Anniversary Ilya Bachurina: 2020, biography, personal life, Sysoeva's hope


MediaRodverter Ilya Bachurin works for the scenes, leaving bright projects in the audience. In the creative biography of the celebrity "Star Factory", work on the channel "MTV Russia", as well as the creation of a radio channel "Station 2000" and Russian Hollywood - "Glavkin".

On May 29, 2020, he celebrated the 50th anniversary. Interesting facts from life - in the material 24cm.

It remains in friendly relations with ex-beloved

Producer prefers not to comment on the facts from personal life. But the relationship he does not hide. At 23, Bachurin married the interior design of Polina. The couple had two daughters: Vasilisa and Yaroslav.

After the divorce Ilya managed to stay in friendly relations with the former spouse and introduced the family with a new passion, which was Ravshan Kurkov. Relations existed for 4 years. Ilya gave the beloved ring, and in the press they spoke about the wedding. Soon the couple broke up, and the former lovers remained friends.

In 2016, the secular lion became interested in the hope of Sysoeva, in which he saw femininity and romanticism. However, in this relationship, the producer has never reached the altar.

Recently, the start-up noticed in the company Alexandra Naumova, who was hardly 21 years old. The press appeared criticism of the age inequality of lovers.

Ilya Bachurin declares that he does not give a second chance of relations, but at the same time I am convinced that if the connection is built on mutual respect, then friendship after feelings is a natural.

Brought Michael Jackson to Moscow

In 1993, Ilya Bachurin, together with partners, organized the concert of Michael Jackson in Moscow, invested in the project all earned funds. The project was failing: the Russians could not purchase tickets for a high price and producer lost all investments. However, he does not regree about money, believing that it was much more important to the scale and experience received from the organization of the tour of the world-class star.

Does not need the status of "Stars"

In the 90s, producers were passed to remain behind the scenes. The acquired habit has been preserved at Bachurina so far. The celebrity prefers to implement ambitions in projects, sometimes ignoring the material side of the question. Ilya Bachurin is still participating only in those events that they are interested in, or comes to where there is an opportunity to chat with friends.

About style in clothes

The reverent attitude towards the style of celebrities was born when it became possible to show individuality through clothes. However, the services of Stylist Bachurin does not resort to the shopaholic does not consider himself. Among your favorite designers - Roma Uvarov, Louise Alkhanashvili, Vanya Borisov, Artem Nozov and 404 Not Found.

But the tattoo on the hand of Bachurina is not a tribute to fashion, but a symbolism. The image of the carp in Chinese mythology means the ability to achieve goals, and the dragon is a militant symbol that transmits strong qualities to the owner.

Attitude towards marriage

In one interview, Ilya Bachurin said that marriage is not the main thing in the relationship between loving people. More importantly, when a couple appear joint children, but many are not ready for responsibility. "I want loved ones, trustful, serious, deep relationships. If sometime it gets so much that they will come to the logical moment of the wedding, I will not avoid it, "the celebrity emphasizes.

Oh Hobby

As a child, the celebrity showed irrepression into the hobby: he was reading, he played on musical instruments, attended sports sections, engaged in boxing and judo, as well as mountain skiing. For more than 20 years in the hobby Bachurina, motocross and skate. Sport has become part of the life of the star, and the main entertainment he considers running on the stairs up-down.

Democratic father

In childhood, the parents of the producer knew how to bring the Son to the correct independent decisions. This experience from Ilya Bachurin's biography now uses daughters in raising daughters, trying not to be too strict. Among the generally accepted principles of the star three Lifehak, who help not spoil relations with the heirs, is love, freedom of choice and equal communication.

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