Interesting Facts about Vladimir Marconi: 2020, Galileo, Biography, Wife


Russian comedian Vladimir Marconi, known on the film "Forhers for rent" and the comedy program "Reutov TV", even in an interview answers questions from journalists in humorous form. And at the end of May 2020, the audience will see the celebrity as the leading program "Galileo". Interesting facts from the life of the eccentric - in the material 24cm.

Catches himself on snob

In one interview, Vladimir Marcon was asked about whether he caught himself on snobbery in relation to the humor of other people who are not included in the circle of professional comedians. To which the celebrity was surprisingly seriously replied that he had a "monopoly on laughter." You can joke, according to the lead, can only he, but no one knows about it.

However, Vladimir does not believe that humor should deliver the joy to everyone, more often for jokes is taken to be offended and demanding an apology: "This is a social vaccination that temper society, even sometimes causing an increased body temperature."

About television and youtyub-channel

Work on television and projects on a popular video hosting comedian considers opposites. In an interview, the presenter compares the cost of implementing designs with railway transport.

So, television is Cherepanov's train, which "smokes, puffs and goes." And "Yutube" is "Sapsan" flying with sound speed. In television projects there is a talent testing, but it takes time. Whereas the creation of the COMMENT OUT show from the moment of agreements to the first ether took 10 days.

About professional burnout

The comedian does not get tired of hambid. In a humorous environment, he is comfortable. Work Vladimir Marconi gives pleasure. As a rest, the star "is fed" with podcasts, books, magazines or viewing of the series, which helps also get additional inspiration for work.

By the way, an example for imitating the comedian chose Sasha Baron Cohen, loving to joke on "sharp" and political topics, sometimes speaking by public opinion.

About how jokes are born

The problem of pure sheet is present in the life of a humorist, but the main thing is to start writing it. Jokes Vladimir Marconi writes from his hands on a sheet of paper and then "transfers them to a computer." In his gears, it adheres to the lexical supply of humorous material, avoiding the mat, considering the obscene break too simple for jokes.

Vladimir Marconi's creative career started with KVN games. Today, the format of the game "Club fun and resourceful" scares the lead. To view the TV shows, where people are dancing almost 3 hours and they say "Hay!", Vladimir is a pity of time. However, the transfer with the participation of the "Vyatka" team is watching.

According to Marconi, fashion trends exist in humor. Now the trend on the "sharp" humor, there are provocative places and even offensive in relation to people to whom they joke. Thus, his show on the Youth Channel Channel Comment Out, a humorist considers a psychological project with comedy fler and continues to search for new forms, actively followed American video hosting.


The artist was born in the city of Kirov. In his youth, he dreamed of becoming an actor, but at the insistence of parents received the Earth Profession of Agronom. However, he did not work in the specialty. Labor career in the biography of the comic team began with a copywriter in an advertising agency. And then he became the leading Kirov television with the pseudonym Waldemar Marconi.

Later, the audience learned that the real name of the media personality was Volkovsky, and the full name was transformed in Vladimir Marconi over time.

About family

About personal life Celebrity prefers not to spread. On his page in "Instagram", Marconi regularly lays out humorous posts. Sometimes they slip pictures of Ksenia's wife and daughter Agnes.

The spouse comedian considers the "censor" and it checks the jokes, who later see the audience on ether. Vladimir Marconi also communicates with the Father, who has a subtle sense of humor. Your attitude to the creativity of the son of his son comments on the phrase: "You live, Volodya."

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