Film "Two Pope" (2019): Release date, actors, roles, trailer


The premiere of the film "Two Pope" took place on August 31, 2019 at the film festival in the telleride. In the US and the UK, the tape reached a limited rental in November. In Russia and other countries, the film is available for viewing from December 20, 2019. The picture in the genre of a dramatic biography with elements of the comedy was nominated for the Golden Globe Prize. Creation, actors and their roles, as well as interesting facts about the film "Two Pope" - in the material of our edition.

Creators and plot

  • Film Retained by Brazilian Director Fernanda Mairellis
  • Screenwriter - Anthony McCarten
  • The music for the film was written by composer - Bryce Desner, also in the picture there are classic and jazz compositions, songs of ABBA group.
The authors of the film became nominees to Oscar. According to the author, the scenario, visiting the Vatican and open service made a strong impression on him and made him think about the problems of the Catholic Church.

The plot of the picture is based on historical events and facts, as well as the play of the Scripture of Anthony McCarten "Dad", written in 2017. The tape describes the friendship and relationship between the leaders of the Catholic Church - Roman Pap Benedict XVI and Francis. In theological conversations and Disputes Benedict and Francis managed to find a common language, despite different views, and learned to understand and take another point of view. Both pontiffs unites love and devotion to God. The content of the picture interstates the fiction and real facts.

Actors and roles

1. Actor Jonathan Price Played Cardinal Jorio Mario Bergolo. Cardinal replaced Benedict XVI in 2013 in the Vatican and became Pope of Roman Francis. Disappointed with the conservative policies of recent years and the lack of reforms in the Catholic Church, Argentine Cardinal Jorge Mario Bergolo asks for resigns from Benedict XVI. Dad refuses Cardinal and invites you to discuss the painful questions and disagreements.

2. Cardinal Jorge Mario Bergolo - a supporter of a progressive humanistic approach to life and the reformer, unlike the Conservative Benedict XVI, who played American actor Anthony Hopkins in the tape. Finding the actor thanks to the image of Dr. Hannibal's serial killer in the thrillers "Silence of the Lambs" and "Hannibal".

3. The role of Cardina Peter Terkson played Sidney Cole.

Actors are also involved in the film: Lisandro Fix (Father Franz Yalix), Thomas Williams (journalist), Maria Udeno (Esther Balstrino) and Emma Bonino.

Interesting Facts

1. To shoot a picture of the Netflix film company, built his own sequence chapel, where most scenes were filmed. The Vatican did not give permission to conduct film crews, so the creators had to look for a solution and create copies of interiors. Artists on the interiors used the perverted paintings by Michelangelo, and the chapel turned out more than the original.

2. In Europe, the tape criticized believers, did not like the audience that the merit and dignity of Benedict XVI was not mentioned in the film, and only the negative aspects of the personal personality are shown. The official Vatican did not respond at nothing on the movie, it is also unknown as the current Pontiff Francis reacted to the film "Two Dads".

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