Olesya Kazachenko - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, News, "Voice. Children »2021.



In the 90s of the 20th century on the Russian stage, the artist "hurt me, hurt!" And "at the flying horse" Vadim Kazachenko. After 30 years in Russia, a star with such a name was again shone. On the "blind auditions" show "Voice. Children "All three mentor turned to Oles Kazachenko.


Young asterisk was born on August 16, 2009 in Noginsk, located 50 km from Moscow. Although only 100 thousand people live in the former Bogorodsk, the cultural life of residents of the city near Moscow city is quite rich. The theater of the young spectator, and the Moscow Regional Theater of Drama and Comedy, and the Moscow Regional Theater and Comedy, who is now headed by actress and director Elena Tsaplakova.

Girl's parents name Maria and Nikolay. Olesya's mother, in his youth, who graduated from the music school in the class of piano, in 2018 gave birth to the second daughter Alisa, whose photos often appear in "Instagram" vocalist.

The shells of the Kozachenko family divide the Samoyed Dog Bow, born in New Year's Eve 2017, and the British Cat Maksik, presented by Oles on the 3th anniversary. In 2019, the girl had a new Marty pet, which was kicked out by previous owners.


At 4, Olesya joined into a children's vocal team "Fidgets". Becoming older, the girl entered the Academy of Popular Music Igor Cool.

Now Kazachenko combines schools in secondary school No. 4 Noginsk, urban music school and a creative studio of pop-jazz art Sergey Zhilina. With Sergey Sergeyevich, another participant of the 7th season show "Voice" also concerts. Children »Valery Basykin, who performed a duet on the" blind auditions "with the maiz of the amino song" Grass at home ". In addition to Piano, Kazachenko learns to play ukulele and guitar.

"Voice. Children "is not the first in the biography of the young singer appearance on television. In winter, 2019, the girl participated in the show of the first channel "The main role".

Diplomas and Olece Cups occupy a whole wall in the house. She is the winner of the 1st degree of the International Talent Pearl Competition and the Talent-2019 television competition, the winner of the IV International Vocal Competition "I sing." However, the most of all Olesya is proud of the Grand Prix of the 4th All-Russian Festival of Pop and Jazz Vocal "Jazar".

Olesya Kazachenko now

Oley's speech The first channel showed on March 13, 2020. The girl performed the composition from the repertoire of the American singer Andra Day Rise Up ("I PRICE"). Basta turned to Kazachenko, and Rapper Olesya chose as a mentor. In the interview with Noginsky television, the girl confessed that all the songs of Vasily Vakulento suffers from six years.

Although all the judges admired the voice and manner of execution of Kazachenko, Olesya was able to keep the tears of happiness on stage. The girl was splashing only behind the scenes of the show in the arms of the parents and Dmitry Nagiyev.

But perhaps the most emotional moment of the show became the final concert, based on the results of which the winner of the project was chosen. Here Olesya fought with the most strong participants of the season - Sofia Tumanova and Artem Fokin. Kazachenko chose the touching composition of the RISE Up American singer Andra Day and did not lose: the girl managed to conquer the hearts of the audience, take the first place and become the winner of the 7th season of the project "Voice. Children".

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