Stanislav Khitrov - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, Films, Cause



Stanislav Khitrov - the Soviet actor and movie actor, for the talent of which there was no obstacles. Equally successful in comedy and dramatic roles, he demonstrated great potential. The artist was very musher and played several tools that repeatedly imprinted the lens of the movie chamber.

Childhood and youth

Stanislav Nikolaevich was born on July 22, 1936 in Moscow. His childhood was in the war years and the period when the country was restored after harsh battles. After graduating from school in 1954, Stas decided to act in VGIK, because he dreamed of acting profession.

Stanislav Khitrov - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, Films, Cause 7642_1

Becoming a student of the workshop of Vladimir Belokurov, he immediately attracted the attention of Artist Mkhat. The gifting of a young man was obvious, the teachers considered him a nugget, and rumors about the talented young artist quickly separated from the institute.

Student times brought the first roles on theatrical layouts. The appearance of Anton Chekhov "Three sisters" was the graduate performance. The artist got the role of Chebutykina. In 1959, Stanislav received a diploma diploma.

Personal life

Stanislav Khitrov with honor carried the title of artist. He was punctual, paid attention to appearance, and this was appreciated the colleagues with whom had to work. In the profession of actor, much depends on the case. When Glory was replaced by a lack of interest, it turned out that Stanislav's personal life is not able to compensate for non-knowledge.

Marriage with his wife Galina collapsed. Son Sergey remained from him, whom father loved very much. Khitrov had no other children. To build a family, the actor failed because of the harmful habit of alcoholism. The wife did not tolerate his addiction. The abuse of alcohol was noticed by colleagues, but no one could help the partner. In part, the lack of the interest of the directories was justified by the reluctance to face risks, which bears cooperation with the artist, unable to control himself in the frame.

Heathrs fell into depression, which was dried in the same alcohol. In recent years, he lived with his mother, while lying on it.


The debut of the artist in the movie took place in 1958. He participated in the creation of paintings "Obligating Wind", "Ataman Codr", "Youth Street". Having joined the troupe of the theater-studio of the film actor, Khitrov combined employment in cinema with work on a professional scene. In 1960, he received a role in the film "Yasha Toporkov", embodiment in the frame of the front, who took the "left outfit" and is experiencing the flour of conscience.

The success of the actor brought the image of Filse Egorov in the picture of Yuri Chulukina "Girl". The premiere took place in 1961. Cheerful, good-natured loan broadcast the qualities that actor himself possessed. Becoming a hit for all times, the film brought the success and love of viewers to Heathrov. From this point on, in the creative biography of the artist there was a rise. The 1960s became for Stanislav Glory Peak. During this period, his filmography was replenished with works in the pictures "After the wedding", "Return of Veronica", "Time, Forward!", "I come from childhood" and others.

Stanislav Khitrov - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, Films, Cause 7642_2

The awareness in working on the role, the diverseness and the deep degree of living of the image of the artist demonstrated in the tape "Hero of our time", where he got the role of the servant of Pechorin. The skill of the reincarnation of the actor in this image was struck by the public and critics. This ability of hestrov demonstrated a career from the very beginning, playing age characters. It seemed to be performed that even the growth and weight of the artist changed, adjusting to the parameters of the hero.

However, fate is unpredictable, and over time, a talented actor has become less demanded. In the 1970s, when the canister of cinema radiance began to change gradually, hestrov no longer enjoyed such popular as in his youth. During this period, he starred in episodic roles in the "Run" paintings and "Eternal Calls". The eighties brought 4 roles. One of them is the image of a servant in the film "Dead Souls". After that, the professional career of the artist ended.


The point of no return in the biography of the actor was the random fracture of the leg. Stanislav Nikolayevich fell into the hospital, but there were few places for patients, and his bed was in the corridor. Finding on draft provoked the beginning of pneumonia. This disease was the cause of the death of the artist, whose body was already weakened by alcoholism.

Stanislav Khitrov died on May 24, 1985. His grave is located on the Vagankovsky cemetery. Photo and films with his participation, which found themselves in the Gold Fund of Soviet Cinema remained in memory of the spectators.


  • 1958 - "Youth Street"
  • 1960 - "Yasha Toporkov"
  • 1961 - "Girls"
  • 1962 - "After the wedding"
  • 1963 - "Return of Veronica"
  • 1963 - "Cain XVIII"
  • 1965 - "Time, Forward!"
  • 1966 - "Hero of our time"
  • 1966 - "I come from childhood"
  • 1969 - "Red Tent"
  • 1970 - "Run"
  • 1973 - "Eternal Call"
  • 1980 - "Crash Operation" Terror ""
  • 1981 - "Black Triangle"
  • 1984 - "Dead Souls"

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