Marina Gordeyev (character) - Photo, film, "One breath", Natalia Molchanova, Fridayving


Character History

Marina Gordeyev - a character of the Russian sports drama "One breath", published on March 5, 2020. The heroine seeks to establish a new record on Fridayving. In the film, the dive into the water is not so much a desire to touch the limits of human capabilities, how much immersion inside yourself.

Character and prototype

Sports cinema is a trend that is experiencing Russian cinema last years. And if the "Ice" and Ice 2 films showed a melodrama, the curtain of the mystery about the price of gold medals of skaters, then "one breath" made it feel every second of oxygen hunger of the main heroine.

The picture is based on the real history of the Russian dive of Natalia Molchanova. The decision to make a film on the biography of a multiple world champion was taken after her tragic death.

Natalia Molchanova became the first swimmer in the world, which dived without special equipment to a depth of 100 meters. Another achievement of the divers is a breathing delay for 9 minutes and 2 seconds. The legendary woman, which is most important, has discovered such amazing abilities after 40 years.

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It was a universal athlete who put global records not only at the depth, but also in swimming in length. To compare with her was able to her native son - Alexey Molchanov, with whom they looked together through the famous "blue hole", called the "divers" cemetery.

The life of Molchanova was tragically broke in August 2015. Together with the group, she dived to a depth of 40 meters near the island of Ivis (Spain), but did not return back. All attempts to discover the body of Natalia were not crowned with success. It is assumed that she fell into a strong underwater flow. Officially, the athlete was recognized as the victim of August 4.

The film shot by Elena Khazanova, although it was based on the biographies of world record holder, is considered to be all the same interpretation. The director and producers films immediately decided on the actress that would play a major role. She was Victoria Isakov, known for such pictures as "Loggi", "Mirrors", "Student".

The heroine in the "one breath" is called differently, and it was a conscious decision of the creators of a sports drama. Therefore, the speech in the movie is not specifically about Natalia Molchanova, but about a woman who decided to get away from the whole surface and plunge into the depths to meet his face with his own fears.

And if the candidate of Victoria Isakova was approved immediately, then for the actress, such a decision was made with difficulty. The first "acquaintance" with the depth turned to the star panica. Victoria was not sure that he would fulfill at least without a flock, so hardly engaged in a coach to overcome his own fears.

The first shooting unit was under the supervision of rescuers in the pool. The rest - in the open sea in Malta. An interesting fact: "One breath" - the first Russian film, which was filmed at the real depth.

Especially for the stages of scenes were invited by the champion of France on Fridayving Julia Gauthier. She agreed to participate in the project along with her husband Guyome Nery. Family couple, except for sporting achievements, is famous for incredible short rollers. Therefore, their cooperation in the "one breath" became another step to ensure that the quality, realistic and spectacular cinema is obtained.

The image and history of Marina Gordeva

The plot of the film unfolds around the ordinary woman who is engaged in an unloved business and unhappy in marriage. 40 years old is the age of rethinking his life, a kind of frontier, and Marina Gordeev came to him with the awareness that it was time for change.

She divorces her husband and go on vacation to the sea. It also meets the rescueer Ignat (Vladimir Yaglych), who throws her a sacramental phrase, predetermined the further fate of the heroine. Ignat reports Marina that no woman in the world was able to plunge without an oxygen cylinder to a depth of more than 100 meters.

These words sat down in the head of a divorced mother of two children. And thereby became an incentive who gave her strength to move on. But on the way to a dream, a woman occurs obstacles. And the first one is his own father, a former swimmer who skeptically notices that at such age "everything is already gone." The daughter is calmly parried: "I got everything."

On this conflict with relatives do not end. The heroine daughter is also unhappy with a strange and dangerous mother's hobby. Although by the middle of the film, realizing that she would not throw this idea, it begins to hurt for mom and maintain.

These obstacles only help Marina to raise in themselves. Sticks in the wheel puts director of the Institute of Physical Education. Artem Tkachenko's hero does not recognize freediving as a sport, so it prevents the woman to engage in their free time.

As usual in the sports drama, the Gordeva has a rival - British Jessica. And if to be fully honest - her agent who is looking for a way to teach the dirtiff in the Russian diver.

In the life of Marina, a coach appears, which becomes a spiritual mentor. Wall as if it was nothing anywhere, Vadim Batyarov (Maxim Sukhanov) uses original methods, including walking along the coal to prove the woman that fear and pain - only in the head. Given such ways and the fact that, besides Gordeeva, Vadim Batyarov does not contact with anyone, it begins to seem that the man is the fruit of the fantasy of a beginner diver.

Such a beautiful hypothesis could be explained by nitric anesthesia - a phenomenon that meets from divers because of too high pressure. Accompanied by hallucinations that in the film was greatly implemented by Guillae Nery and Julie Gauthier.

Free interpretation of the biography of the prototype Gordeeva, does not pretend to be complete identity. The finals of the paintings, by decision of its creators, is different from real history. And the fact that I had to go through the main character, signs in the most oppressive paints.

Mocking, disbelief, the unwillingness of others to take seriously its solution - all these flowers in comparison with that inner struggle, which was in the soul of the heroine for 100 minutes of screen time.

Adrenaline, who felt the Gordeev, making the first dives, became a transformation catalyst. From a middle-aged woman, having an unhappy marriage, she becomes a strong and free person.

Her exercise is very metaphorically. And it is considered the main heroine therapeutically as a medicine for the explosion of the soul. As a way to find that faction that a new life opens. And the fact that no woman on Earth approached this point, only spurs.

Interesting Facts

  • Alexey Molchanov worked closely with screenwriters, which influenced the reality of the filming of Marina Gordeva's immersion.
  • Victoria Isakova compared himself with his heroine and considered that they both are engaged in professions that are attempts to know themselves.
  • Scenes under water with a diver occupied 30% of the screen time.


There, at the depths of the sea, was sunken ship. At the end of the cable - cards with results. It says what you are really worth it. The fear cannot be run away. "The time it came.


  • 2020 - "One breath"

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