Wilt Chamberlain - Photo, Biography, Death Cause, Personal Life, Basketball



The legendary basketball player Wilt Chamberlain, playing in the position of the center, in the 1960s was the main NBA player, and therefore became a symbol of his time. The name of Chamberlain was made to the story for the fact that the athlete managed to dial 100 points in one game. Now many are equal to him, but few people managed to repeat the success of a man.

Childhood and youth

Chamberlain was born in the summer of 1936 in the American city of Philadelphia. Father was a handyman, he was engaged in welding, one time worked by a guard, mother - a housewife, worked as a domestic servant. In addition to him, eight more children were brought up in the family. In childhood, he was weak health and almost died of inflammation of the lungs, because of this, young Chamberlain had to miss a lot of classes at school.

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At first, Basketball did not attract Wilt, he was more like an easy and weightlifting, but in Philadelphia, the basketball was actively developed at that time, which over time and excused Chamberlain.

In 10 years, its growth was 183 cm, and in high school, the young man rose to 211 cm. This has become a big advantage over rivals. Soon his name more and more often began to emerge at the local level, he was famous for physical strength, endurance and block sleeves.

Personal life

Wilt was known to the world not only as a talented basketball player, fans knew that Chamberlain enjoys glory in women, and therefore it is not in a hurry to settle and arrange their personal life. By the end of the days he stayed a bachelor. Many men admired his sexual feats, but in an interview with a basketball player somehow said that having one woman a million times more beautiful than a hundred different ladies.


After school, Wilt entered the college, where he also entered the university team and began to speak with the first year's. Everyone was amazed by the work of Chamberlain on the site, and his best programs have long discussed after the games.

Soon he was noticed by representatives of professional clubs, the first in his biography became "Harlem Glottters," where he performed in 1958. And after a year, as part of Philadelphia / San Francisco Warriorz, he made his debut in the NBA and immediately got the highest salary among the athletes of the Association.

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From this point on, Wilt's career sharply went up, he received the title "Newcomer of the Year" and an invitation to the national team of all stars, was enrolled in the first NBA stars team. In his youth, he was strong and straightening, with a height of 216 cm his weight was 125 kg. In the photo with matches you can see how the most rivals exceeded.

On average, for 1 match, he gained 37 points, and for him it did not become the limit, in 1961-1962 its effectiveness exceeded 50 points per game, he created incredible statistics, and in the future it was possible to repeat his result. In that season he managed to put an inconelible record in the NBA, earning 100 points for the team in one way out.

Due to the problems with financing in 1965, Warriorz sold Chamberlain to the Philadelphia Seven Sikrsers, where he continued his career. There, the athlete played the following 3 seasons, and in 1968 asked the director of Siksserce to make a deal and exchange it on three team players "Los Angeles Lakeker". In the new city, he saw more prospects for himself. The leadership went on concessions, so Chamberlain was as part of a new club.

There were waited for different seasons, some passed with tremendous success, the others were disappointed. The NBA season 1972/1973 became the last to Wilt in the "Laker", after he concluded an agreement with San Diego Conquistadores, becoming a player and coach in one person. But the past club forbade him to play, as the basketball player was the option of the contract. It greatly influenced his desire to appear in training "Konkistadores", he often shifted his duties to the assistant. And at the end of the season, a man decided to leave professional sports at all.

Having finished his career, Wilt was engaged in tennis, polo and volleyball. And in 1984, he starred in the film "Conan-Barbarian", where Arnold Schwarzenegger and Andre Gigant became his colleagues on the set on the set. Although he was already a melanoda for sports, many NBA clubs continued to be regularly offered, but every time a man refused.


The first health problems at Wilt appeared in 1992, the man even lay in the hospital, where was delivered due to irregular heartbeat. He took medicines for a couple of years, but in 1999 his condition worsened, he was very lost in weight. In October of the same year, Chamberlain died, the cause of death was long-term heart failure.


  • 1957 - the most outstanding NCAA player
  • 1957-1958 - 1st All-American national team
  • 1960 - MVP NBA, Newbie
  • 1960-1962 - 1st national team of all stars NBA
  • 1960-1966 - the most effective player of the NBA regular championship
  • 1960-1969 - All Stars Match
  • 1963 - 2nd team all stars
  • 1964 - 1st team of all stars NBA
  • 1965 - the 2nd team of all stars
  • 1966-1968 - MVP NBA, 1st national team of all stars NBA
  • 1971-1973 - All Star Match
  • 1967 - NBA champion
  • 1972 - NBA champion, MVP playoffs NBA, 2nd team all stars
  • 1972-1973 - 1st team of all stars protection

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