The fastest helicopter in the world: combat, military, civil, in Russia


Falling apparatus driven by the carrying screw can actually surprise the observer with their own high speed characteristics. The fastest helicopters in the world are in the material of our edition.

8. Lower threshold

By consting the top speed of the coalcasting aircraft, it will be reasonable to limit the "threshold of entry" into it developing in flight speed of 300 km / h. However, it will not be superfluous to mention the helicopters in short, even if you have not included in this list, but also possessing impressive flight indicators.

Boeing CH-47 "Chinook" - a military-transport American army helicopter in service in the ranks of the US Air Force since the time of the Vietnamese war. The model put in 1962, the model has repeatedly passed upgrading and continues to be used in various military operations around the globe. From the last conflicts with the participation of this two-screw machine - military actions in Iraq and Afghanistan. Despite the impressive dimensions and external noncains, this military helicopter, if necessary, is able to fly at a speed of 285 km / h.

The fastest helicopters

Created by the European Concern with a joint Franco-German capital Eurocopter Military Multi-Purpose Helicopter NH90 is able to accelerate up to 291 km / h. Built in 1995, the car is in service in 14 countries that are part of the North Atlantic Alliance. Suitable for use in hard weather conditions both on land and in the sea - a special modification of the helicopter has been developed for use in the Navy.

Designed in the 70s and adopted in the 1980s heavy multipurpose transport Mi-26 continues to carry the service in the ranks of the Russian Air Force and 15 more countries around the world. Thanks to excellent flight characteristics, allowing to develop speed up to 295 km / h, and a relatively cheap operation, this model continues to be in demand both in an embodiment for military use and in a purely civil execution.

7. Mi-28N

Developed by OKB MILA and commissioned in 2013 Mi-28N, in Russia, referred to as the "night hunter", and according to NATO classification, passing under the formidable call sign "devastator", has already managed to show itself as a reliable combat helicopter during an antiterrorist operation in Syria.

The fastest helicopters

The development of the Mi-28, which was headed by the then general designer of the Moscow helicopter plant. Mile Mark Weinberg, began in the 78th year of the last century as part of a competition with the Kamov Design Bureau, and after 4 years the first prototype took off. Since then, the design of the helicopter has undergone a variety of modifications and only at the beginning of the new millennium gained final forms.

The crew of the helicopter capable of climbing into air with a combat load of 2.5 tons consists of two pilots. The cruising speed of the model, which, in addition to the Army of the Russian Federation, is also in service in Iraq and Algeria, is 265 km / h, but the car can accelerate in flight and up to 300. "Night Hunter" is not the helicopter that flies only in a straight line : The cokery machine is capable of performing top pilots, including barrel, Nesterov loop and Immelman's coup.

6. Chest Family

In the next place in the top, it is possible to place 3 cars at once - the high-speed indicators in these models are close, if not identical, and all three helicopters have been created by one organization - Anglo-Italian company AgustaWestland.

The first considering the model developed and manufactured by this international concern - the AW101 helicopter, indicated also Merlin, is in service in Denmark, Portugal, England and the USA. Moreover, the use of the machine is not limited to military targets - various modifications are developed, including civilians. The crew consists of 2 people. Mass of payload - up to 5.5 tons. Created to develop speed up to 309 km / h.

The fastest helicopters

The next brainchild AgustaWestland is a multi-purpose AW139, in the creation of which the American company Bell Helicopters participated, first rose to the air in February 2001. And already as of the 2020th is actively operated in more than 20 states. The operators of this model include Russia with which the concern has concluded a cooperation agreement on the production of civil versions of this aircraft for the needs of Russian state corporations. Manage 2 pilot helicopter, the salon is designed for 6-15 people depending on the specific configuration. Speed ​​limit - 310 km / h.

Model AW109 with a cute call sign Hirundo, which means in the translation "Swallow", was created in the 60s of the last century, long before the unification of the Italian company Agusta with specializing in helicopter construction by the Unit of the English GKN PLC. And fully corresponds to its own gentle nickname - the rate that this machine is capable of developing, operated by military and civil services of Italy, is 311 km / h, and the useful carrying load is 3 tons.

5. Mi-24

Part of the most famous helicopters of the world and the second most prevalence, which in the NATO classification is assigned the name "Lan" - this is Mi-24, which has been able to participate from the moment of the first flight in September 1969 to participate in a whole string of armed conflicts throughout the planet. The coalcasting machine, developed by the OKB mile half a century, to this day is actively used by the armed forces of the mass of countries - modifications of the impact helicopter exploit more than 60 states.

Mi-24 (photo:

In the MI-24 project, the beginning of the creation of which was laid by the Decree of the Council of Soviet Union dated May 6, 1968, the developments were taken into account, previously used in the design of previous models created by the Design Bureau. At the time of entering the series, the Soviet helicopter, more familiar to the inhabitants of Russia and the CIS under an aggressive nickname "Crocodile", became the second in the world intended exclusively for combat use - the first was the American "Cobra" - AH-1.

