Walter Mitty (character) - photo, film, story, bin styller, actor


Character History

Walter Mitty is a fictional character of the story of James James Törber, as well as two film adaptations. The name of the hero became nominable and used to designate a dreamer's person, whose dreams interfere in real life.

History of character appearance

Walter Mitty "Debuted" in 1939. James Törber published a story "The Mystery Life Walter Mitty" in the newspaper, and after the story came to the collection of the book "My World - and Welcome to Him" ​​in 1942.

After publication in The New Yorker, the character's name entered the lexicon of political figures and even got into the Merriam-Webster Collegiate dictionary. A person who is so called is so called, compared with the dreamer trying to escape from reality.

Harrison Kinny, who wrote the book "James Törber: His life and times," believed that Walter Mitty was no one like a humorist himself. According to a quote from the book, the author said that "he likes to be Walter Mitty. He was a great amateur and dreamer. " The fact is that when Törber wrote a story, was practically blind, strongly dependent on his wife and was often in his fantastic world.

The popularity of the story acquired after he was reprinted in the American magazine Reader's Digest. It is curious that the collection even sent the American troops during the VMW. There is information that pilots called airplanes in honor of the main character of the story.

In 1947, the story was fused with the actor Danny Kay in the lead role. Producer Samuel Goloden rejected the initial scenario and sent Ken Englund for 10 days to Töbere to consult. According to a humor writer, all his proposals for the most part remained ignored.

The 1947 film caused dissatisfaction with the author, reworked plot, in his opinion, became "too bloody and thirsting." As a result, the original story has changed so much that Jame Törber called the film "The Secret Life of Danny Kay," saying that there was no trace from Walter's character.

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A more successful film adaptation was the remake of 2013 - "the incredible life of Walter Mitty." In fact, the idea of ​​the screening was carried out from 1994 by Stephen Spielberg, Chuck Russell, Ron Howard. Put the same film Ben Stiller, while playing a major role. This adventure comedy drama in comparison with the original shielding, according to critics, looks more logical.

The action of the plot was transferred to the XXI century, and the main character wins the heart of the girl not by means of feats, but internal qualities - warmth, humor and sincerity. Together with the actress Kristen Wig, the role of colleagues in which Walter is in love with, the styller showed a spectacular on-screen pair. And the development of relations between heroes has become interesting and to people of solid age, and the youth audience.

Thanks to modern special effects, soundtracks, a qualitatively developed scenario managed to win the mixture of real and fictional adventures of the dreamer. But meanwhile it turned out to be preserved and old-fashioned in spirit a story characteristic of the original story of James Törber.

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The success of the remat is also expressed in numerous awards. According to the National Council of the US film critics, the "incredible life of Walter Mitty" fell into the top ten works of 2013.

Music was noted - thanks to the soundtracks and songs, the film nominated twice for the Satellite Prize. In addition, the talented director and the acting game of Ben Stillar provided at once two nominations for the Saturn Prize.

Image and History Walter Mitty

In the story of James Törber, the main character appears to a meek and soft man with a bright and rich life in the head. So, he fantasies about himself as a pilot of wartime. Then it becomes a talented surgeon, coping with the most complex operations. And after - a cold-blooded killer, with whom the devil is compared.

Despite the fact that the work in itself is humorous, the interpretation of the character of the main character wears a gloomy message. Even in heroic dreams, a man does not triumph, and his fantasies are interrupted before the most important point.

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In the short slices of reality, when Mitty is exempted from navation, the surrounding people appear worm and even tough, as if specially taking the remnants of dignity in a man.

In the 2013 film Walter Mitty - an ordinary employee of the Life magazine. He holds the position of head of the photo laboratory department, however, does not enjoy any respect at colleagues.

From his biography, it is known that he remained early without his father. His family is a mother and a pretty mischievous sister. At work, a man is engaged in routine labor, the benefit of fantasies take him to incredible adventures.

He becomes a cosmonaut, then a traveler, then a lifeguard, then in general a superhero. But its main transformation is in internal changes. In the life of Mitty - no remarkable personality. In the dreams, a man radiates charm, brave, strong and mysterious. So, he approxes the qualities of the qualities that are somehow unable to show in communication with people.

In fact, the dreamer suffers from such moments of "freezing". For example, at the beginning of the film, he once again loses the connection with the world and therefore misses his train to work. Later he gets into a stupor and looks at the accountant Cheryl Melhoff, fantasizing the personality of the great conqueror of snow vertices than causes laughter from employees.

The story of the movie unfolds around the news that Life magazine changes the format with a printed online. Therefore, the last issue should be truly phenomenal. In the jurisdiction of Walter - prepare a photo for the cover, which Schon O'Connel sent - the famous photographer.

The problem is that this frame, filmed on the film, for unknown reasons never reached the hands of Mitti. Therefore, a man will have to go on a journey to find a photographer, and not knowing the exact location.

As a result, the main character turns into the most traveler, whose role is so often trying on himself. Putting on the road, he does not assume that it will visit such distant places as Himalayas, Iceland and Greenland. The film is saturated with bright and colorful scenes, such as the eruption of the volcanic Eyyafyatlayokud.

So, from the world of Grez Mitty falls into no less fantastic, but real life. And he has to stay in it to fulfill the mission and stay alive and unharmed.

Interesting Facts

  • Initially, Jim Kerry was going to approve the major role. But because of the constantly disrupting deadlines and shifts, the actor was forced to refuse to participate in the film.
  • When Walter in Greenland takes a car for hire, then he is given to choose between the same models of red and blue. This is a reference to the "Tablets" in the "Matrix". Like Neo, Mitty chooses a red color, while blue would mean the end of the journey.
  • In fact, the scene in Greenland was filmed in Iceland.


See the world around, experience danger on yourself, overcome them, look through the walls, be closer, finding each other, feel. In this purpose of life. With such a beard, you can make a coup in Cuba! - What are you, the consciousness lost?- No, just contact with reality.


  • 1947 - "The Secret Life Walter Mitty"
  • 2013 - "Incredible Life Walter Mitty"

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