronov collaborated with Alexander Tsekalo, created a show for the ceremonies of the award "Silver Kalosh" and "Golden Gramophone". They were accompanied by concerts of such performers like Svetlana Surganov, Sergey Shnurov and Alexander Pushnaya, ensuring the entertainment of performances.

In 2007, Ilya, Andrei and Sergey began to lead the program "Battle of psychics" together with actor Mikhail Porechenkov. They remained invited project experts over the next seasons and helped monitor the honesty of testing by psychics.

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Soon the Safronov began to create their own show. As part of the "Miracle People" program, they appeared on the streets of cities to hit the random viewers with their tricks. The results of the filming were broadcast on the NTV television channel. After the successful release of the project on the screens, the magicians continued to create programs for Russian and Ukrainian television channels. Their skill can be seen in the "Ukraine wonders" on the new channel, the "Empire of Illusions" on the STS and the "Park" on the first.

The brothers own the authorship of fabulous illusory shows. They prepared New Year's family family programs "Alice in Wonderland", "the investigation leads the wizard" and "Magic Man. The beginning ", which collected thousands of spectators in the halls and received a lot of positive feedback.

Ilya Safronov Now

In 2020, the Thriller "Deadly Illusions" came to the screens, which Ilya sterled. Now he continues to delight fans with new ideas for tricks. News from his creative biography are published on the Safron Brothers page in "Instagram" and on the official website.


  • 2003 - "Evanbody"
  • 2007-2019 - "Battle of Psychics"
  • 2009 - "Miracle People"
  • 2012 - "Ukraine Miracles"
  • 2013-2014 - Teleport
  • 2015 - "Empire Illusions"
  • 2015 - Park
  • 2015 - "Alice in Wonderland"
  • 2017-2018 - "The investigation leads a wizard. Safron's brothers "
  • 2019-2020 - "Magic Man. Start"

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