Ivlin in - photo, biography, personal life, cause of death, books



Ivlin is recognized as one of the greatest stylists in the English prose of the 20th century. From under his feather, realistic novels, exciting travel notes and saturated biographies. Creativity Ivlin continued to live and after the author's death, because even now his works are screening.

Childhood and youth

Arthur Ivlin Saint-John was born on October 28, 1903 in the London Boro Western Hampeed, United Kingdom.

In the family of Arthur at and Catherine Charlotte, several writers were brought up: the elder brother of Willi Alexander Raban is known as Alec-Novotlist and literary critic.

It turned out that Alec became a father's favorite, and Ivlin brought up mom. The youngest in the often lacked the male council, he felt disadvantaged, perhaps because he began to compose. The first from his feather came the story "Curse of horse racing".

Ivlin, in the footsteps of the Father and the Elder Brother, was to learn in Sherbon, but his Alma Mater became Lansing College. Diligent learning in 1921 was piled a scholarship in Oxford. In the middle of the way, in the alcohol addiction and literary rebellion, so the final exam in 1924 passed "with creak".

Personal life

At first, Ivlin in, like his brother Alek, tied his personal life with men. The first homosexual experience took place in 1922 in Oxford: I met with the British historian Richard Pares and the Scottish zoologist Alister Graham.

In 1937, the situation changed: the writer became acquainted with Ivlin Gardner and fell in love with unconsciousness. Friends called a couple of Hevlin and she-Ivlin.

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The wedding in Gardner took place on June 27, 1928. It seemed that their marriage was eternal, but on September 3, 1929, Ivlin filed for a divorce: the spouse died to change with his best friend.

In 1936, I made a proposal Laurere Herbert, cousin Ivlin Gardner. Lovers got married on April 17, 1937. With the second wife, in full, I realized my desire to have children: Herbert gave birth to seven babies, one died in infancy.


The debut novel "Temple on the Straw Roof" almost brought Ivlin in the grave: Critics were coldly reacted to the draft manuscript, so the writer burned her and decided to commit suicide. He descended to the sea, left the clothes with a farewell note on the shore and entered the water. The bite of jellyfish awakened in the passion for life.

In 1926, Ivlin published a story "Balance", thanks to which he received an order for the biography of Dante Gabriel Rossetti, English Prearafaelita. The book was called "decay and collapse" (1928) and achieved a certain success. A truly deafening the surname was sounded after the "birth" of the satirical novel "nasty flesh" (1930).

By the way, the biography genre was returned often. He, being religious, wrote about the Holy Edmund of Campion and about a person who allegedly found a life-giving cross.

Ivlin traveled at often. Winned often embodied in the bibliography: travel notes "distant people" (1931) and "ninety-two days" (1934), "black attack" novels (1932) and "Handicraft of Prach" (1934).

The Second World War found an Ivlin in with a pen in her hand. He did not like to throw writing halfway, so he published a manuscript called "suspended work and other stories" (1943).

In 1939, enrolled in the Navy. He turned out to be a mediocre soldier. The writer tried to raise to the officer, but it turned out in vain. However, the United Kingdom needed strength, and he served until September 1945.

In 1945, the world saw the most famous novel in "Return to Brydshead", which brought him fame, money and prestige. This is the most popular work in for shields: at least five films are filmed.


On the threshold of the 60th anniversary of Ivlin, he felt a deep old man: his shortness of breath and deafness were tormented, he had almost no teeth left. In the later photos, the degradation of the body is especially noticeable. It is not so much spiritual experiences as alcohol and narcotic dependencies that are absorbed by the writer in the last years of life.

Ivlin in died on April 10, 1966, at Easter, did not have time to add autobiography. The cause of death is heart failure. His body rests from the Anglican Church of the Saints Peter and Paul in the town of Combi Florei, the United Kingdom.


  • 1928 - "decay and collapse"
  • 1930 - "nasty flesh"
  • 1932 - "Black attack"
  • 1934 - "Handling of Prach
  • 1938 - "Sensation"
  • 1942 - "Do not spare flags"
  • 1945 - "Return to Braidshead"
  • 1947 - "Unforgettable"
  • 1950 - "Elena"
  • 1953 - "Love among the ruins"
  • 1957 - "Test of Gilbert Pinfold"

The trilogy of the "sword of honor":

  • 1952 - "People with weapons"
  • 1955 - "Officers and Gentlemen"
  • 1961 - "unconditional capitulation"

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