Anniversary of Joseph Brodsky: 2020, interesting facts, biography, poems


On May 24, 2020, Joseph Brodsky, the poet and the laureate of the Nobel Prize in literature, emigrated, but the remaining Russian would noted the 80th anniversary. Creativity of the writer who died in 1996, in demand so far - his lyrical works about love and are now read on dates, and the poem "do not go out of the room, do not make a mistake ..." Missed to quotes on the network.

A selection of interesting facts from the personal life and the author's labor biography is 24cm.

Choice difficulties

After grade 7, Joseph Brodsky went to work with a millover driver. At the same time, not only reluctance to learn and have problems in school, but also the desire to maintain a family.

In total, before seriously take up poetry, Joseph Alexandrovich changed 16 professions. Tried to become a submariner, but poured entrance tests. He worked as a prosector in the morgue, but could not stand. She worked as a sailor, Lighthouse as a refinement. Traveled for 4 years with a geological expedition, but at the next parking lot in the young man passed nerves, and he returned home.

First works

Although Brodsky himself has repeatedly stated that it began to write poems at 18, a work dated earlier times was found by the researchers of the poet's creativity. At the same time, the first results of his literary work appeared in the press, only when the author already turned 26, shortly before the start of the persecution by the authorities.

Friendship with Akhmatova.

The poetry Anna Akhmatova, with which the writer met at 21, Joseph Alexandrovich did not choose. But I was impressed with the scale of the personality and human qualities, including the willingness to forgive enemies. The works of Brodsky Anna Andreevna also interested in a little - a young man attracted her as a person.

After the death of Akhmatova, Broadsky was engaged in the organization of the funeral, because the Husband of poetess refused to participate in this unselfish process.

About love and children

According to critics, the central place in Lyrics Brodsky is occupied by poems dedicated to Marianna Basmanova. Among such works are not all submitted to researchers masterpieces, but the depth of the filling of their feelings is noteworthy. And the experienced passion and the painful gap largely influenced the further creativity of the writer.

Basmanov gave birth to the poet of the child, but did not give the son of even the father's patronymic. Andrei Osipovich Basmanov consists of the St. Petersburg Union of Artists and does not like to communicate with the press about the famous Father. In Brodsky, in addition to the Son, there is a daughter from Italian Maria Soczhani. Born in the 93rd Girl Parents were named after Akhmatova - Anna.

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Joseph Brodsky recalled: when I first got into the chamber, he liked it, because she turned out to be solitary. The next day he had a heart attack. However, the disease did not interfere with the court to sentence the poet to the maximum under the article for the tune.

For the early release of convicts for 5 years of work in the remote area of ​​Brodsky, Jean-Paul Sartre, who wrote a letter to the Writers Union was put on the Union of Writers. Separately, it would not be listened to the French, but there were many such appeals - for a friend, the creative intelligentsia Anna Akhmatov was damaged for a friend. As a result, the poet reduced the term up to 1.5 years.

Bad memories

Brodsky's most terrible time considered the period of finding in a psychiatric hospital, where Joseph Alexandrovich was placed for three weeks after the first hearing of the case. According to the memoirs of the poet, he is toli tranquilizers, walked at night and dipped into a bath with icy water. After that, it was covered in a wet sheet and sazed next to the battery - from the heat, the wet fabric quickly dried and crashed into the skin.

About business

A part of the Nobel Prize received in 1987 invested in the opening of the "Russian Samovar" restaurant at the request of Roman Kaplan. Dividends did not have, but every year in the institution, the poet's birthday was celebrated.

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