Zuulikha (character) - Photo, Guzel Yakhina, Chulpan Hamatova, TV series, "Zuuleika opens his eyes"


Character History

Zuulikha - the main heroine of Roman Guseli Yakhina 2015 "Zulikha opens his eyes." This book demonstrates the formation of the character of the peasant woman who fell into unusual and terrible life conditions.

History of character creation

Guzel Yahina - the author of the novel, previously published short stories and worked in the field of cinema. But her popularity brought the book "Zulikha opens his eyes."

For some time, the writer came across the problem of publishing this work. In 2014, a small passage was published in the "Siberian Lights" journal, a separate book was published later. Gusel admitted that this novel means a lot for her, because it was based on the memories of her grandmother.

The plot is based on a fictional story, echoing, however with real facts. Therefore, to name the grandmother with a Khina prototype will be incorrect. Although the author placed the literary heroine in the same era and "lived" with her the same route from Kazan to the special settlement on the hangar.

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Grandmother of Guselie in those times, when the wealthy peasants smoked and sent to Siberia, it was 7 years old. Her together with his parents was exiled to the hangar, in a deaf taiga. There, in the dugouts, they, like others, began life from scratch - built at home, worked.

16 years old - here is the time interval who described the author in the novel, accounted for the hard trials of her grandmother. For the literary character, Guzel Yahina chose another age - 30 years. According to the writer, it was done in order to demonstrate the breakdown of the world-acting personality.

The name of a woman is pronounced with an emphasis on the last syllable and has Arab roots. In the literal translation means "smooth". The choice of such a name for the one to survive a lot is due to the need to "slide" through a series of deprivation and losses. And if Zulech was "stuck" on each tragedy, it would not be able to grow to a real heroine.

And it's not just that she had to say goodbye to the usual rural life, losing her husband and the house. This book is the history of internal transformation. Zuoleha lives in a closed world, but forced to rebuild, free yourself and raise a person.

Zulech and Ivan Ignatov

The literary debut of Guselie Yahina gathered a lot of feedback, both negative and positive. The book is translated into 20 languages ​​and received several awards in the field of literature.

At the same time, some critics reacted to the work of the writer with great indignation. So, the image of Muslim woman was called implausible and not corresponding reality.

Image and Biography of Zuolea

The content of the novel is built on the biographies of the young Tatarka living in the ordinary village. Zuuleika Valiev at the time of the beginning of the narration is married to Murtaz and has already lost four daughters.

In the first chapter, the Emko describes the fate and characteristics of the character - its humility, non-independence and habit of instructions. In each her day there are such emotions as pain, animal fear, the desire to please the "good husband" and mother-in-law, fatigue and lack of rest.

In the duties of approximate Muslims - concern for households, mandatory getting beatings from her husband, and then serving him. The gamma experiences of the main character is described so exactly that the reader feels physically.

However, for Zuuli, such a warehouse of life is habit. In another world, it could be called violence and even slavery. Her world view is limited, prevents the look at the situation soberly and understand it.

Everything changes when her husband kills Ivan Ignatov, because Murtaza rebelled against collectivization. Wardrified Zulech is sent to Siberia. Right in the car takes place the first breaking of the views of the heroine. Thus, the Tatar peasant gets acquainted with the artist Iconnikov, scientist Konstantin and the criminal burner. And understands that the world is much wider than it seemed earlier.

Past convictions are subject to doubt, and after and leaving at all, freeing the place for the new. There is no doubt a large role in the life of a woman, in terms of transformation, played and love.

A man who killed her husband, not only another nationality or religion. Ivan Ignatov is a person of another social class, an adherent of communism. These two are bright opposites, so at the beginning of the novel it is difficult to assume that fate will reduce them together.

Zuulech, accustomed to obedience and blind followed by someone else's will, turns out to be in a difficult position. Her sudden freedom makes think about responsibility for your own life. And after the birth of the son of Yuzuf - for fate and another person. The appearance of a child becomes for the main character not only another test in the conditions of unfriendly Siberia, but also the incentive does not die.

The capacious name of the novel "Zulikha opens the eyes" emotion displays the essence of the work. Tatar woman recognizes the world again - builds relations with people of other social layers - intellectuals, scientists, Orthodox and even criminals.

The final Roman remained open, but the author admitted that the continuation does not plan. Moreover, the Guzel Yahina shared that he crossed out an episode with a matured yuzuf, who returns to the hangar and in fantasy meets with a maturity. In the book, the writer decided to remove the possible connection with the modern world, describing only the events of the difficult page of history.

Zulech in films

Guzel Yakhina initially wrote a script, not a novel. However, none of the studios responded to the offer to shield the biography of the Tatar woman. After some time, the writer decided that her task was to write a book.

But the author did not lose hope for shooting, sharing in an interview that he sees the actress Chulpan Hamatov.

In 2017, a performance was played in the Bashkir Drama Theater under directory Airat Abushakhmanov. The amplua of the "opening eye" of Tatarka handed over the actress Rimma Karharmanov.

The Guzel responded with admiration, noting that Ayrat Abushakhmanov, though did not adhere to the exact quotes, managed to transfer the main idea of ​​the work. And this is not only a national tragedy, but also "supranational" shower experiences in the context of historical events.

The shooting of the television series started in the fall of 2018. Large life interval - 16 years old - it was possible to organize in one season, consisting of eight 48-minute episodes. Main role, as the author of the novel wanted, was invited by Chulpan Hamatov, also a Tatar by nationality. Actors involved in the cinema - Evgeny Morozov, Julia Peresilde, Sergey Makovetsky.

The premiere of the film, scheduled for March 2020, was not taken place due to restrictions on activities.


I'm flying, flesh, mom! I didn't beat her! Never touched a finger! She herself asked. Spear soon, let it be better to take a cow. This is, a girl. My genus ends. I can give birth only girls.


  • 2015 - "Zuulikha opens his eyes"


  • 2020 - "Zuuleika opens his eyes"

Interesting Facts

  • The settlement of Semrook, where the main heroine was exiled, written off with the village of Pete-town. There was a grandmother of the writer for 16 years.
  • The series based on the book received the Grand Prix in 2019 as the most anticipated screening.
  • The impressive budget of the film was due to the fact that it was necessary to build "scenery" - the settlement of Semaruk on the banks of Kama. In total, 17 buildings were erected.

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