Ksenia Freindlich - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, Cause of Death, Mother Alice Freundlich



At the end of 2019, Alice Freindlich celebrated its 85th anniversary - it was born on December 8, 1934 in the family of Ksenia Fedorovna and Bruno Arturovich, who lived in Leningrad. It is from the parents that the girl took over to scenic art, even their acquaintance occurred in dramatic courses. Talking about the childhood, the legendary actress called him "completely-completely happy and light" thanks to the youth of the Father and Mother.

Childhood and youth

Ksenia Freindlich (in Maiden Fedorov) before moving to the northern capital lived in Pskov. Unfortunately, there are no accurate information when it was born, it is known only that at the beginning of the XX century. Having traveled to Leningrad, the young beauty, engaged in artistic amateur, did not leave the theater and in a new place, and was recorded on the acting courses in Trim, where the future husband met.

Biographical facts about the elect there was much more. His ancestors on the one hand are the Zatetsy, famous glass windows, on the other - Freundli, masters, were invited to Russia by foreign experts. By the way, the star of the "service novel" still carefully keeps a family relic - a glass ball.

Ksenia Freindlich and husband Bruno Freundlich in youth

From the first meeting to the wedding celebration, not as much time passed, and soon the young nursed the firstborn, born in the house in St. Isaac Square, in whose windows the famous Cathedral looked around, and a copper rider waited five minutes walk.

In numerous interviews Alice Brunowna, it repeatedly mentioned that such an unusual name had occurred to his father, the mother insisted that the daughter was called Natalia.

"I am so ancient that the first my memories are still pre-war ... They are probably the most radiant. After all, it was my early childhood, quite-completely bright and happy when the parents were still young, crazy, mischievous, they wanted to walk, "she added.

In one three-room apartment in Tesne, and no offense lived a lot of people: in the smallest room there were parents, in the biggest sister Bruno Arturovich with husbands, and in the third who served the dining room, the grandmother was located.

Personal life

In the personal life of Ksenia Fedorovna found only the only man - Bruno. Unfortunately, the spouses broke up in 1941: her husband was evacuated with the Tyuz, and his spouse with her daughter remained in a blockade Leningrad. Already in Tashkent, the actor appeared another family and the second child was born - Irina.

At the end of the war, the father returned to the northern capital - to see him the mother Alisa did not forbid, and they met secretly, since a new wife advocated against communication.


Ksenia's career and family life, as in many citizens of the Soviet Union, interrupted the Great Patriotic War: with the beginning of hostilities, she worked as an accountant at a slender plant located near the Volkovsky cemetery. Her from there was fired for a one-day pass job: a woman was collected in the reference of the mother-in-law, which died in the echelon on the road, and other German relatives.

Ksenia Freindlich and Alice Freundlich

Over the Freundlich, which remained together with his daughter in the midst of the blockade, fate was cleared - a dairy brother was sought and arranged in Nursery. Memories of terrible hungry years and survival methods (as pecked peculiar tea from different spices and soda, as received 125 grams of bread and Durand, as a mother brought yeast soup from the plant) Alice Brunowna was divided in detail in an interview with "Caravan Story" in 2012 -M, providing rare photos.


Until the end of the life of Ksenia Fedorovna was a peculiar angel-keeper of her daughter: as he could have faithful and tried not to move away from her. According to Alice Brunowna, Mom has more than others waiting for the appearance of the granddaughter of the Varvara, and so worried that when the contractions began, there were two ambulance carriers at once.

After 3 years older Freundlich did not. The cause of death was a sudden heart attack, which happened in front of 3-year-old Varia. Adults were not nearby, and timely help did not come - 2 weeks after the stroke, the woman died.

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