Anna Prokopenko - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, News, "Voice. Children »2021.



Anna Prokopenko since childhood wanted to become a star and conquer the Russian musical scene. The dream of the dream of a young singer was not the first time, but she managed to enter the number of participants in the project "Voice. Children "and enlist the support of the audience.

Childhood and youth

Anna Prokopenko was born on July 28, 2005 in Kaluga. In a few years, the family was replenished with the younger sister of Artist Margarita.

The musical talent of the girl was revealed by chance: she stuttered since childhood, and the doctor advised her parents to take her to vocals. So Anya began to study in the studio "Tonus Art" and already at 8 years old became the star in his native Kaluga.

Prokopenko managed to stand out among other young vocalists with a clear voice and good learning. Teachers praised a girl for amazing hardworking and an adult approach to business. She chose only complex songs and was ready to deal with hours, bringing performance to perfection.

The little singer began to invite to television, where she confidently gave an interview and demonstrated all the verge of musical talent. In the early stages of the creative biography, the young asterisk decided that he would like to glorify the whole of Russia, and in subsequent years he worked a lot on themselves to accomplish his intended. At school, the artist also did not forget and rejoiced to communication with classmates.


Among the early success of the singer, which became known thanks to the pages on social networks, there is participation in the International Festival "Talent-2014". After that, she fought for the victory in the contests "Serving Fatherland!" And "Lucches of Hope", where he took the Grand Prix, became the finalist of the Delphic Games.

Soon, Ani had a canal on Yutubeub, where the video from the speeches of the young vocalist was laid out. Over time, the sobs and videos about the daily life of the girl and her families began to appear there, which, though not gained a lot of views, but caused positive emotions in the audience.

In subsequent years, Anya sang on the musical competitions "Rainbow Talent" and "I sing to you, My Russia." And in 2018, Prokopenko became a member of the children's "new wave", where it reached the semi-final. In the same year, she joined the "Angelica" trio, together with whom he won at the festivals of "crimson ringing" and "path to success."

In 2019, Anna began to conquer the scenes of musical projects. She was able to become a member of the 3rd season of the "Battle of Talent", which was broadcast on TV channel Love. Although she never became the winner, she was able to get valuable experience and become more confident in himself.

Anna Prokopenko now

In early 2020, a 7th season of the vocational project "Voice was started on the first channel. Children ", whose participant was Anya. To conquer the judges at the "blind listening" stage, the girl chose the Nature Boy composition ("real man"), known in the performance of Nat King Cole.

Vocal Prokopenko appreciated the rapper Basta, who turned to her first, and closer to the middle of the speech, the cherished button clicked Valery Meladze. Polina Gagarin, although he did not consider a girl as a member of his team, praised execution and said that her Piano sounded stronger than loud and screaming notes.

In response, Anna stated that he could sing in another tonality. At the request of Valery Meladze, she performed a smaller composition "I draw you" than finally conquered judges and viewers. Choosing between two mentors, the girl gave preference to the Baste. It was he who helped her in preparation for the next stage "Fights".

For the scene, Prokopenko met a large group of support and lead show Dmitry Nagiyev. He also appreciated the girl's speech and noted that her repertoire seemed to him somewhat outdated, so I advised to learn the songs of modern pop.

Later, Anya gave an interview with the winner of the 6th season "Voice. Children "Nino Chesker. The artist told that participation in the project was her long-standing dream, she received predominantly positive emotions from the performance on the scene. Justifying the choice of a mentor, the girl admitted that he was a fan of creativity Basta and he considers him a good man. At the end, she performed the song of Rapper "Medley".

Now the young star continues to create, raping a piggy bank of successful performances. She leads pages in "Instagram" and in Vkontakte, where he tells about the news, it shares the photo and lay out the video on which he sings, accompanying himself on the guitar.

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