Pushche de Rossi - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, News, Films 2021



Pushche de Rossi is a popular actress of cinema and television, known not only due to its dramatic talent. The artist is married to the famous TV presenter Ellen Degensheres. There are constantly rumors around their couples, and the media interest does not subscribe to her.

Childhood and youth

Porsche was born on January 31, 1973 in the Australian Horshash. The present name of the girl is Amanda Lee Rogers, but in 2010 she changed it to the alias. The new name of the actress took, inspired by the play of William Shakespeare "Venetian merchant".

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Porsche lived with a mother who worked in medical records. The girl's father died when she was less than 10 years old, so I did not have to support the support from the part.

Earn self-based girl started in adolescence. She was invited to shooting in print advertising and television rollers, which forced to think about the acting career, but the spirit of rationalism was stronger. Therefore, she preferred a lawyer profession and entered the University of Melbourne.

Personal life

From 1996 to 1999, Porsche was married to a director with a chalk methalf, but their connection was fictitious: the girl had a Green card for registration of citizenship.

After a time, the actress confessed to unconventional orientation and after the statement confirmed the seriousness of the position of marriage with a woman. The choices of Porsche became the actress and TV presenter Ellen Degensheres. Their wedding took place in 2008. Despite the rumors about parting, women are still together. They promote vegetarianism and love for the world around.

Today, Porsche surprises fans with an attractive appearance, retaining elegant, as in his youth, figure, she is engaged in sports and yoga. The growth of the artist is 173 cm, and the weight is 57 kg.

News from personal life Woman is often divided by photo and video in their account in "Instagram". There are many pictures with Ellen, common friends, as well as images related to the work and new projects of Porsche.


During the study, Porsche accidentally met with a large Australian producer, with the help of which the movie cameras came under the sight. In 1994, she starred in the film John Daigan "Sirena". Hugh Grant, Sam Nill and other experienced actors became partners of the actress on the shooting area. From this point on, Porsha decided to tie a biography with acting.

The first decisive step to build a career was to move to Los Angeles, where it was immediately invited to several TV projects. Then followed the role in the picture "Woman on the Moon". In 1996, de Rossi participated in the creation of a Sitkom called "Nick Frenno: a graduate teacher." A year later she received a proposal from Wes Cravin, the director of the film "Creek-2". The girl starred in the painting along with Courtney Coke, Sarah Michel Gellar and other artists.

Passing the castings, Porsha understood that some roles do not get to her because of the Australian accent, so it began to work on pronunciation. The efforts paid off, and the actress was invited to work on the "Ellie McBill" ribbon, which was successful in the box office. She was especially supported by feminists and representatives of the legal and lawyer.

Then the actress filmography replenished the drama "Fan", and in 1999 she starred in the picture "Stigmaty". Career performer developed gradually. 2001 and 2002 were rich on the passing, but curious projects like the film "Shine" or the series "Twilight zone". The attention of the audience attracted the participation of actresses in the creation of a documentary film "Unity", in the filming of which, besides her, Marion Cotiyar participated, Natalie Portman and Jennifer Aniston.

2003 brought a wave of success. Pushche received a major role in the series "Slow Development". The project became the owner of six AMMI awards and one "Golden Globe". Shotkom shooting last until 2019.

In 2005, Wes Craven invited the artist to cooperate on the film "Werewolves." After 2 years, the star shone in the series "Parts of the Body", and the next noticeable work was the project "Let's still, Ted". Critics noted the work of the actress in the tapes of the "Women in the film", "I lose you", "Cool-commruer".

Pushche de Rossi now

In 2019, Porsche and Ellen acquired mansion in Montecito, California. Artists took up the sale of the house in which the last 2 years lived.

The professional life of porsche is designed successfully, it is involved in the filming of television and cinematic projects.


  • 1994 - "Siren"
  • 1995 - "Woman on the Moon"
  • 1997 - Creek-2
  • 1999 - "Stigmaty"
  • 2003 - "The night we called the day"
  • 2003 - 2019 - "Slow Development"
  • 2007 - 2009 - "Parts of the Body"
  • 2009 - 2010 - "Let's still, Ted"
  • 2014-2017 - "Scandal"
  • 2017 - "Diet from Santa Clait"

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