David Foster Wallace - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, Cause of Death, Books



David Foster Wallace is the leader of the "Literature of the New sincerity", whose novel "The Infinite Joke" is among the twenty of the most significant works of the 20th century in English. The life path of the Wunderkinda from the intelligent family overshadowed to alcohol and drugs.

Childhood and youth

The writer was born in February 1962 in the city of ITAKA, located in New York, almost on the border with Canada. The parents of the boy were professors: the mother taught English literature, and the father is philosophy. Before bedtime, the spouses read aloud Roman James Joyce "Ulysses".

However, the biographers of the writer claim that in the personal life of Wallace, the older was not all smoothly. According to the reviews of friends, in the heroine "endless joke" - a woman-to-woman named Avryl Incadez, who seduced his son, the author brought his mother

When the boy was 10 years old, the Wallace family, in which David Amy's sister appeared by that time, moved to the University of Urban in Illinois. In 1985, the young man graduated with honors from Alma Mater Father - Amherst College. In addition to study, David succeeded in tennis and singing.

Personal life

Wallace loved dogs, repeatedly picked up stray pieces. "An infinite joke" writer corrected, while simultaneously browsing the comedy about Senbernar Beethoven.

In relations with people, the writer often behaved like an aggressive absorer. In 1989, on a detoxification program in the Psychiatric Institute of the city of Belmont, David met the poetess Mary Carr and began to pursue a woman who was married with a colleague - Milbert.

Wallace penetrated the dwelling of the lady, promised to kill her spouse, tried to kidnap a 5-year-old son. When Mary lost to David's plea and tried to live with the prose, it spawned a new round of violence. Wallace thrown into the mistress with a coffee table and pushed her from a riding car.

At the end of 2004, the wife of David became the artist Karen Green, who had a son from the previous marriage. A couple of joint children did not have time to get.

Throughout the life of Wallace suffered from depressions. On most photos, David appears in the bandan. The writer claimed that the hair on the head was sweating from the boiling of thoughts in the brain, he was shy to shoot with a wet chapel. The image was complemented by ripped jeans and shoes with hanging laces.


The Wallace Bibliography includes novels, stories and essays. The passion for writing David opened in himself in 1983. For prose, Wallace is characterized by a series of long descriptions and transfers inherent in neurotic consciousness.

The first Roman David rose from the master's dissertation of the author dedicated to the theory of philosopher Ludwig Wittgenstein. The third, unfinished and published after Wallace's death, the Roman "Pale King" is devoted to the topic of boredom and ways to overcome it.

The most famous is the second novel of the prose "endless joke." In 2018, the Russian translation of the work was issued by the Petersburg Publishing House "Astrel", headed by Alexander Prokopovich. The manuscript of the novel was called "Failed entertainment", but the publishers refused to publish a book under such a heading.

Wallace, who taught in courses of writing skills, violated all the laws of creating works. The first 250 pages of the "infinite joke" are a filter to screen readers who are not able to be closed through the abundance of heroes and topics. The characteristic features of the novel - a violation of chronology and a huge number of footnotes containing further footnotes.

Like Alexander Pushkin, who described himself with the help of two heroes - a cynical, preserved Evgeny Onegin and a fervent Vladimir Lensky, Wallace distributed his traits between a couple of central characters. Harold is a tennis player with linguistic talents. Donald is a drug addictive robber who fell into a rehabilitation clinic. The first is gradually becoming a drug addict, the second fights with demons and acquires clarity of consciousness.

The work of the work published in 1996 unfolds at the end of the first decade of the Third Millennium. The calendar and politics are ruled by madness, the USA and Canada formed a single state. The connected element of the plot is the deadly film "Endless Joke": all the audience, who decided to see him, die from laughter.


David's life broke off on September 12, 2008. Suicide became the cause of the death of Prosucian: Foster hanged himself in the patio of his house in Clermont.

After the death of the writer in the United States, several of his biographies came out. According to the book reporter Rolling Stone David magazine "In the end, you still become ourselves: a trip with David Foster Wallace" Director James Ponnsoldt in 2015 removed the film "End of Tour". The role of a prose in the picture was performed by actor Jason Sigel.


  • 1987 - "System Blum"
  • 1989 - Girl with Curious Hair ("Girl with Curious Hair").
  • 1996 - "Infinite joke"
  • 1999 - "Short interviews with scams"
  • 2003 - "Everything is even more: a brief history of infinity"
  • 2011 - "Pale King"

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