Series "Crystal trap" (2020): Release date, Actors and Roles, TVC


In the late spring of 2020, TVC prepared for lovers of detective stories and swirling surprise plots - the series "Crystal trap" shot by the director Igor Nurislam. The release date of the 4-serial film, which was based on the same name of the writer Victoria Platova, on the channel - May 30. About the plot of paintings related to it interesting facts and involved in the project actors - in the material 24cm.


Filled with rolled echo the steps of the halls of the cave, in which the frightening exposition created by an unknown artist, consisting of frozen forever, tightly enclosed in the ice of human figures. Yes, it was not at all such a rest at a ski resort "Rose Winds" Olga, who went to the mountains together with his spouse and girlfriend. The main heroine will be able to solve the sinister secret of the cave and find a maniac-sculptor, and tell the series "Crystal trap".

Actors and roles

In the movie Roles performed actors:

  • Marina Konyashkin - Olga, the main heroine of history. Arriving on the ski resort, it turns out to be drawn into a chain of random events, resulting in a simple vacationer in the cave with ice sculptures, inside which human bodies are sealed. Now Olga will deal with what is happening and finding a criminal guilty of countless murders.
  • Roman Mayakin - Mark, Husband Olga, who came together with his wife to go skiing in the "Rose of Winds".
  • Sergey Perudov - Ion, Mountains, Brother Mark - There was a difficult relationship between close relatives.
  • Tatyana Cherdyntseva - Inessa, the best friend of the main character, as well as her stepmother - Olga took time to get used to this thought and accept the incorporate in the new capacity.

Also, the series was filmed: Igor Nikolaev (Zvyagintsev), Elena Martynenko (Natalia Posteoshtskaya), Alexey Mothekin (Peter Chistyakov), Polina Voichenko (Maid Majan) and Oleg Popov as Father Olga.

Interesting Facts

1. The series "Crystal trap" in most details repeats the original source for the authorship of Victoria Platova. However, cinematographers did not cost and without some deviations from the original. So, in the book, the place of action is the resort town in Elbrus. The creators of the film decided not to focus on geography and cost without specifics - "Wind Rose" is a certain abstract resort.

2. Separate plot lines were also supplemented and expanded, including the search for a mysterious cave, which herself, according to the authors of the picture, differs from the board described. However, the director for whom this is already the second screening of the writer's creativity (the first was the first to be released in 2015, "the past is able to wait"), assures that the basic plot moves, as well as the characteristics of the characters, were carefully transferred to the screen without being changed.

3. The shooting took place near St. Petersburg. However, the winter season 2019-2020, issued in the European territory of Russia, surprisingly warm, introduced its own adjustments. It was necessary to work on ski slopes with an artificial coating, so that the snow on his knee and the usual winter whiteness will not see the viewers. And so it was necessary to ensure that the sections with green grass do not fall into the frame.

4. Completed the work and the fact that snowstorms are capable of working only at a minus temperature, which the past winter did not indulge. So the shooting was constantly under threat of a breakdown. However, cinematographers managed to cope with the situation and complete the work on time.

5. Like the book, the series "Crystal trap" did not cost without heroes-dogs. The most remarkable actor on the site was the dog of Indies. His trainer immediately warned the shooting group about the need to be careful with the team "Motor!", After all, after it, an experienced shaggy artist seeks to find the camera to get into the frame, - an intelligent animal is accustomed to work. Cinematographers did not believe, but in vain. Ind and the truth turned out to be a real professional.

The series "Crystal trap" - Trailer:

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