Stars who studied at the same school: Russian, Hollywood


School friends in most people remain loyal and devotees over long. Among the stars a lot of those who studied together at school, and whose school friendship remained in adulthood.

Jesse Jay and Adel

The future famous singers were classmates and studied together in the prestigious British Art School Brit. The same educational institution graduated from Leon Lewis. On Changes, Jesse Jay and Adel arranged joint vocal performances for friends to the guitar accompaniment, who became a good friendly tradition. Having matured, the stars stopped communicating for a period of time, but later restored friendly relations.

Paris Hilton and Kim Kardashian

In the younger school, two future stars were sitting together at one desk. Friendship binds secular liones and in adult life - they communicate and periodically celebrate holidays together. It was Paris Hilton who inspired a girlfriend to create a reality show and joined Kim Kardashian to American Bohemia.

Kim confessed in an interview that she was fully owned by his career and popularity. As a sign of gratitude, she starred in Paris clip, and the work was carried out at night due to a dense schedule.

Chez Bono and Jennifer Aniston

Hollywood actress Jennifer Aniston and daughter Singer Sher Cestiti Bono in school youth studied in one class of high school of theatrical arts in New York and were close friends. They spent a lot of time together after class. However, in adult life, their path was separated: Aniston dedicated himself to acting art, and Cestiti took up music and writing, and also changed the floor, becoming a man.

Nicole Kidman and Naomi Watts

Future actresses met in the Sydney School for girls and became close girlfriends. After graduating from studying, Nicole Kidman and Naomi Watts did not stop communicating, supported and rescued each other in difficult situations. When Kidman divorced Tom Cruise, Naomi invited a girlfriend to live at home. Watts also abandoned the role of a role in the film "Translator", which Nicole dreamed of.

Kira Puttinskaya and Alla Pugacheva

The TV presenter and Primaudonna in the Moscow School and retained friendly relations for many years. Girls drew attention to each other thanks to the external similarity - red hair and creative abilities. In the life of girlfriends, conflicts happened - they were fell in love with one guy, which Alla Pugacheva was still chosen from a friend.

It is noteworthy that Kira Puttinskaya, telling the details of school friendship with a classmate, provoked the emergence of disputes about the real age of Alla Borisovna. The fact is that Pugacheva was born in 1949, and Putinskaya - in 1945.

Sergey Lazarev and Ekaterina Volkov

The future star of the series "Voronina" Ekaterina Volkov and the popular Russian singer Sergey Lazarev studied in parallel grades and spent a lot of time together at school and beyond. Friends founded the KVN team and often stripped school classes.

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