The most beautiful Turkish actors: 2020, rating, photos, young, idle


It has long passed the time when millions of Russian television drivers rushed to blue screens, so as not to miss a new series of the next Latin American soap opera. Thanks to the development of the Internet and television, serials from other countries came from South America, among which Turkey. The most beautiful Turkish actors are in our material.

7. Serkan Chuglu

Opens the selection of Eastern men-artists rapidly gaining the popularity of the Star of the Turkish TV series - Serkan Teahlo, who was born in 1987 in Germany. To implement the dream of a movie in reality, the obvious decision was to move to the historical homeland. While the young man pulled up acting skills, survive helped work as a model. Athletic physique and impressive growth (188 cm) made a novice artist with a welcome guest on the podium and on promotional photos in fashion magazines. And after 6 years, the model career Cajoge was invited to play in the episode. The first major role received in the "Cherry Season" project in 2014.

Serkan Ceagla, by rumors, has been found for many years with actress Gürel.

6. Barysh Arduch

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The peer of the 1st participant in the rating of the most beautiful Turkish actors, Barysh Arduch was also born outside the borders of the historic homeland - in Switzerland. Having moved with parents to Turkey at 8 years old, the guy entered the sports academy, but he exchanged her for acting courses in the Istanbul Sadri Theater. Fame came to the lady after the series "Love for rent", where the young actor first fulfilled the main role - for her he received more than a dozen all kinds of television awards.

Barysh Arduche is fond of diving, from time to time it works as a lifeguard, and also actively participates in different charitable promotions, being the official envoy of the Turkish organization "Life without cancer". For a long time consists in relationships with actress Güpsy.

5. Kerem Bursin

The future actor, the native of Turkish Istanbul, because of the work of the father managed to pretrately clam the world. In the states Kerie Burcin and felt for the first time craving for art. In Hollywood, the star career did not set himself, but in his homeland everything developed: the role in the Turkish TV series "Waiting for the Sun" (2013) made a young actor popular and opened the road to glory.

In 2018, Kerem on the project "Lifeless" tried himself as a producer. Also, a man continues to play sports and get involved in self-development, paying the time of meditation and reading the appropriate literature. But on the personal front at the 32-year-old artist, Sarana Sarykaya, with which Bursin was a long time in relations, in 2019 refused to take a wedding ring - building a career for a girl was more important than a family hearth.

4. Kadir Dogulu

Kadir Dogulu is an equally beautiful Turkish actor who started like many of his colleagues, from a model business. The first project in which Kadir took part was the television series "Little Secrets" (2010). The world viewer Kadir Dogulu is most remembered as the Crimean Khan Mehmed III Graya in the cult series "Magnificent Century: Keshe Sultan."

Since 2016, Kadir is married to Actress Nesalihan Athagul. Because of his beloved, the artist even quarreled with his own friend, the famous Turkish performer by Burak Ozchilit. In one TV project, the Burak and Choams of Kadir played lovers, and Dogulu did not appreciate the frankness of a friend's kisses with his girlfriend. I did not get an invitation to the wedding of Nesalihan and Kadir.

3. Talkhan Saolyman

Tolgahan Saolyman began to work the model and managed to become famous before the start of the acting career - in 2002, the guy became the winner of the beauty contest "Mr. Turkey". And after 3 years, he took the first prize in South Korea in the international competition MANHUNT INTERNATIONAL. After the Asian Triumph received an invitation to the cinema. After several passing projects, the artist starred in the comedy "Goal of My Life", who made a young man truly popular in his homeland. Since then, the actor gets only the main roles.

Sayshman is fond of football and does not miss a single game as the favorite capital club "Fenerbach" and the Turkish football team, for which he inspired and selflessly sick. Since 2017, Tolgahan is married to Almada Abazi, Albanian-Turkish actress and model. The marriage ceremony took place in a family circle on Valentine's Day on the roof of the hotel in Beverly Hills.

2. Kyvanch Tatlutug

This beautiful Turkish actor in his homeland is often compared with Brad Pitt. In his youth, Kyvanch Tatlutug played at the professional level in the Istanbul team "Beshiktash", however, due to the injury gained, the knee had to part. On the advice of the mother, he went to the model. Despite the title "The Best Model of the World", obtained by the results of the beauty contest in Paris, the podium Kyvanch did not intend for a long time. Turkish handsome went to the movies. Recognition came to Kyvanchu Tatlutugu after filming in "Forbidden Love".

Actor, twice winning the Golden Butterfly Award for the Best Male role, continues to please the fans with new projects. Also from 25 years old is the Ambassador of UNICEF to protect the rights of children. In 2016, Kyvanch Tatlutug played a wedding with Bashak Diesel - a girl with which the performer met until this moment 3 years, works at the makeup of the makeup.

1. Burak Ozchivit

Countrymen call the Istanbul, which occupies a leading position in the ranking of the most beautiful actors, "Turkish George Clooney". Bukuk Ozchivit immediately knew what he wants to achieve. And therefore entered the University of Marmara at the Faculty of Cinema, Fine Arts and Photography, in parallel, starting working with a mannequin. The selected path was faithful - becoming the best model first in Turkey (2003), and then in the world (2005), in 2006 it joined the ranks of national televisas.

By the 2020th, Ozchivit managed to participate in the top ten of television and film projects, but most of all is known to the world viewer thanks to the roles in the Turkish TV series "Magnificent Century" and "The Korolev - Hanging Bird". On the shooting of the last actor met with the future wife, Fakhrya Eugengen. On April 13, 2019, the artist became the Father - the son of Caran was born at Burak and Fakhria.

The Turkish handsome collects his own collection of vintage cars and is the owner of the restaurant, and his photo periodically appears on the pages of glossy magazines.

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