Vladimir Leonov (character) - photo, film, real story, skater, Milos Bikovich, "Ice 2"


Character History

Vladimir Leonov is a negative character in the Sports Melodrame "Ice" 2018. A narcissist figure, dependent on public opinion, was such a "star" of sports, which is the fault of which the main heroine Nadia Lapshina landed in a wheelchair.

History of character creation

The film "Ice" went out in 2018, February 14, causing a storm of the audience of the audience. Beautiful fairy tale of love, takeoff and falls of professional athletes, envy and, of course, about the miracle.

Many and today argue about the prototypes of the main characters. Vladimir Leonov, as well as the hope of Lapshin, represent no more than collective images of famous skaters.

Discussions about the reality of history are also untenable. The plot is fictional and is like a fairy tale. And Vladimir Leonov, who became in the film if not the main villain, then a clearly controversial character, has such character traits that would not contribute to sports achievements in life.

Serbian-Russian actor Milos Bikovich, who played an eminent figure, shared the problems with whom I had to face the filming. And skating - far from the only difficulty. Singing in the absence of musical hearing has become impossible for the actor. Therefore, this part of the work took on Roman Polyansky.

But Bikovich masterfully handed over the role of a taller skateman who diligently imparting a halo of success around him. Occasionable masculinity, weak character and, of course, calcality - it is not surprising that the hope of Napshin preferably a silent hockey player such a "star".

In the photo from the film posters, three main characters are placed - Nadia, Vladimir Leonov and Alexander Gorin (Alexander Petrov). But it is not necessary to talk about the love triangle in the plot. In fact, Leonov, if he experienced romantic feelings for noodle, then they were clearly a pleasant addition to a commercially successful sports duet.

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But on the other side of the cameras between Bikovich and Agelia Tarasova, real feelings broke out. The couple met on the filming of the film, but after a month and a half after the premiere declared parting. The reason for the break of both actors is too dense graphics, because of which there was no time for a personal life.

After 2 years, the melodrama was continued in Sicvel "Ice 2", where the main characters are married and become parents. The rental of the film was released on February 14, 2020.

The image and history of Vladimir Leonov

About the biography of the character in the plot is not known. In the film, the viewer meets the figure skater during the casting on the role of a partner athlete. The fact is that Leonov seeks to get the ice cup, but for the beginning he will have to find a talented figure skater.

Among the contenders gathered young and promising athletes. And also the hope of Lapshina, who came to try happiness to Moscow. Unlike other girls, she cares little about appearance, focusing exclusively on professional qualities.

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But this is clinging Leonov. He leaves for the girl on the ice and the couple immediately tries the complex elements with which Nadia is perfectly coping. Casting is over, and Vladimir Leonov with pleasure takes to himself a "dark horse", which no one had previously knew about.

Very quickly, the skater reincarnates the lapshina, making it a secular division. Leonov is important to speak about him and wrote, which he easily achieves, presented to Nadia to journalists as a bride.

The girl and the truth is talented, so very soon the pare reported that they were selected as applicants for ice cup. This is the main goal of Vladimir, at the same time unattainable dream for noodle. The joy of the reserved prospects does not share the former coach Nadi. Irina Shatalina understands that its ward gives photo sessions too much, instead of doing hard on ice.

Perhaps the role in the tragedy was played by this. Leonov is too self-confident to engage in hard. On the speech he drops the partner. Nadia is unfortunately landing, because of which it gets a terrible injury - the fracture of the spine.

Doctors practically put the sentence with a young athlete, and Vladimir Leonov knows what to do next. For some time, he diligently believes with a paralyzed partner, gradually replacing personal visits to the hospital sent by courier flowers.

The figure skater realizes that the sports future will not be with the noodle. Romantic emotions regarding the girl fade away. Nadia understands that it becomes a burden, and returns to Irkutsk.

Leonov remains in Moscow and quickly finds replacing the injured partner, breaking new paints on the screens. But after the rumors do not have rumors about the wonderful recovery of hope, he decides to recreate at least a curly couple.

Vladimir understands that if he is shining to get the ice cup, then only with noodle. And he is ready to go to this goal, even sparing on the fact that a girl previously betrayed the girl. Not becoming an obstacle and the fact that she already has a partner - Hockey player Alexander Gorin.

Leonov arrives in Irkutsk and meets with a friend of hope, explaining that Lapinshin will be able to achieve vertices in a big sport, only if he leaves the girl. Gorin agrees with arguments and throws his beloved. The rejected figure skater returns to Moscow, but requires the resignation of the current coach Leonov. She calls with me Irina Shatalin, who prepares the guys to competitions.

At the first view, Nadia falls again. It becomes a blow to Vladimir, as he saw success only in a pair with her. Next time, a man simply does not go on ice, hoping for disqualification.

For Leonov, a lack of disgrace becomes a failed performance. At this moment, the viewer sees that Leonov is actually a strong athlete, but a weak person, which in a collision with difficulties prefers "hide the head in the sand."

Vladimir looks through the screen, as Hope is standing on ice and crying. But, even seeing the despair of the former beloved, Vladimir does not have any sympathy for it. The only thing this character regrets is about our own losses and that he is unlikely to become a champion because of age.


I learned porridge to cook, sowing! Oatmeal, with nuts and honey. She likes such. These are not a skater. I tried - and well done. And she is the champion, she needs to be in a big sport. I will not take a medal.


  • 2018 - "Ice"

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