A distinctive feature of the Mi-24 is a tandem control cabin, in which the pilot and the crew commander are placed one over the other. Another characteristic feature is a negative angular deviation of the wing from the base plane of 12 degrees, thanks to which up to a third of the lifting point is created. The helicopter is able to accelerate in a horizontal flight to 335 km / h.

4. Ka-52

The Russian combat helicopter Ka-52 "Alligator", intended to conduct intelligence and defeat the opponent's ground technology, including armored, entered the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation in 2011. And in 2015, the modification of the ship basing machine took off for the first time. As of 2020, Alligator operators are only two countries in the world - Russia and Egypt, with which an agreement for the manufacture for subsequent transmission of 46 units of equipment is concluded.

The fastest helicopters

Work on the project of the coalcast of the new generation of the new generation began in Kamov OJSC in the mid-90s. The main designer of the experienced copy was made by the President of the enterprise Sergey Viktorovich Mikheev. The creation of a helicopter was carried out using the developments that were previously used when creating another machine with a coaxial circuit of the propelled screws, which also participates in this top, - ka-50.

Ka-52 has already managed to participate in the battles in the territory of the Syrian Arab Republic and, despite some technical problems that led to the crash of one side, showed itself as a highly efficient means of suppressing the ground forces of the enemy. The crew of the helicopter consists of 2 people. The machine can accelerate in the horizontal plane to 350 km / h.

3. Ka-50

Sergey Mikheyev, Sergei Mikheyev, served as a prototype to create an "alligator", 15 years earlier, Sergey Mikheyev, became the first hydrocarm machine of land base with a coaxial layout of the carrier screws. In Western terminology, this Soviet car, 15 years after the collapse of the USSR, standing in service in the army of Russia, know under the names of the "deceiver" and "Werewolf". For Russians and residents of the CIS, the other name is much more familiar - "Black Shark".

The fastest helicopters

The Council of Ministers of the USSR decided to begin the creation of a new type of combat rolling machine, intended for the destruction of live strength and technology, including under adverse meteorological conditions, in December 1976. The task set in front of the two OKB, Mile and Kamov, implied the design of a car that is not inferior and partly superior to the latest American development in the field of helicopter construction - AH-64 "Apache". As a result, the concept of the helicopter of the battlefield, in the root differing from the ideas of the foreign military vehicle, was truly innovative.

In addition to the coaxial circuit for the first time used for the land basement machines, the innovation was also a cutting of the crew to one person - the operator of the gun systems replaced the automated target-navigation complex, which allowed to control the weapons and flight to the only pilot. Although at the current time the helicopters were discontinued and used as training, this does not cancel their flight qualities - the "black shark" can develop speed up to 390 km / h.

2. AH-64

ATTACK HELICOPTER 64 "Apache" already mentioned above, called in honor of one of the tribes of the indigenous inhabitants of the North American continent, ranks first in the world's prevalence among drum helicopters and consists in service in the 15th armies of the planet, including the Israeli Air Force and Self-Defense Forces of Japan.

During the period from the moment of creation, this product of the American military industry, designed by Hughes Helicopters and recognized by the best military weapon of the United States, managed to participate in a number of distinguished local conflicts, starting with the invasion of the US Army to Panama in 1989 and ending with the Yemen operation.

The fastest helicopters

The decision on the start of work on the creation of a model capable of replacing the "Cobru" and did not meet the hope of the expensive "Chayenne", accepted in 1973 at the congress of the non-governmental lobbying organization "American Legion", solved the idea of ​​developing a promising aircraft. After 2 years, the prototype rose into the air, but the helicopter was put into operation only after 9 years.

"Apache" remains the main combat helicopter of the US Army from the mid-80s of the last century to this day - with the production of AH-64, no one removed, because the car in tactical and technical characteristics and firepower continues to completely arrange the military. Yes, and high-speed characteristics allow the helicopter to get to the desired point to support the ground forces - the aircraft can accelerate to 365 km / h.


The status of the fastest helicopter in the world has received an experimental sample of a hybrid design that combines the rotating in the horizontal plane carrying a screw with two 5-blade traction propellers. Designed by the French-German company EUROCOPTER, recently renamed Airbus Helicopters, Heliplan X3, whose first flight took place in 2010, was originally designed to accelerate up to 410 km / h. However, after 3 years, an experimental sample showed that it is capable of greater by setting the speed of the horizontal flight rate of 472 km / h.

The fastest helicopters

As of 2020, the project that requires serious financial investments, the Vinokarylah never interested customers. The only built copy is in the Museum of Aviation and Cosmonautics of the city of Paris, although the work on the design of the design, which engineers consider promising, continue.

Also, a couple of years ago it was stated that in Russia, work is underway to create an ultra-fast combat helicopter, capable of reaching more than 700 km / h, over the design of which is working in the National Center for helicopter construction, which arose as a result of the merger of two OKB - Mile and Kamov. However, accurate information when the first prototype will rise to the air and at what stage is the project, there is no current time.

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