Dexter Morgan (character) - photo, series, actor, michael si hall, serial killer


Character History

Dexter Morgan is a fictional literary hero of American playwright Jeff Lindsay and the character of the television series "Dexter", filmed based on the work. The elusive killer punishes only criminals without leaving no trace.

History of character creation

The first book of the cycle "Dorming Demon Dexter" came out in 2004 and immediately loved the public. Critics positively appreciated the image of the serial killer, and the novel was nominated for the Award of Edgar Pon.

The author did not forced the readers to languish waiting, and after a year the continuation of the bookstores appeared on the shelves - "good friend Dexter." At the same time, the SHOWTIME channel was interested in the plot.

The screening of the novel received no less recognition, although some parental organizations criticized the picture due to excessive cruelty. Because of this, the film was assigned the rating "14+", and some scenes with the dismemberment of the victims were cut out.

The entire writer published 8 books about Dexter from 2004 to 2015. The attitude to the main character remains twofold, which makes his image attractive, in terms of the study of the nature of madness.

Image and biography of Morgan Dexter

The serial killer was born in a disadvantaged family. His mother, Laura Moser - a drug addict, who often became a secret informant for police officer Harry Morgan. Subsequently, romantic relations have developed between them, despite the fact that the guardian of the law was married.

In one of the operations, during which a woman needed to collect information about Santos Jimenez, a local drug trap, everything went not according to plan. As a result, Santos kidnapped a woman and dismembered her. The scene of the cruel murder occurred in the eyes of a three-year dexter. Together with a mutilated corpse, the boy spent 3 days while he did not find Harry with his brother.

A man who considered himself guilty to the death of his mistress and in this terrible story, could not leave the Syrota and soon adopted him, giving his surname. And at least the boy practically forgot about what happened, his psyche was broken.

The foster father began to notice that serious changes occur with the morgana. Harry found out that the son kills and bursts animals. At the very beginning, the policeman tried to form a step, but then I realized that it was useless.

Then the man went to another way and developed a set of rules for the young killer who need to be strictly followed. This Code sounded such requirements, how to kill only guilty, not to report anyone about these cases and get rid of bodies and evidence.

Dexter called such a farewell from the stepfather of the Harry Code and adhered to the rules in the future, already adult. Just instead of animals, people - maniacs and criminals managed to leave punishment.

The first sacrifice of the twenty-year-old young man demonstrated the receptionist. When Harry saw a dismembered body in his garage, he did not make such a shock. He committed suicide, realizing that she raised a terrible monster.

Both in the book, and in the television series, the main character works by Jewish Sperer for blood splashes. Revealing other crimes in the laboratory, a man is improving the technique of catching evidence. His "Dark Travel" is something like an inner voice, helps him in socialization. The hero himself admits that it does not feel any feelings for people and is absolutely indifferent to sex.

The psychological portrait of a murderer shows a prudent and cruel man who, with pleasure, shifts people, waiting for the last drop of blood. Interestingly, Dexter himself believes that he pecks a good thing, eliminating the planet from criminals who somehow left justice.

Nevertheless, readers, and viewers it becomes clear that it was the murders - an inlets of the villain. And only the "Code Harry" helps him not turn into those whom he kills. The advocate of justice calls Manyakov, according to a quotation from the film, "defective versions of him." The scenes of execution, where Morgan leads dialogs with the victim, as if feeding the fear of the doomed.

It is curious how brutal cruelty and love for children get into such a characteristic of the hero. In the series, the children of his wife Rita Morgan - Cody and Astor are causing his father's feelings. And after a while the killer notices the likeness of himself. Morgan teaches adoptive son and daughter "Harry Code", and after making them with his assistants.

In the book, a pair is born daughter Lily-Ann, and in the 7th season of the series the son of Morgana appears Son Harrison from the poisoner Hanna McCay. Attitude towards children at the villain has always been caring. With their appearance, a man has become even tougher to treat criminals, in the "all-service lists" were minors.

Another person who was awarded at least some emotions in the biography of the main character, is his sister Debra Morgan. In the book description, the girl learned about the secret of the pivot brother in the first part. In the series, Debra becomes a witness to the murder in the 6th season and stops communication with the dexter for a long time because of what he saw.

Dexter Morgan in films

The series came out on Showtime TV channel in 2006. Events in the cinema repeat the literary plot with minor changes. The project was successful and was repeatedly nominated for the "Saturn" award, Emmy and Satellite Award. The main role was played by actor Michael Si Hall.

The last series came out on September 22, 2013. In total, the series consisted of 8 seasons, in each of which the serial killer faces another antagonist. In the last season, Morgan meets Dr. Evelina Vogel and finds out that it was she who helped Harry to doubt the "Dark Travel" Dexter.

Interesting Facts

  • Residents of Long Beach, living near the place of shooting of the series, are not without pride call themselves "Dexter neighbors."
  • Summary brother and sister in the film (Michael Si Hall and Jennifer Carpenter) During the filming, they managed to get married and divorce.
  • Michael Si Hall, doctors revealed an oncological disease. A man struggled with cancer, not stopping participation in the project, and won it.


It remains only to play life and hope that someday I will understand the rules. The problems of other people are always easier than your own. When it covers paranoia, it seems to us that everyone talks about us. Today I will shook as usual - pants, shirt and pretense.


  • 2004 - "Dormant Dexector Demon"
  • 2005 - "Good friend Dexter"
  • 2007 - "Dexter in the darkness"
  • 2009 - Dexter in Business
  • 2010 - "Dexter Delicates"
  • 2011 - "Double Dexter"
  • 2013 - "Last Double Dexter"
  • 2015 - "Dexter dead"


  • 2006-2013 - Dexter

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