Interesting facts about Vladimir Ushakov: 2020, biography, personal life, death


On June 1, 2020, Vladimir Ushakov would celebrate his anniversary 10020 birthday, the actor and cinema actor, only in 2000 he received the title of Honored Artist of Russia, although the peak of his creative career came to the past century. Unfortunately, the artist did not live to such a significant and round date - the death took him in July 2011, on the 92nd year of life.

Interesting facts from the working biography of Vladimir Petrovich and his personal life - in the editorial material 24cmi.

Active Nature

Let Vladimir Ushakov played their roles in the 20th century, he starred in the new millennium, being already in old years. So, the artist took part in the work on the series "Bachelor", released in 2004, and the film "Hunger" 2009. Also, the actor worked on the documentary picture about his wife "Vera Vasilyeva. The secret of her youth. "

Real Glory

To name Vladimir Petrovich, the film actor is possible with some reservation - the artist was practically not filmed in films, it was often overwhelmed with his participation on the screens. Among the roles executed by him are not so much the main ones. However, it happened that Vladimir Ushakov played the most famous role on theatrical stage and not in the cinema - his voice speaks by Kaa's kaa in the cartoon "Mowgli", which looked and loved millions of Soviet and Russian children.

About weddings

In 1953, in 1953, Ushakov was fulfilled on the screens of the film "Wedding with dowry" of Ushakov, played by Vasilyeva faithful. As a result, he became a companion of actresses and in real life - in the 56th couple married. Weddings were not - noted - the modestly noted, without a swing, restricted by the gatherings in the hostel. Vasilyeva subsequently recalled that the spouses exchanged rings only at the 50th anniversary of the Society - for the first time, the actress's wedding dress was also only on the "golden" anniversary.

Vladimir Ushakov and Vera Vasilyeva

Feelings and jumps

Vera Vasilyeva noted that Ushakov knew how to care for. The actor sought to constantly prove his love, and his wife himself was forgiven. Once, in order to demonstrate the power of the feelings of the feelings of faith Kuzmichnina, Vladimir Petrovich jumped off the tower into the sea. Then it turned out that before jumping from such a height did not perform, and therefore, choosing to land, all shaking from the experienced.

Oh daughter

The actors in marriage did not have their children. However, a few years before the death of the wife, Vera Vasilyeva met a woman named Daria - that helped convey the actress heavy bags to the hospital, where Vladimir Petrovich lay at that moment. Between the artist and random acquaintance, trusted relationships were raised - so the Ushakov was visited shortly before the death.

Daria very much helped faith Vasilyeva to cope with the loss of his beloved spouse, with which she lived 55 years old. Now the named daughter and faith Kuzmichnna often spend time together, and the actress's girl born in Darya calls his own granddaughter.

On front

After the end of the theater school, Vladimir Ushakov was determined in the theater of drama and comedy, where he soon moved to the front branch of the Small Theater. In his composition, the novice artist traveled through the fields of battles along with his colleagues and raised the fighting spirit by the Soviet soldiers struggling with the German fascist invaders.

Delicate situation

Telplekont Mark Zakharova "Sewing in World War II", in which Vladimir Ushakov played a minor role, was removed in 1969. However, it was not shown on television - after entering the military of the Warsaw Treaty in Czechoslovakia in August 1968, the topic of the occupation of this country looked ambiguously and could have unpredictable consequences. So the film stories at the direction of the party leadership postponed the footage on the shelf.

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