Where Bogdan Titomir disappeared: Carmen, photo, Lemoch, where now


Stunning and rapid success of the Kar-Men group, in the "gold composition" of which Sergey Lemokh and Bogdan Titomir were performed, brought a new musical direction for the Soviet person - an electroopop with elements of Eurodens. In 1991, the duet collapsed: the lemch rewrote the vocal parties colleagues for the new album, and the Titomyr began the solo career. The editorial office of 24cmi prepared material about where Bogdan Titomir disappeared and what a former carman "Car Man" is engaged in now.

"Piple Halva"

In an interview with the Rolling Stone correspondent in 2006, Bogdan Tititomir (real name of the singer - Oleg Titorönko) said that his departure from the group and the beginning of the new chapter of the biography were dictated by the desire to complete the "clownad" and the lack of mutual understanding with Sergey Lemoch (cucumbling). "I struggled with a cucumber, which in the direction of Hevi-Metal was pulling all the time," the title of care is ironically explained.

Cooperation with producer Sergey Lisovsky allowed the singer to promote the album "High Energy", recorded in 1992. Herman Vitke suggested the future celebrity, that the Equality at the most popular RPER MC Hammer promises success from the Russian public - and did not lose. Provocative tracks "Do as I" and "Erunda" in the new for the post-Soviet space of the Hip-Hop genre quickly became viral. This was facilitated by the frequent screening of clips in Prime-Time on the first commercial TV channel "2x2".

Bogdan Titomyr sought to win popularity in films. The role of a graduate of PTU in the "old songs about the main" and the criminal authority of Karabas in the "new adventures of Buratino" contributed to the formation of a certain stage image.

The first three albums "Piple Skhava" (artist's winged expression), and the fourth, "favorite pupse", did not receive recognition from the public. The question asked in the late 90s about where Bogdan Titomir disappeared, fans with surprise learned about the departure of the artist in the United States.

From MTV to Gazgolder

"When four people called from different groups and advised to sink somewhere on a year, I thought. And he dumped into America for three and a half years, "said Bogdan Titomir's care break in an interview with Starhit. Returning to Russia, the artist changed the familiar to fans the image of "Grubian" and carried away by DJing, taking the pseudonym DJ BO.

The artist continued to produce albums, but they were designed for a narrow circle of listeners, so by 2008 the singer began to actively fight for glory. Together with the Masha Malinovskaya Titomyr, he became the leading Star Star Stars on the MTV Russia channel. Also, "Bo" worked on creating clips in a duet with Timati and fog.

In 2010, Bogdan Titomir got carried away R & B, and inspiration was enough for two disks of the album "Gentle and rude." The whole Pleiad of Rapers took part in the creation of tracks: Smokey Mo, Djigan, Fog, Fun2mass and others.

Next year, Bogdan was invited to play chameo roles in the film "Pirogramid" and the series "Zaitsev + 1". The creative biography of the artist is also associated with the beginning of the work of the Pepper TV channel (since 2015 at its frequency broadcasts "Che"). It is for him that Bogdan Titomir wrote an album "Very important pepper". The man was also invited to conduct a hot car wash program in a duet with Alena Vodonaeva.

For 4 years, until the 2015th, the media again wondered about what Bogdan Titomir is engaged in, until they began to leave the articles about take-off Raper Basta. At the same time, headlines appeared that the Titomyr stood at the origins of the Russian rap, asking the bar to new performers. By the way, the musical label "Gazgolder" is also associated with the name of Bogdan, and later Vasily Vaculenko got at the helm.

Bogdan Titomir now

Despite the lack of new albums, the Titomyr still remains popular with its audience, because the main principle "to be in the Tusovka", learned in the US in the US, the artist performs the artist.

Bogdan Titomyir since 2016 is called the founder of the musical direction of Kinderpunk. A man winters on the island of Phangan (Thailand), where it becomes an eminent guest on the ravas. Occasionally comes to Sochi, where it is also successful under the pseudonym Bo, sometimes it is divided by photo parties with fans. In 2017, Instagram appeared information on the creation of a new single "Mushrooms to blame", and the work on the Kinderpank style travelery was completed on May 16, 2020.

The personal life of the singer not only did not work out, but also overgrown with numerous scandals. At various times, Bogdan Titomir had love ties with famous and unknown beauties. Angelina Doroshennekova's story, who accused Titomir in rape, even became the plot of the program "Direct Ether" in 2019.

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