Anniversary Olga Kormukhina: 2020, songs, biography, husband


On June 1, 2020, the 60th anniversary of Olga Kormukhin was noted - the Russian singer, for more than 30 years associated with fans, primarily with domestic rock. Moreover, the performer, in 2016 awarded the title of Honored Artist of Russia, has long been not limited exclusively by the framework of one musical direction, experimenting with other genres.

On interesting facts from the personal life and the scenic biography of the singer - in the material 24cmi.

About family happiness

Olga Korutukhin has been happy for more than 20 years in marriage with Alexey Belov, Guitarist of the famous rock team "Gorky Park". The secret of family happiness, the artist compares with singing in the choir, where the ability is required not only to fulfill its batch, but also listen and hear partners to sound the voices in unison.

About first glory and choosing

Fame to Olga Kormukhina came after the contest of young performers held in 1988 in Jurmala. Then the singer took 1 place and turned the attention of colleagues in the workshop. Different teams were invited to the vocalist, but in the end he chose a heavy rock, by that time the Soviet Union had already had a popularity and representing the alternative to the resterial moods of the Soviet Union.

About nicknames and rumors

"Russian Tina Turner" and "The First Rock Diva of the USSR" - such nicknames were awarded fans and press Kormukhin. Olga's voice turned out to be so powerful and bright that Alla Pugacheva attracted attention. It was rumored that on a couple of concerts of Olga Korutukhin sang because of the Kulis instead of the Voice of the Voice. And so that no one noticed the substitution.

How true this entertaining legend is unknown - the actress itself has never confirmed the rumors who went for a long time.

About Allegrova

During the installation, part of the scenes with the filming of the "Our property" in 2013, televisers provoked a scandal: the audience had the impression that Kormukhin had left the hall, as Irina Allegrova could not tolerate. In fact, Olga approves, two celebrities before the artist went away, they managed to talk warmly.

It was just necessary to hurry to be a hurry, so as not to be late for the plane, the number on the program was held for 2 hours, forcing the star to try to fit into the established schedule.

About 93rd

During the events of the autumn of 1993, the singer sought to break through to the White House to be close to the people. However, the police did not allow the police, broke all the streets. Also, remembering about Time, Kormukhina tells that he managed to communicate with the soldiers of the Tula Tank Division, aimed at Moscow to counter the unrest, - their singer fed and asked not to shoot in people.

About Abdulov and Piano

Kormukhin was friends with Alexander Abdulov. He recalls, as during the gatherings in the company with him, Alexander Pankratov-black and Ivar Kalnynsh, in the restaurant at home Cinema artists asked to fulfill a couple of their songs. But it was not accompanied by anything - the piano, who stood in the hall of the institution, was locked on the castle.

But it was not so easy to stop the actors - they tried to open the lid of the musical instrument, forcing the administration of the institution to intervene. As a result, the artists made the explanatory note, which found the following form: "We, below, ... Wanted to listen to Olga Kormukhin ... And the royal was locked ..."

The performer, remembering this story, regrets that then there were no smartphones, - who stood under the text of the signature of the actors did a kind of "document" worthy to be immortalized for descendants.

About fate

Olga Kormukhin was familiar with Olga Korutukhin's her husband - a meeting with Alexey Belovy predicted her old man Nikolai Guryanov, who became the prototype of the monk from the film "Island". Olga then was going to take a tonsure, but the old man dissuaded her, punishing the devotee.

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