Otfrid Prosisler - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, Cause Of Death, Books



The famous German writer Otfrid Prosisler is one of the few in his native country, who managed to embody children's fantasies and dreams on the pages of books. A huge number of fairy tales who wrote the author over the entire career, and now happy children from around the world. His various heroes are found in his works, and each story is supported by a certain conclusion forcing small readers to think.

Childhood and youth

Prosisler was born in Reichenberg, which is now called Liberec, in the Czech Republic, in the fall of 1923. His parents were not rich, both worked as teachers, and their only her property became the extensive library collected over the years, in which they often sat down with her son in the evenings. Love for reading over time gave the desire to create his own story in it, and in the 5th grade, the boy wrote the first story that was published in the local newspaper.

After school, Sphrid entered the university, but the beginning of the war was prevented from obtaining education. Being very young, he went to fight and soon received the title of Lieutenant Wehrmacht. There he had to grow too quickly.

Personal life

With the future wife, the Proshisler met even before care for the war. After returning from the 5-year-old captivity, he found it, the girl continued to believe that her lover is alive and there will soon be. So it happened, at the very first meeting, he made Anela Count offer to which she answered agree. The couple managed to build a happy personal life, which gave them three daughters - Regina, Renat and Suzanne.


War years have been too heavy for swelling. In 1944 he was captured and the next 5 years was in the missing. Over the years, he was forced to work at a construction site, a brick factory and a quarry, at the same time a young man studied Russian. When the war ended and the prisser was released, he returned to his hometown, where he found his relatives, confident that he died.

From that moment on, the life of the author entered the old rut. Otfrid moved to Germany, settled to work as a school teacher. There, he understood that his purpose is to write fairy tales for children. Soon the man made the first story in the bibliography, called the "Little Water". It tells about the family of water, living in the house from the root on the pond. After time, they appear the baby around which the plot is tied. The book of the Prosisler teaches children to love parents, always to be ridiculous and to protect the world around.

"Little Babo Yagu" author published a year later, a history for her, a man composed when she laid his daughters to sleep. They did not obey their father, and then he threatened that Baba Yaga would now arrive, which would take them. After some time, this fantasy was postponed to paper, judging by the plot, the main character was not so angry. The World Glory in the Biographies of the writer appeared later, with the release of a fairy tale "Little Ghost."

Separate attention deserves the work of the swelling of the "Robber of Hot Feedback", which later continued the trilogy "Rogue of the" Hallrooms and Pertop Pistol "," The Robber of Hot Chairpotts and a Crystal Ball "and" The Robber of Hot Chairpotts and Anthill with Stuffing ".

Judging by the name, the plot unfolds around scenes with murders and blood. But in fact, the author did not change himself and presented a story in his characteristic manner, attracting fabulous characters and incredible adventures to the actions. Instead of photo covers, Promysler prefers to execute bright pictures with images of heroes.

Over the entire career, Otfrid composed a lot of fairy tales, many were fastened later. In 1986, the director Anatoly Slasky took off the film-performance "Bringing from the city of Oylenberg", and Gennady Sokolsky in 1991 presented to the audience a cartoon "Little Witch". And this is just a small part of the works that the fans of the Prosisler could not only read, but also to see on the TV screens.


The life of the writer ceased in the 90th year of life, in February 2013, in the German commune of Pros-am Himze. Relatives of the Promswer chose not to announce the cause of his death.


  • 1956 - "Little Water"
  • 1957 - "Little Baba Yaga"
  • 1962 - "The Robber of Hot Chairpotts"
  • 1962 - "The Robber of Hot Chairpotts and Person Pistol"
  • 1966 - "Little Ghost"
  • 1968 - "The Adventures of Strong Vanya"
  • 1969 - "The Robber of Hot Chairpotts and a Crystal Ball"
  • 1971 - "Krabat, or the legends of an old mill"
  • 1973 - "The Robber of Hot Chairpotts and Anthill with Stuffing"
  • 1981 - "Herbe a big hat"
  • 1986 - "Gnome Herbe and Leshe"

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