The most beautiful streets in the world: photos, cities, name


Experienced travelers know that the urban street is in itself more secrets than the oldest building. There are no identical places in the world, everyone has a "raisin" and their own history. The most beautiful streets are built in different parts of the Earth. They admire the architecture of buildings and beauty of nature. The careful attitude of people can be seen with the naked eye: the streets are clean, the buildings do not spoil the vandals, the vegetation remains untouched.

Stradun, Croatia

In 1468, in the city of Dubrovnik, built a beautiful street of 300 meters long. It connects the eastern and western part of the city. Each of each end is the fountains that were built in the XV century. The street that modern residents and guests of Croatia became such in 1667. The earthquake made the architecture of one, because before that the style of buildings was different and the unity of the picture was not. Concerts arrange at the Strada and celebrate New Year's Eve.

The first floors of old buildings are shops with access to the street. The doors made in the form of a semicircular arch, during the day closed. Buyers acquire goods through a window serving the store. The second floor is designed for residential rooms, and the third one is under the kitchen. Because of the earthquake, there was a fire, so the safety of dangerous premises are built under the attic. Residents believe that the spread of fire will stop.

Rivoli, France

On the right bank of the Seine in Paris, Rivoli street extended. Her length is 3 km. She became a continuation of the Elysees. The name was in honor of the battle at Rivoli: the French defeated the Austrian army. Street stretched from the area of ​​consent to Pale-Royal. Her appearance was made possible by Napoleon and the architects Fontain and Persion.

At the Paris Rivoli, as on the Strada, in the buildings on the first floor there are shops. Only on the French street there are expensive boutiques, to visit that not everyone by pocket. In addition to brand stores, there are souvenir shops and cafes. Interesting architectural solutions are built around gold-plated sculpture Zhanna d'Ark. According to the legend, in this place it was injured by the English army when the storming Paris.

If you go deep into the streets, the famous theater "Comedi Franquez" can be seen. He was founded by Louis XIV in 1680. Also on Rivoli is the Gothic Tower of Saint-Jacques. Tourists overcome thousands of kilometers to see and take a picture of the Parisian attraction.

Nevsky Prospekt, Russia

At 4500 m, the main street of St. Petersburg was stretched - Nevsky Prospect. Residents of the cultural capital are proud of this place, because there are theaters, museums, concert halls and historical monuments. In 1718, the road that connects the Admiralty and Alexander Nevsky Lavra was considered the street leading to the Nevsky Monastery. In the 1776th, the name is invented, after 5 years it was made official.
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Palace Square, St. Isaac's Cathedral - attractions that will not leave anyone indifferent. They are near the Admiralty. Previously, the Palace Square was called the Admiralty meadow. It holds parades and demonstrations. St. Isaac's Cathedral for more than 200 years, and it is considered the largest Orthodox church in the city.

Young tourists show interest in the literary cafe and the Griboedov Canal, where you can spend a cozy evening with a close person. The tour of Nevsky Prospekt will take more than one day, but after what a lot of lives see.

Broadway, USA

The length of Broadway Street is 53 km away, and it is located in the largest city of the world - New York. It has tens of theaters, venice, office buildings and enterprises. To visit the Metropolitan-Opera Building, which was founded in 1880, you will have to lay out a "round" amount. Tickets are expensive not only because of the quality of performances, the time of work also affects. The theater does not work all year round, but only 7 months. Summer time artists are devoted to touring. From April to September, connoisseurs of art attend other places.

When the Dutch settlers arrived in America, Broadway turned into a major road from the new Amsterdam to the South Coast. Before that was an ordinary path. In the XXI century, he is famous not only because of the theaters and concert halls, Times Square is located on Broadway. In this bright part of New York "Burlit" life, and tourists attracts an abundance of shops and entertainment centers.

Old Arbat, Russia

All travelers who come to swim in Moscow are the first to go to the old Arbat and Red Square. There should be to visit, because the impressions received from excursions and walks, nothing to compare anything. On Arbat, in addition to the branded shops, cafes and souvenir shops, there are artists and musicians. Hard the symphony of Beethoven in the performance of street talent is free. The length of Arbat is 1.2 km away.

Houses on this street - historical monuments. In some of them, religious films were removed, which continue to be reviewed in 2020. At the beginning of Arbat is the restaurant "Prague". He appeared in the Soviet film "12 chairs", which came out on the screens in 1971. Near the house-museum A.S. Pushkin. The name is awarded the street on the name of the terrain - Orbat (Arbat). In 1475, I was talking about this place for the first time.

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